• #3977
He may have taken a shit on the bonnet but the camera was facing the wrong way, when you're a real cyclist you can fit it in without the general retardapublic noticing.
• #3978
^ Ninjashit...
• #3979
Hi all - please have a read if you're in the area, or use it, or just think this is a great idea for London wide. Haringey Council are consulting on a Borough-wide 20 mph speed limit. There could be opposition, so the more the more support the better!
Please go to:
http://haringey.gov.uk/index/environment_and_transport/roadsandstreets/roadsafety/roadsafetyconsultations/20mph.htm[/COLOR][/FONT] -
• #3980
I always thought Green Lanes was a TFL road (not that it's clear enough to go over 20mph normally).
It seems somewhat short of details on how the limit will be enforced.
• #3981
Green Lanes isn't on the TLRN (Transport for London Road Network):
I think that it is on the SRN (Strategic Road Network) from Manor House northwards. This is a different subset of London's street network which effectively permits TfL a veto on schemes there, although they are not the highway authority. South of Manor House, Green Lanes is just a principal borough road.
• #3982
BN08VRG - "You're not even dressed like a cyclist!" - YouTube
"go get your cycling gear on then talk to me"
" you need to cycle on the left of the road don't you know the law"
meanwhile speeding, the wrong way round a roundabout, and on the phone
fucking hell
If she's dangerously close, and not altering her behavioiur any time soon, then why doesn't he just let her past?
Being safe > being right.
Top marks for being an indignant self-righteous passive-aggressive camera-wearing douche nozzle though.
• #3983
^^ This.
Even in the highway code, they make a big deal of that (letting them go, not letting it get to you, and report if necessary).
The only (possible) reason he spoken to her is because he got a camera on.
• #3984
That young lady is a shit driver and a worse thinker.
Something which will be utterly unchanged by the cyclist confronting her like that. So what's the point?
If someone's a cunt, always has been a cunt, and in all probability is always going to be a cunt, surely the appropriate course of action is applying cunt-avoidance techniques rather than making a massive effort to remain in close proximity with them, so you can tell them they're a cunt?
• #3985
Be considerate. Be careful of and considerate towards all types of road users, especially those requiring extra care (see Rule 204). You shouldtry to be understanding if other road users cause problems; they may be inexperienced or not know the area well
be patient; remember that anyone can make a mistake
not allow yourself to become agitated or involved if someone is behaving badly on the road. This will only make the situation worse. Pull over, calm down and, when you feel relaxed, continue your journey
slow down and hold back if a road user pulls out into your path at a junction. Allow them to get clear. Do not over-react by driving too close behind to intimidate them
do not throw anything out of a vehicle, for example, cigarette ends, cans, paper or carrier bags. This can endanger other road users, particularly motorcyclists and cyclists. -
• #3986
Come on.
Turning the other cheek is an admirable thing to do. Pretty much as admirable as taking a stand against people who are clearly in the wrong in a way that endangers others..
The alternative to being an indignant self-righteous passive-aggressive camera-wearing douche nozzle is not always turning the other cheek.It's not even necessarily being admirable.
It's just not being an indignant self-righteous passive-aggressive camera-wearing douche nozzle .
Irrespective of the shitehawk in the car.
If he is so concerned about the dangers of the car up his arse, then what the fuck is he doing allowing that to continue? To prove a point? ISRPACWDN in extremis.
There are two shit thinkers in that video.
• #3987
The alternative to being an indignant self-righteous passive-aggressive camera-wearing douche nozzle is to #kidneypunch™
• #3988
The world would be a fucking shit place if everyone was a passive aggressive wanker who picked up on everyone who was in the wrong.
I lol'd.
• #3989
There is no easy answer.
Except there is an easy answer, in the circumstances of the video above, no matter what straw men you build or false-dichotomys you apply. -
• #3990
Snorted at the cartoon splash at the end, made the rest of the room look up!
• #3991
{logged more black smog coming out of a black cab exhaust - hopefully another vehicle to be fixed-up soon..}
• #3992
^ You indignant self-righteous passive-aggressive black-smoke-logging douche nozzle!
• #3993
The middle ground, and correct answer is to shit on her bonnet.
• #3994
Always shit on the bonnet.
• #3995
So the spectrum goes
Passive-aggressive camera-wankydom <> Shit on bonnet <> Do nothing
Where does mands' suggestion of the time-honoured kidneypunch fit into the spectrum of responses? I'd struggle to view the kidneypunch option as 'the middle ground' but maybe I'm a bit soft.
• #3996
Shit on their kidney.
• #3997
Punch their bonnet.
• #3998
Kidney punching is for exposed, vulnerable cyclists, bonnet shitting is for drivers in their armored boxes. Drivers in a convertible with the top down can be available for either at the users discretion.
• #3999
I'm seriously going to practice laying a turd while cycling... The ultimate deterant to tailgating.
• #4000
TW2! don't argue with Jeez! otherwise we'll have several pages of argument about how his point isn't exactly clear.
Obviously not.
No D-Locking or taking a shit on the bonnet.
Such a n00b...