• #1927
0715 is not a sensible time.
• #1928
My cat knows better than to wake me in the middle of the night. id just throw my phone at its head.
• #1929
0715 is not a sensible time.
what is a sensible time for you then??
• #1930
She has food, she always has food. She just wants to be a pain in the ass. She can if she wanted to, either sleep peacefully on my bed or nap on my chair to wait for me to wake up at sensible time, like 6 - 6:30am... but nah, she is just a fucking cat. ** I am not sure if I want to use water gun... seems a bit mean..**
You might only have to spray her gently once or twice. My cat runs now as soon as he sees me pick up the bloody thing, which is why he now knows that before 6am is snuggle time. You need to train her, that is all, You wouldn't expect that behaviour from a teenager, you'd expect them to learn,
And if your cat up wakes you up with dawn breaking it is going to get a whole lot worse after Sunday when the clocks go forward.
• #1931
what is a sensible time for you then??
I'm seriously considering getting out of bed now.
• #1932
ehrmagerd Opie is amazing! Is Bengal?
• #1933
ehrmagerd Opie is amazing! Is Bengal?
dont let him hear you say that, he already has an ego!
Yeah he's half Bengal, Half Norwegian Forest Cat ... so he's going to be BIG.
• #1934
whilst I'm on the laptop.
this is epic - trying to decide if i could get away with my binks wearing one...
• #1935
Kitteh saves the hand
• #1936
Thats awesome.
• #1937
haha amazing!
• #1938
My cat knows better than to wake me in the middle of the night. id just throw my phone at its head.
Our cat knows that being allowed to stay in the house at night is a privilege. Any funny business results in a swift ejection out of the back door regardless of conditions outside
• #1939
For realz, mine live downstairs at night and would be outside until morning if they were cunts. Doesn't stop one of them coming upstairs to bite my toes and nudge my head when my daughter goes downstairs in the morning though.
• #1940
Ours used to sleep in the bed with us (as per the pics up there^) but we had to put a stop to it because my gf kept getting eye infections from all the fur on the bedding.
We keep our bedroom door closed now and as long as we stay quiet they dont try to wake us up, as soon as there is even the slightest noise though they're both scratching at the door.
• #1941
I know what to get you for xmas then.
• #1942
I know what to get you for xmas then.
How do you know I dont already have one?
• #1943
There is always that risk with Xmas pressies but I'd assume from looking at you, if you do have one it'll be getting worn out.
• #1944
Hah :D
So Opie discovered last night that he can open doors, he launches himself at the door handle and makes a hell of a noise whilst he's at it.
So I woke up at 3am, 5am, 6am and then again at 7.15am to kick him out of the room. I shit myself the first time, I thought the house was getting raided or something.
I'm gonna have to formulate a plan to nip this in the bud straight away.
• #1945
wet lube
• #1946
Lock him outside
• #1947
Put chilli powder on all the door handles. That will learn him.
• #1948
Tried to have a reasoned debate with the cat about breakfest time has aways been 6am, not 4:30, she wouldn't listen... never try to have a debate with a cat, you will never win... I love her very much, but the broken sleep is slowly getting to me... shuting the door only makes it worse...
Just keep the door shut. Took mine about 4 days to get used to the idea that she can't sleep in my bed. But I do think it's better for her. I found out I sometimes in my sleep violently turn around and have my cat flying through the room and into a wall because she was sleeping on the blanket.
• #1949
Yesterday we discovered our cat has fleas, just combed about 20 of the little fuckers out of his fur (after doing about the same last night). This weekend will involve vacuuming and washing all soft furnishings. Any other tips on how to clear them out?
I just found out flea bombs are a thing. Should I just fill the house with them and nuke the bastards?
http://www.petsathome.com/shop/en/pets/flea-bomb -
• #1950
If you cat goes outside at all, it will get fleas. Just use topical treatment every so often, hoover the furniture and don't worry too much.
It's more sensible than 3:15 or 4:30... There is no way she'd wait till 7:15, which is when I usually get up...