• #6227
Anyone got any idea what this is below my boy's eye? Can't work out whether it's just a bit of ingrained dirt/sleep or something more parasitey. We tried washing and gently brushing it out, but it didn't come easily and I didn't want to go too hard in case it is attached to him. Doesn't seem to be bothering him, but I wonder if I should go get it checked out or I'm just being paranoid.
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• #6228
James routinely gets crusty bits there, it's his eyes watering in response to something, I usually remove it by gently pulling it down away from his eye with my thumb. It doesn't require much pressure though - if this does then it maybe something else.
• #6229
Cheers, yeah it's definitely pretty firmly stuck. Tbh looks more like a spot or wart, he's only one but I guess that's possible. Will probably get it checked out if it stays there.
• #6230
My glove tan line is the opposite of Fleur's paw markings...
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• #6231
: ]
• #6232
Just eye poo as Missis Rich G calls it. Only worry if the eye looks puffy and has discharge, conjuctivitus is comon in cats but easily treated with eye drops...good luck getting them in though.
• #6233
Fluerrrr is looking very at home now. Such a cute looking cat. Nice tan lines also ;)
• #6234
It's actually the little dot just below the eye poo. Didn't come out too well in the photo as it's so tiny. I wonder it's a little scab from a swipe as he's been meeting the neighborhood cats recently and although he's not at all fighty, he's not the most socially adept yet. gonna keep an eye on it and see if it goes by itself.
• #6235
Ha she is soooooooooooooo cute!!!!!
• #6236
She's getting there, still no lap cat but she's spending more time flomped around us now and is becoming quite vocal.
She also likes running around upside down along the underside of the sofa..
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• #6237
Ah i see now, could be a little scratch, cats are pretty sturdy things Keep an eye on it like you said.
• #6238
Very cool, i find with the foster cats once they find there voice it generlly means they are getting more happy arround us and on there way to owning us
• #6239
It's late.
Wet Cat has come in, i am combining forum shopping and egg on toast with white wine in bed.
Cat wants my egg on toast.
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• #6240
I get to eat 90% of my egg on toast.
Wet cat has gone off outside to play in the rain
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• #6241
Mine have recently learned how to open the bedroom door and are proceeding to do it routinely every morning before a time I'm willing to get up. Tried the spray bottle but it doesn't seem to deter them. Any other tactics I can employ before just removing the door handle entirely?!
• #6242
Accept your fate
• #6244
Vaseline on the handle,
What could go wrong?
• #6245
Turned out to be nothing. Just got him back from my Mum.
• #6246
I think Mosley is thinking about killing me......again.
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• #6247
Sat in the greenhouse where jackson usually sits, he appeared in the doorway and stared at me with his ears back until I became uncomfortable and vacated:
• #6248
I know what you mean...."this is my place c**t". Cats run tingz!
• #6249
This lovely cat keeps on visiting us in out flat. Very vocal, but clearly domesticated, as it's very happy to curl up on the bed/on a lap and snooze.
We let it in from the rain earlier, but we don't want to steal someone's cat. My girlfriend is keen to feed it as it's a bit thin and keeps returning, crying at our door - how bad of an idea is this? I don't want it to "adopt us" as I don't want to steal it away from someone else.
What do I do? -
• #6250
Don't feed it, it may have special dietary requirements.
Ask out/put notice up etc.
I am going to steal all of that cats love...and cuteness.