• #552
Word on the street is that Ben's chiseled calves ain't what they once were.
Need new implants.
• #553
Please stop talking about calves. I've been complimented on my apparently magnificent 'fixie calves' loads recently.
EVERY TIME it's been from a dude. I'm starting to get worried.
• #554
Good work. When any female friends ask me if I have any single male friends the answer is always "LOADS. And they all have great legs." I neglect to mention that they are all bike nerds.
• #555
I can confirm this
• #556
Keep having thoughts about purchasing a practical wheelset and risers for this. Want to ride this all the time....
• #557
but think of all the filing you'd have to do
• #558
/ still have to do?
• #559
Good work. When any female friends ask me if I have any single male friends the answer is always "LOADS. And they all have great legs." I neglect to mention that they are all bike nerds.
...with beer bellies (:
• #560
Na all the filing has been done and the wheel slammed.
Oh well - Was my fault anyway, I used a file made for timber, once I actually got my hands on Spotter's metal file it took absolutely no time at all. I just wanna ride the shit out of this bike, these wheels are preventing me from doing so.
• #561
second wheels it is!
• #562
Obviously will keep the crabonz.
• #563
they'll look great on my bike
• #564
Take for a spin next time jake takes a nap
• #565
they'll look great in my bedroom under lock and key
ftfy :-)
• #566
there no lock on your room, i'm posting this from your desk
• #567
There is, I just don't have the key!
You'z a liar.
My mum and dog are visiting tomorrow by the way - I hope that is okay.
We need our own nun punchers sub forum to discuss all the cool shit we are going to be doing over the weekend.
• #568
or just talk more in real life.
I cam here to se the progress/damages on xanders nail file and I am bombarded with your mum and dog.
(oh and its fine, don't worry.)
• #569
Xander's nail file? What? Am I missing a joke or some shit?!
Ha - I haven't seen Spotter since pizza!
• #570
some housemates you are
(from he who hasn't seen 3 out of the other 4 of his housemates since tuesday, and won't till monday)
also, nun punchers gtfo >>>>
• #571
NLthundercuntsBMBC gtfo. We have heritage. We have prestige, we don't just let any old person in. Anyway - this has nothing to do with the Panasonic.
Wheels would be black archetypes laced to black halo's fo sho'.
• #572
don't do halo's brah, get something better.
• #574
I have Halo's. I love da Halo's.They're cheap and solid, no? I haven't done anything to mine whatsoever. I don't know what other hubs I would go for. Plus, Halo + Archetypes = £280. The only other thing I can think of that I'd buy would be Phil + Archetypes and that is closer to £500.
• #575
^^my god that is ghastly.
Yes, sorry.