• #26427
well i'm not talking about riding a roadbike in the city here wich is frustrating as hell
• #26428
well i'm not talking about riding a roadbike in the city here wich is frustrating as hell
Neither am I, I'm talking generally.
• #26430
So ace
• #26431
^^ ooh me likey
• #26433
on a beach without pedals....
• #26434
Chabanov's new bike:
• #26435
https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/894813_564969123533451_431408755_o.jpg 'Sigh' Another repost..
• #26436
https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/894813_564969123533451_431408755_o.jpg 'Sigh' Another Dos..
remove the bike and we have something to talk about.
• #26438
was talking about this earlier with some people but mr colossi himself definitely oks the frame with the backwards aero ST in this video
• #26439
Ha I remember that
• #26440
• #26441
He's only 59? He looks like he's in his 70's.
• #26442
He's only 59? He looks like he's in his 70's.
• #26443
I've ridden all types of bikes and I'll never go back to regular bikes. Never!!!! :)
quite easy to say that if you living in a flat city/area. do you never wanna go faster downhill? do you never wanna climb some big hills (without looking like seabase)?
• #26444
quite easy to say that if you living in a flat city/area. do you never wanna go faster downhill? do you never wanna climb some big hills (without looking like seabase)?
from my point of view, it is a matter of mental strength, every tom, billy and john can climb/downhill will a coaster. there is just a few people who are willing to push theirselves beyond the limits.
• #26445
Who else does custom alu? Low, Colossi, Mielec?
Seems like there's no-one in the UK really.
• #26446
Pelizzoli, all though not in the uk is closer than low// or colossi.
I think Vernon Barker works with Aluminium.
• #26447
https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/894813_564969123533451_431408755_o.jpg 'Sigh' Another Dos..
remove the bike and we have something to talk about.
idk but I gotta agree with this...borednoventa
• #26448
Who else does custom alu? Low, Colossi, Mielec?
Seems like there's no-one in the UK really.
• #26449
from my point of view, it is a matter of mental strength, every tom, billy and john can climb/downhill will a coaster. there is just a few people who are willing to push theirselves beyond the limits.
Lol. Rad dude.
Riding fixed uphill is much easier than riding uphill in the same ratio singlespeed with a freewheel... And as for descending, if you really want push the envelope for speed and skill then a freewheel is
• #26450
Riding fixed uphill is much easier than riding uphill in the same ratio singlespeed with a freewheel
Fixed is better than singlespeed for climbing, granted, but it's not as good as gears. Being able to vary your gearing in relation to the climb is far more important than having a bit of inertia through the dead spots. If you're loosing power through the deadspots when you're climbing, you're doing something wrong or you're going much too slowly.
I got some pink too...
.....well, not really...