• #227
what's a rangie?
• #228
Rangie = diminutive of Range Rover, a large four wheel drive vehicle designed (in a funny kind of way ) by Landrover and Vogue magazine.
• #229
ahaha! okie.
• #230
No, LPG speak sense (well sometime).
it's entirely plausible not to get hassle/cut up/etc. during heavy traffic and especially daily, I can related to that.
It's really down to how you work with the traffic, how to expected the unexpected, how to be assertive etc. by having a good road position, looking back more often (looking at the car behind you while waiting in traffic for example), resisting the urge to get right in the front of the ASL like everyone else and wait in line with other motorists (like 2 or 3 cars away from the light), etc.
James got a smack not because he was riding correctly, in the correct lane and able to expected the unexpected, but because he didn't let it go and ride away.
Ed, People have moaned this is a bit of a bitch fest, though can I just say...and I won't be the first or last person to say this...is that sometimes you can be really patronising (a little bit like the harry enfield character...You don't want to do it like that..and your avatar almost suggests such a head movement too)
though it's like you're teaching your mother to suck eggs, regardless of how good a cyclist you are, you get in a scrape, somedays its a little one ...something you don't remember...however most days...something will happen, it doesn't matter two figs how you cycle the roads are full of idiots. And some days there isn't the option to leave it, they totally over react and try to hurt you.
• #231
• #232
I was cycling home yesterday and a van full of gypsies buzzed me at high speed whilst leaning on the horn.
It properly shit me up.
I was in a perfect position on the road, minding my own business, but these wankers decided to have a bit of fun and put my life at risk.
I screamed all the cunts under the sun at them, every name I could think of, and in my 'agitated' state I really wished the fuckers would have pulled over.That's how it is when you get in a scrape. The blood is rushing, the fight or flight mechanism is switched into overdrive - your body reacts in a perfectly natural way when faced with aggression.
My point is, I cannot and will not face these confrontations with apathy. If someone almost runs you over they deserve to be called a cunt, to be screamed at. Yes, those gypsies might have pulled over and grabbed a lump of metal each from the flat bed to give me royal twatting, but I am still the wronged party, regardless of the outcome. I have a right to protest when I am wronged.
Nobody rides with a more assertive road position than DJ - I've seen him in action, so to speak. The problem is that drivers invariably want cyclist to get out of their fucking way, regardless of who has right of way. Some drivers just hate cyclists, and when you are up against just such a driver then there isn't much a cyclist can do about that, no matter how experienced.
• #233
...a van full of gypsies ...
Oh dear.
Perhaps you could explain why that is not racist. Would you have said " a van full of Indians" or "a van full of Nigerians"? Any way, how could you tell whether they were "gypsies" or not? I am also not sure that "gypsy" is a currently appropriate term. But no doubt you know better.
• #234
Oh dear.
Perhaps you could explain why that is not racist. Would you have said " a van full of Indians" or "a van full of Nigerians"? Any way, how could you tell whether they were "gypsies" or not? I am also not sure that "gypsy" is a currently appropriate term. But no doubt you know better.
Don't you 'oh dear' me.
The section of road I was riding on has a permanent gypsy camp based on it.
From drinking in pubs nearby, where they drink, I know they refer to themselves as gypsies, not tinkers, travellers or new agers. Why don't you get your arse up here and tell them they are describing themselves incorrectly? I'd like to watch that little show.
I know they were from the site because they had the trademark 'treefellers' sticker across the tailgate, and the van was dangerously loaded with scrap metal and lopped conifers.
Having lived with a Romany Gypysy who had given up her past life to live in houses (and referred to herself as a gypsy) I do not have anything against them, except when they try to run me over.
• #235
^^^ this.. The blood rages and, for me certainly, sometimes it's very hard to control. I've had many pushy shovey handbag moments as a commuting cyclist. No matter if it was totally driver error 100% of the time it always leaves me feeling like a cunt after the incident.
Last Friday I got caught in a proper rage after some Mondeo cunt deliberately tried to run me over twice. I was a hair's breadth from lamping him with my D lock but was restrained thankfully. As ever I was left feeling like a cunt despite him being in the wrong.
I'm trying to be more relaxed of late. In 23 years of commuting nothing has changed on the roads. I can try and prosecute, I can fill forms in, make phone calls but nothing will change the attitude of the majority of drivers even if a few do get prosecuted.
People still drink/drug drive despite bans, fines and deaths.
The only two real bad accidents I've had have been where a ped has walked out in front of me.
Other "little" ones with cars I made claims against their insurance which hits them in the wallet.
I'm not apathetic at all and what happened to DJ was assault plain and simple.
I am mad as hell.. I just can't be arsed anymore.
• #236
Oh, and if you can supply me with the latest 'PC list of phrases to refer to anybody who is not totally white' then I'd really appreciate it.
I'd hate to get locked up for calling somebody a Ching Chong Chinaman, like I usually do.
• #237
Oh dear.
Perhaps you could explain why that is not racist. Would you have said " a van full of Indians" or "a van full of Nigerians"? Any way, how could you tell whether they were "gypsies" or not? I am also not sure that "gypsy" is a currently appropriate term. But no doubt you know better.
I'm not really that clued up on what are considered 'PC' terms...is it considered racist to say "a van full of Nigerians" if it is in fact a van full of Nigerians?
Does that also make it racist to call a van full of Englishmen "A van full of Englishmen" ?Genuine question.
• #238
Oh, and if you can supply me with the latest 'PC list of phrases to refer to anybody who is not totally white' then I'd really appreciate it.
I'd hate to get locked up for calling somebody a Ching Chong Chinaman, like I usually do.
• #239
Oh hush up....
• #240
I was cycling home yesterday and a van full of gypsies buzzed me at high speed whilst leaning on the horn.
Fucking gippos
This thread is great, its got about 3 years pent up aggression all coming out in one place
• #241
they call themselves "gypsies" but absolutely hate being called "pikey's"
• #242
Is honkey and whitey the best we can come up with? For years I've wondered how to insult the white man who has in turn insulted me. Honkey just does not carry the gutter vitriol required.
• #243
I know they were from the site because they had the trademark 'treefellers' sticker
that stickers just to let you know there were three Irishmen in the van…
• #244
Booom Boooom!
• #245
Badoom tish!
Available for Weddings, Bah Mitzvah's, etc...
• #246
Booom Boooom!
Beat me by milliseconds!
• #247
A area where i live is called redskin village,its where all the gypsies live,a friend of mine who lives in kent calls gypsies "commanches" maybe its because they send out raiding parties...... cushty bock dick eye chavvy bowler
• #248
If you get cut up by a van full of Gypsies, you're riding too fucking slow.
• #249
I'd fucken chop up the fuck out those fucken gypsies.
• #250
on my bike I mean.
As an aside; Google gave me this little gem when I typed in Knuckle Dragger...