• #52
There was also an instance of superglueing the big eared kid's ears back, as a kind of well meant but primitive surgical procedure. His eyebrows may or may not have been set fire to later in the day to kind of cancel out any positive effect this had on his appearance however. He was generally called 'dumbo'.
Was this ok?
• #53
Maybe he didn't know the origins of the word?
• #54
if ever there was a thread designed for a poll...
• #55
I was a nipper when Blue Peter featured Joey, and believe me the 'mong' hand in front of chin thing started the very next day at school, only we used to shout 'Joeyyyyyy' not 'Belm'. Belm is a recent thing I reckon, it wasn't said at the time
we were OG 'Joeyyyyyyy' all the way
Belm simply describes the sticking your tongue behind and beneath your lower lip, it has nothing to do with Joey, Jeez has been misled by urban dictionary
• #56
^^^ EEI is at college I think. he'll be on later.
• #57
it would seem that there are a lot of people with lower ethical standards than me.
Says the forum's favourite estate agent...
• #58
When I said "regard" I meant "it is fucking obvious that people cannot help their sex, sexuality, skin colour or whether they suffer from a mental or physical disability. This is entirely different from someone religious or political beliefs which are a matter of personal choice."
Your a regard
• #59
• #60
Jeez, all very well coming on here and morally posturing, but where were you when Justin Bieber needed you most?
• #62
Sometimes I think that Jeez has me on ignore.
• #63
You make the world a much worse place.
• #64
And by the way, I never got the memo which tells people not to try to make the world a better place unless they are perfect in every way themselves - can you re-send it?
I think it came at the same time as the one about being careful when you get on high horses
• #65
Or just not being a massive pelmet.
• #66
can we still have bell chief?
• #67
fucking kill me now. in the head. the forum has died.
• #68
^^as someone with a native american name (and no ancestry) you offend the people from whom my parents stole my name.
• #69
at least it's not HB's fault this time... or is it?
• #70
it probably is.
• #71
You belm.
• #72
Damo started it, seriously...
• #73
Is anal amigo still ok or is that too pro/anti homosexual? It's dual use so you can be all like "hey my anal amigo, how you doing bud?" for a friend or all "fuck, what an anal amigo" as a homo slur.
So glad we have jeez here to sort all the confusing words out, he isn't being a knob wrangler or anything.
• #74
That's an interesting question, I mean, is 'knob-jockey' unacceptable because it infers homosexual behaviour as someone who enjoys riding penis (peni?) in the same way that 'rug muncher' is considered a slur as it infers a predilection for cunnilingus (even though I think most people, lesbian or straight, would admit that cunnilingus is quite a nice activity to be engaged in)
I don't feel that they are weighted the same. I'm considering enlisting Gwyneth Paltrow to help raise awareness of the terrible effect that calling someone a knob jockey could have on their day or outlook.
And when my Gran says that someone 'sits on the wrong side of the bus' should I reprimand her even though she is speaking in metaphors?
Please Jeez, elaborate.
• #75
I think you'll find it is offensive when used offensively, and absolutely fine when used in private with a friend who you know will not be offended.
HTH. You're not particularly clever are you? Or are you trolling? Don't bother responding. Ignored.
So you are fine with it so long as they don't make public displays of affection?
Ban him!