• #8152
Magnus Backstedt was over 90kg wasn't he?
• #8153
94kg according to the unimpeachable source that is Wikipedia.
I suspect Eros and Magnus could both produce a wattage technically described as "fucking mental"
• #8154
What percentage body fat?
• #8155
This made sense to me.
Just skim read this. Average fair... Useful recipes/ meal planners if you're into that sort of thing. Probably going to be the right boot up the arse for me, but I wouldn't necessarily recommend it as weight loss material.
• #8156
What would you recommend then?
• #8157
Any variety of free sites.
For example, is as decent a starting place as any.Secondly, there is substantial return to relatively old science of nutrition for training and weight control- of which Shoosh already has access to.
Thirdly, it seems obsessed with differentiating 'non-athletes' from endurance athletes, as if that really matters.
Fourthly, it requires a significant training load- which is fine for you, and me to a large extent, but may not be suitable for everyone.
Or god-forbid. This thread. Between the cake posts and the bitching*.
*of which I am naturally blameless....
• #8158
Incidentally, if you really want to lose weight. Current evidence is that this works pretty damn well:
http://www.stickk.comI can't say I'd recommend it unless you're super desperate.
• #8159
Thanks, but I have been pretty good for the past few months, so don't need the extra incentive.
What I am looking for is realistic and practical advice which promotes sensible weight loss, and advises on refuelling with training.
If, as you say, they are reverting to old nutrition programmes, then I will go back to the books that I already have.
• #8160
Or god-forbid. This thread. Between the cake posts and the bitching*.
Did someone say cake?
• #8161
What I am looking for is realistic and practical advice which promotes sensible weight loss, and advises on refuelling with training..
There's nothing new in the book.
Rough summary:
Calculate from your %body fat your lean mass weight (i.e. 100-bf%) and from that calculate your optimal weight from optimal BF- but be realistic...
1.2g protein/kg/ day
Balance your carb intake with training amount and weight:
Range/day: (commuting only)<4hr- 1g/kg to >25hr(hippy)2.5g/kg
Take Omega 3.
Decreasing amount of carb, but never 0, through day, compensated with increasing amount of protein.Before HARD exercise:
up to 100g carbs in preceding 4hrs.
Aim for the 30-60g/hr carb intake. Plus if its proper endurance sprinkle some protein in there.Train yourself to recognise and respond to 'true' hunger and from there establish how much you actually need to eat in a day.
Give yourself tests to ensure you're not losing muscle> fat weight.
And for the beginning of the training season, you can probably just about deal with a daily deficit of sub 500cal, for a little while till you've lost the beginning bit of flab.
All of this has been said in this thread before.
• #8162
Yes it does matter where the calories come from.
Training should be 80% high volume, low intensity, 20% above the lactic acid threshold. This can shift to 70:30.
And go to the gym more. -
• #8163
The key to exercise and diet in my opinion is fuelling rather than refuelling.
I did two long runs last weekend, and whilst I was able to survive off 2 energy bars and a bit of breakfast for over 8 hours if running between the two runs, I have spent the last 7 days hunting down every bit of food I can find, double lunches, cookies, afternoon, snacks and second dinners have all been fair game.
I don't know what the amount I need to stop this happening but in honing to shoot for 50g of carb per hour for the next few weeks as well as eating something appropriate before endurance activities.
I feel like "the hunger" has now subsided, but I'm going to have to get back into my eating routine again, which shouldn't be too hard as it still involves lots of things I like to eat.
• #8164
Haha lol. I can relate to this, I think its a good state to be in though. How nature intended, and healthy when there are so many convenient sugar/carb sources around.
But fuelling wise, its good to start carb loading the day before for sports activities. There is a limited amount you can get in on the day and cramming really fast might make you feel bloated and lethargic, but the night before it will just help you sleep. You burn quite a few calories while sleeping too, so if you dont load up the evening before you will really be starting on empty in the morning.
If you are trying to stay as lean as conveniently possible while fuelling the exercise, best to stay low-moderate carb at all other times apart from evening before exercise and post exercise.
If you rely on bread & pasta as a major carb source I would also suggest taking a general mineral supplement as the phytic acid interferes with mineral absorption, and actually removes some from your digestive tract.
• #8165
I have spent the last 7 days hunting down every bit of food I can find, double lunches, cookies, afternoon, snacks and second dinners have all been fair game.
.Thats the feeling!
But fuelling wise, its good to start carb loading the day before for sports activities. There is a limited amount you can get in on the day and cramming really fast might make you feel bloated and lethargic, but the night before it will just help you sleep. You burn quite a few calories while sleeping too, so if you dont load up the evening before you will really be starting on empty in the morning
Thanks. I think I've been missing out on the carbs, because I cut out pasta and reduced my bread intake. Explains why I feel I've been running on empty.
• #8166
I am officially on a diet.
I'm in awesome shape right now from a general perspective. I was critised at rugby last night for being a runt of a front row player. But from the veiw of someone with a packed road biking season. I am a fecking tank. I'm a full 1 1/2 kg heavier than that Poli dude, and I very much doubt I'm putting out even half his watts.
Started my diet last night by eating an entire cambenbert that my inlaws had brought back from France. Washed Down With an entire Box of after eights.
• #8167
me too!
now if i could just avoid going out for dinner every night this week, id be able to eat healthily and do some exercise!
72kg or thereabouts so 1kg up on pre easter, but a big weekend of activity and hopefully healthy eating should get me back on track..
• #8168
I feel pretty light and fast running. Despite not really having lost much since last year. When I competed in contact rugby. I Guess thats because I've lowered my fat %. Thus I'm a little more powerful, and the weight I have moves less. So I feel it less.
• #8169
Someone talk to me about beans and lentils. Are they a good balance of carbs and proteins? I'm eating lean meat too, but the majority of my diet is pulse based at the moment.
• #8170
Unless you buy into the looney-tunes "science" behind Paleo, beans and lentils are very healthy foods and yes, you can get plenty of protein in. The ratio alters dramatically between different varieties: http://www.healthaliciousness.com/articles/beans-legumes-highest-protein.php
• #8171
I wrote this a while back.
But as Bruce says. Pulses =awesometastic -
• #8172
is there are spreadsheet for this year?
• #8173
Lentils FTW.
• #8174
is there are spreadsheet for this year?
No but it can be arranged.
As soon as exams are through- I'm going to do one of those 10 week challenges, and see what happens... (May start it next week during exams).
Full commitment for summer.
Need to get leaner and stronger for the next forum track day. -
• #8175
Nah, buy some carbonzzz. Actually putting any kind of prep work in is cheating.
Eros Poli, 6'4" winner of the Ventoux stage of the 1994 TdF, was 83kg at that point.
Which I admit is a Cool Story, Bro, but I was impressed.