• #302
Ok power fans, today: http://tpks.ws/enO9
4 hours 22 minutes, 70.6 miles, TSS of 328.
Lots of waiting around, a few punchy climbs, achilles pretty much recovered but no test done this week due to only having one leg for most of it.
TSS look reasonable?
• #303
Tempted by these..
http://www.cyclepowermeters.com/hed-jet-disc-powertap-g3c-873-p.asp -
• #304
Looks like it ticks all your boxes.
• #305
IF of 0.87 for over 4 hours is a pretty epic ride. How do you feel post ride? Gut reaction is to up your FTP - have you tested recently?
Seeing your PMC, then tracking your recovery from the ride would help diagnose? Are you willing to share?
• #306
Happy to share information, what format/how?
Post ride I had a shower and ate some cake, legs feel fine.
I do need to do a proper FTP test, at the moment it's set at 275 based purely on guesswork.
• #307
Do you keep a Performance Manager Chart (PMC)?
• #308
What kind of cake?
• #309
Banana cake.
• #310
PMC looks good - TSS figure of 328 sounds plausible as no red flags in the chart.
Do you feel that the TSS number is wrong?
• #311
I'm not familiar enough with the metric to really be able to say one way or another.
I'd characterise the ride today as "easy, with a couple of short efforts and a lot of waiting around".
• #312
If the ride felt easy then i'd say there's something wrong here. With a CTL <100 a ride of over 300 should feel hard and take a day of two to recover from.
What do your sessions over the next few days look like?
• #313
Lots of stops would have led to a high VI and bumped up NP (leading to an inflated TSS) - but the effect wouldn't he huge so the ride should still have felt very hard
• #314
Not sure right now, probably 100km ride with the Mrs tomorrow which will be a Z2 affair, then commute plus either an interval session or a longer Z2/3 ride after work.
• #315
If you're getting numbers that you don't have faith in, I would suggest validating a few things.
- FTP Test. 2x20 of 1x60
- Stomp Test/Calibration (depending what PM you have)
- Accurate Best Efforts Curve
Once you have these base lines, it is a lot easier to diagnose problems with individual sessions
Your training looks like it's going really well from your PCM, have you got any particular goals in mind?
- FTP Test. 2x20 of 1x60
• #316
Not sure right now, probably 100km ride with the Mrs tomorrow which will be a Z2 affair, then commute plus either an interval session or a longer Z2/3 ride after work.
This would give you more than your average weekly volume is just three days. It's certainly do able but you should be feeling pretty F#@ked come wednesday.
• #317
If there is an error in the TSS calculation is will likely come from either a hardware problem or an incorrect FTP. Doing the above will rule out the FTP error.
• #318
PM is an SRM, new last September, I've not calibrated it myself.
I definitely need to do an FTP test- I've not done one since last year.
Let me have a look for a best efforts curve.
• #319
Is this what you mean by best efforts?
• #320
^Do an NP one
• #321
That's the one
• #322
Where do I get that from- WKO?
• #323
Those are the two charts that I've found most useful. They are obviously very objective as they feed off your ride files. The trick is to have these match your subjective 'feelings' about how your training is going.
If they already do - keep training and have confidence in what the charts are giving you and plan your sessions based on the data you see here.
• #324
If they don't then there's tonnes of things that can be tried to match them up. There's some great resources online to educate yourself or you could get a coach to help.
• #325
I realise I've drifted quite far from the original question...
Didn't build a particularly stiff wheel thou...