• #2777
lol ta Hippy, just browsed myself on the T-mobs website - realised I was asking unintelligent questions that I could find info for myself"!
Spenceey, have you tried pushing it until it clicks? or it just ownt go any further?
"Or you don't actually have a Desire, but some other Android phone."
Horatio, ta, but i'm not that bad!, granted it may have seemed that way..
Muchas gracias for the patience Hippy, Horatio, good luck Spenceey!
• #2779
^ better than Opera? Worth paying for over Opera?
• #2780
I'm noticing some subtle but noticeable improvements.
• #2781
Mine seems faster by a fair amount.... i havent used opera on android just the stock one and dolphin, i would recommend giving it a try see if it works for you... dont wanna recommend you buying one incase you dont like it!!
all in all a good day for the galaxy s:
lag fixed
browser at top speed -
• #2782
I've just DL the freebie to play with
• #2783
pissed - just got phone volleyed between T-Mobs and hTC.
"its not us its them, its not us its them, its their phone! you're on their network!"When I leave the office I'm gonna give T-Mobs 10 pennies worth. they didn't want me talking to tech support or somthing. giving me this "branded" un branded phone nonsense.
Opera! hmmmm.. gonna check that out!
• #2784
Argh, apparently 2.1 is due end of this week or the next. Do I stay loyal or fuck it and root it?!
• #2785
Stay loyal, then give 2.1 a good trial. If its just not good enough, root the f*cker. :D
• #2786
I had an update on my phone today, got really excited thinking 2.2 had finally been released on it. Alas it was just another version of 2.1
• #2787
Comments mean jack shit in most of these tech articles. Anonymous, ignorant 14 year olds crying because their phone isn't the best for Quake don't really do much for me.
If you read this thread (below) you will note that the Galaxy S's claimed 90M triangle rendering is bollocks and it is currently limited to less than the DHD (~45M). This is still only GPU performance and only any interest to gamers.
Having used Desire, Desire HD and Galaxy S. in normal non-gaming use the DHD is certainly faster, followed by the Desire and THEN the GS.
I stand
erectedcorrected. -
• #2788
Is 2.2 available for HTC WildFire? T-Mobile.
• #2789
T-Mobile sends German Android 2.2 update to Blighty ?? (could be a red herring)
Eh, WTF?!! You mean my mobile phone might now sprechen ze raasclaart?
• #2790
ha, raasclaart
2.2 going fine here. still trying to find all the changes. I like the fact you can rotate the screen both ways
• #2791
Is 2.2 available for HTC WildFire? T-Mobile.
• #2792
Regarding music player, I've been using 3[cubed] which is flash as hell, but actually quite functional too.
• #2793
++ ^^^^ Ta Branwen, gonna searcg the market now.
1 - call TMob - "ello TMob blah blah, 2.2 update sure send you a txt sir, Gee ta
2 - Link in text to hTC webbsite - no page found
3 - 4 calls - T-Mob its hTC you need. hTC its TMob you need. T-Mob really sorry but its hTC you need. hTC Mate really sorry you are Tmob branded nothing to do with hTC.took a break abd called back today
4 - TMob - its hTC you need. Me - No gimmetech support - ok hold -........ phone connects 2 times as she checks if the line is clear before i hang up!!
psssssd call back- BTCH put me through to tech support!
Hello blah blah TMob tech support - Me, when do I get 2.2?
tech - dunno, we dont know anything!!!!!!!!!!This is the first time i ordered a phone direct from tmob! never again. I dont wanna unlock it for fear sumink will go wrong. Charles dunstun can have my money.
• #2794
Got my update from T-mobile on Sunday. Have you forced the phone to check for system update?
Menu->Settings->About phone->System software updates->Check now
• #2795
Take it to a shop. Not working updating? Ask for a new one.
(I don't know if this will work, but it's worth a try)
• #2796
Gmail 2.3 is out on the market now.
So is Twidroid/Twidroyd 4 - check out its new LiveFeed. Pretty cool.
• #2797
Gmail 2.3 is out on the market now.
So is Twidroid/Twidroyd 4 - check out its new LiveFeed. Pretty cool.
any info on Gmail 2.3?
i never really liked the Gmail app so have always used the phone's own mail client/app/program
• #2798
What's wrong with Gmail? I only use the gmail app. I had work emails on the phone once with the HTC email client but couldn't be arsed living and breathing work 24hrs. Killed it off. Gmail does what I want but I'm using gmail on PCs most of the day anyway so I don't use it 'that' much.
• #2799
Other half dropped his Wildfire screen down tonight, the screen is fucked, big crack across it and funny lines all over the screen. Luckily he has accidental damage insurance (still in the free first month, was about to cancel).
He did drop it with some force, but I'm still surprised how easy it was to do. Scary stuff.
• #2800
O2 fixed my i7500 screen for ~£40.
You should be getting an update soon (you are running an old version of the software). I guess T-Mobile hasn't made it universally available. Check time from time to see if it pops up.
Or you don't actually have a Desire, but some other Android phone.