• #152
It's the same people who complain about a pussy slip at 3:45am on Babecast. Don't like it? Don't watch it then.
• #153
I would care, but there's gonna be a royal wedding soon ...
• #154
all this talk about the archers and shit is very revealing you know, chaps.
• #155
all this talk about the archers and shit is very revealing you know, chaps.
Of what?
• #156
Don't be silly. It's Lower Loxley where Nigel died on Sunday.
Did he go out like Tony Hares?
• #157
He fell from the roof while trying to take down a Happy New Year banner. Nice post mortem interview with him in the Times today.
• #158
Anyone wearing a Castrol GTX jacket to the wake?
• #159
• #160
Dr Dre.
• #161
fucken best gag ever
• #162
Hey fest... what kind of bees produce milk?
• #163
• #164
• #165
what thread is this?
• #166
Bedwetters' one.
• #167
what thread is this?
I have no idea anymore. I'm gonna give the internet a rest for a while....
• #168
^ Bedwetter...
• #169
Look! ^ It's captain sicknote!
• #170
As i understand things: Eastenders are doing a new story where a baby dies from cot death (not unbelievable) and the grief striken mother swaps/steals another child.
Apparently there have been thousands of complaints!!! What the fuck is up with these people?? Do they understand it is fiction and the script writers can write what ever they want?- Unless you're infirmed you are NOT forced to watch any of it. Where do these people find the time to complain about this shit? My heart really sank on hearing this.
It's insensitive to insinuate that Mother's who lose a child to cot death go insane. I think that the jist of the complaint.
What's wrong with complaining about shit TV? There's a tonne of it.
Our country has just taken a giant step toward American culture with the kind of money that will need to be spent on higher education. The government will now be making money from fees. I'm certain this in turn will lead to new market generation where big banks go into competition to 'fund' study with graduates leaving with humongous debt. Essentially elitism.
Why don't these people complain about this kind of thing? or the nursing home about to shut at the bottom of the street for swanky new studio flats?
Or am I the bedwetter? Have I got this wrong?
That some people complain about a TV show, and that there happen to be other things to complain about isn't a valid criteria for complaint.
Unless you find an individual who is ouraged by Eastenders, but doesn't give a shit about the cuts, or nursing home at the bottom of your street.
• #171
I also don't understand how Helen has suddenly become nice. She and her mother have been the dreariest characters ever. Why did Uncle Hayden ever invite Pat over?
And what happened too John Tragoran? He seemed simply to disappear.
Haydn Evans.
John Tregorran.
John and Carol left Ambridge and moved to Bristol.
• #172
John Tragoran was before my time I think. It's good Elizabeth saw sense, I thought Jill was going to arrange for another 'accident' for a bit.
You don't get to be the lynchpin of Ambridge by not having a mean streak.
• #173
What the fuck are you twisted cunts on about?
• #174
John Tragoran was before my time I think.
• #175
What the fuck are you twisted cunts on about?
Sometimes I just don't get the natives…
Ignoring your mum's.. really?