• #2877
Hippy; do robot moderators dream of electric merges?
• #2878
I'm writing an auto-merge feature now. I'll ask it.
• #2879
This was a good idea Neil..
Hippy where is the Edscoble epic tyre fitting thread? I wanted to point Joe Smith to it as he was crying about fitting tyres.
Seriously..I can't find it, I think it's the sugar crash affecting my brain.
• #2882
ha, that's it - brilliant.
• #2883
SRMs are lovely but too expensive and a bit of a pain to swap between bikes compared to PT. I can't remember which Pompino thread we were talking about.
• #2884
http://www.lfgss.com/thread10373.html but the link is old.
http://www.planet-x-bikes.co.uk/i/q/FROOP/on-one-pompino-frame £165 at the moment.
• #2885
The SRM's would be ideal for my SystemSix though no?
Any downsides?
Apart from the obvious moving to a standard crankset before going to the Alps of course.
• #2886
I've never used them personally but I've heard they need to be calibrated every ride (PTs do it automatically). Other than that they're solid kit. But they will go for loads of coin usually. I think used maybe £1k? I'm not really up with their different models.
• #2887
Oh, it's just the fucking head unit anyway dude, not the cranks! So it's useless to you.
"Does not include the Si Crankarms or Bottom Bracket"
• #2888
Aye, but I've seen the cranks go pretty cheap.
I've got the CF compact cranks, so no detachable spider- I would need the standard SI cranks.
Hey ho, I'll watch it and see what they go for.
I was thinking that as they a) need cranks and b) are meant for a C-dale they might go for a bit less than usual.
• #2890
That's £300 though. Perhaps it was the one Dammit was thinking off.. I was trippin balls on sugar though.
• #2891
Thread success!
• #2892
Hippy: what's this thread got that this one http://www.lfgss.com/thread31874.html hasn't?
• #2893
My name in the title.
and a humorous off-forum related incident. Like the others it will be merged when the joke has passed. Don't fret princess.
• #2894
Care to share the joke with the rest of the class?
• #2895
You had to be there.
• #2896
I shall take the opportunity to laugh heartily anyway.
• #2897
You have to have a mug of tea ready before you laugh Will, otherwise it does not count.
• #2898
I'm going to bed. The Ask Hippy service is now offline for maintenance until further notice.
• #2899
You have to have a mug of tea ready before you laugh Will, otherwise it does not count.
If I am at my PC then I have a mug of tea to hand. I can't see how anyone could operate otherwise. In fact, if I am awake and at home I have a mug of tea to hand. Except in the bath. Or on the toilet.
Hippy: would it be wrong of me to start drinking tea in the bath or on the toilet? -
• #2900
I am going to use ask hippy as my new search engine
i can't be fucked with google or the forum search, so if i need to find the edscoble puncture repair thread i shall just start a "where is the edscoble puncture repair thread?" thread every 2 minutes until mergatron comes along.
our lives will be so much easier
hehe yeah
I know the one.
warms up ban button