• #127
its all about the genetics pj, the ass is where it should be, I'm now drinking as much rose, as I can possibly can. Its summer and it is my drink of my choice...
• #128
it's actually summer here too for once Corny. You're missing out on a genuine corker of an English summer dude. I can imagine how gutted you are over there..
• #129
Ketosis is when you have no liver glycogen apparently (Checking on wikipedia..) so either after bonking, or starvation. You'll be burning fat whatever you do, just in different proportions with glycogen stores depending on available oxygen from the blood.
I think.
Not necessarily. Overconsumption of "rich" (fatty) foods will also lead to it, i.e., gout. But I'm sure you have to do some pretty crap stuff or have a genetic predisposition to it to get it young. I think what I was mentioning early, cos I always go off half-cocked, is that it seems to me that if you eliminate carbs and eat a high-fat diet, this would likely lead to this sort of problem. But then, I shouldn't talk about things I'm not 100% sure on. THis is just stuff half-remembered from school 6 years ago.
• #130
reported for over use of this week's tedious forum catch phrase.
He didn't say anything about the ladies forum.
• #131
He didn't say anything about the ladies forum.
Reported for over-use of this week's tedious forum catchphrase. :)
• #132
Wiganwill, jayloo, Schick and MrsMyth all on a thread about weight loss. What do they know about the subject? I have lost more weight in the past decade than the four of them have ever owned combined. Go on, show off your svelt physiques to us fatties and hold the moral high ground, why don't you.
• #133
I've been off the bike for months, Clive. When you next see me, you'll need to do a double take, as you won't be able to see all of me in one go.
• #134
I would suggest the daily plate.
The foods are updated by users so just about everything you eat you can find on there and it includes all the nutritional information. Plus, once you've input your meals you can just click a meal and it will load all the information on the whole meal.
They say you need to eat 500 calories less (or burn 500 calories more) a day to burn 1 pound per week. If you're serious then you'll have to start counting calories, and this is the easiest way to do it. They've even got an App for it so you can do it on the fly!
• #135
Henry I would also consider your body composition rather than purely your weight, i.e what % of body fat do you have? Im 6'1 and weigh just under 100kg (15 and bit stone) which according to my GP's BMI calculations makes me borderline clinically obese. However I only have 13% body fat which is below average.
• #136
it seems to me that if you eliminate carbs and eat a high-fat diet, this would likely lead to this sort of problem.
Can't argue with that - eliminating any macro-nutrients from the diet is going to cause all sorts of problems.
• #137
I've been off the bike for months, Clive. When you next see me, you'll need to do a double take, as you won't be able to see all of me in one go.
- fatty *
- fatty *
• #138
fuck this eat less shit
exercise more and justify eating more
• #139
What's the deal with water intake with respect to weight loss? It's certainly a good thing for plenty of reasons, but I often see it recommended when people talk about losing weight..
It it simply because if you're full of water you'll be less hungary, or does being well hydrated increase your resting metabolic rate somehow?
• #140
Water fills you up. Drink pleanty during meals. I find fizzy water is good - a little more interesting than still water and it helps to make you feel full.
• #141
Interval training?
• #142
some places also suggest drinking ice water, due to not understanding what a kcal actually is, or what maths is.
• #143
I think Hobo has made the best point on this thread- I don't really give a monkeys what I weigh, however I would very much like to get my body fat % down.
Quite a lot in fact- Henry, if we can find a reliable body fat % measuring technique I would be happy to have a competition based on that metric?
• #144
some places also suggest drinking ice water, due to not understanding what a kcal actually is, or what maths is.
Maybe because it harder to drink? ....*wait *The water is supposed to be "filling" you up, so surely drinking more is better.
A calorie is the amount of energy required to heat one litre of water by one degree (I think) so perhaps they think warm water somehow contains digestable calories?
• #145
Not necessarily. Overconsumption of "rich" (fatty) foods will also lead to it, i.e., gout. But I'm sure you have to do some pretty crap stuff or have a genetic predisposition to it to get it young. I think what I was mentioning early, cos I always go off half-cocked, is that it seems to me that if you eliminate carbs and eat a high-fat diet, this would likely lead to this sort of problem. But then, I shouldn't talk about things I'm not 100% sure on. THis is just stuff half-remembered from school 6 years ago.
Exactly this type of diet is becoming very popular. (look at fads like paleo diet)
People like inuits have traditionally eaten purely this type of diet, just seals and a few fish.Just fat & protein. Apparantly you get used to it.
• #146
usually the maths involves calories not kilo calories
• #147
Can I just say that It's great someone has started a thread like this, I thought about starting a similar one recently.
I think the hardest bit is making yourself eat smaller portions after exercising. I used to find it so easy to cycling home (20 miles) after work and eat twice as much but got there in the end. Keep to this routine and you'll lost weight easily.
Also drink plenty of water, I easily drink 3 litres a day, if your hungry proteins are good as they generally contain less calories and will fill you up more. You body also has to work harder to break these down.
I still eat carbs, good ones anyway but keep an eye on them and try not to eat them in the evening, as generally people don't exercise much after an evening meal.
• #148
some places also suggest drinking ice water, due to not understanding what a kcal actually is, or what maths is.
Maybe because it harder to drink? ....*wait *The water is supposed to be "filling" you up, so surely drinking more is better.
A calorie is the amount of energy required to heat one litre of water by one degree (I think) so perhaps they think warm water somehow contains digestable calories?
I'm going to guess they suggest ice water because it will in fact use energy to heat up the water/keep your stomach warm in spite of the ice cold water. Therefore you will be both hydrated, and give your belly a little workout.
• #149
skin fold!
• #150
drinking gallons of iced water is supposedly because of heating the water, but will use about 20 kcal so not really worth it.
As long as that magnificent batty is all present and correct when you get back Cornbread. Some things ain't for slimmin'.