• #5252
Without meaning to rub it in, they've been running the code all through July, if you bought it this month it might be worth chucking them an email and explaining?
• #5253
They are crazy rude over email. Would not bother.
• #5254
Really? I didn't have problems when asking lots of stupid tech questions over a small £12 purchase
• #5255
Ultegra 6600 are silver. The newer versions are light grey which is the colour most hubs turn after a week in the UK anyway and you could polish them if you were really a tart. I wanted the DA because black but price, no thanks.
• #5256
What was the code out of interest? I did use a discount code already though. I'm not that cheesed off as I paid £170. Still, it's a few beers.
• #5257
PAVEDEAL was the code.
• #5258
It still works.
• #5259
So much fail... just checked. ordered the wheels 29/06.
I'd say at £144.90 they are an absolute bargain.
• #5260
That's good, just ordered a pair.
• #5261
Your welcome.
• #5262
Heavy fuckers though...
• #5263
Yeah it's active for the whole of July. Got myself a pair as well.
• #5264
I'm at bit late on this, but my wife has DT Swiss R24 and I have Fulcrum Racing 5LG, and I would definitely go for former over latter having ridden both. The R24's are nicer in all respects in my opinion.
• #5265
Are vittoria latex inner tubes prone to exploding? Just fitted two and both of them blew out at seemingly random points at about 50 psi
Needless to say, I'm mad af
• #5266
Yeah fuck em
• #5267
Not really. You probably twisted or pinched them?
• #5268
user error
• #5269
Are vittoria latex inner tubes prone to exploding?
I've been using them this year and they've been fine, much better than Michelin.
• #5271
They're incredibly easy to pinch and the valve failed on one of mine too. I've still got one in the front wheel but I can't really tell the difference over a butyl tube. They're too expensive to risk having them explode.
• #5272
Stopped bothering with latex a while ago. They're nice, but they're unreliable and not worth the faff IMO. If rolling resistance and avoiding pinch flats is that important to you, just get tubs...
• #5273
• #5274
Ugh. Mess. Maybe for cross if I did that. Clinchers are fine for road, tubs for track.
• #5275
Mile 1941 today; zero issues; flats etc. I talc'd them pre-install.
Also have tubs with latex tubes; even nicer.
Oh man, I bought a pair 3 weeks ago. grumbles...