• #827
I can't find my fecking sensor... Grrrr
• #828
HoP 7/4/11
Spin CycleThursdays,1830hrs for 1845 departure at the Gloucester Gate traffic lights. Heading anti-clockwise.
20mph+ average, but if you can't hold on, worry not! Form your own little train for light relief. Lap times are between 7:00 and 8:00, with a possible slow lap/rolling rest after the first 4. Stop after 8 laps/22 miles. Or earlier, if you're a slacker (you know who you are). A little bit of a rest, then off to the Edinboro Castle for some refreshments (calorie recovery through chips and beer). Or the Flask, if you can face the hill. The chips are better and cheaper.- modest
- FridayMarch26th
- SlackTrainer
- braker
- KRZ (!)
6.pt - rounce
- PhotoJim
- nelaii (worth a try, sorry if I end up riding like a girl...)
- woodie
-----limit of 6pt's responsibility cap-----
HoP - Slack edition
- Laner
- Cupcakes
Definitely out unfortunately, despite frantic polishing last night the Raleigh is not Tweed run ready yet, need another night.
- modest
• #829
Got more work stuff. Will try and get up for the last couple.
• #830
HoP 7/4/11
Spin CycleThursdays,1830hrs for 1845 departure at the Gloucester Gate traffic lights. Heading anti-clockwise.
20mph+ average, but if you can't hold on, worry not! Form your own little train for light relief. Lap times are between 7:00 and 8:00, with a possible slow lap/rolling rest after the first 4. Stop after 8 laps/22 miles. Or earlier, if you're a slacker (you know who you are). A little bit of a rest, then off to the Edinboro Castle for some refreshments (calorie recovery through chips and beer). Or the Flask, if you can face the hill. The chips are better and cheaper.- modest
- FridayMarch26th
- SlackTrainer
- braker
- KRZ (!)
6.pt - rounce
- PhotoJim
- nelaii (worth a try, sorry if I end up riding like a girl...)
- woodie
-----limit of 6pt's responsibility cap----- - jkbutt
HoP - Slack edition
- Laner
- Cupcakes
I'm guessing someone will forget it's Thursday so will be there regardless and work out what to do from there.
- modest
• #831
HoP 7/4/11
Spin CycleThursdays,1830hrs for 1845 departure at the Gloucester Gate traffic lights. Heading anti-clockwise.
20mph+ average, but if you can't hold on, worry not! Form your own little train for light relief. Lap times are between 7:00 and 8:00, with a possible slow lap/rolling rest after the first 4. Stop after 8 laps/22 miles. Or earlier, if you're a slacker (you know who you are). A little bit of a rest, then off to the Edinboro Castle for some refreshments (calorie recovery through chips and beer). Or the Flask, if you can face the hill. The chips are better and cheaper.- modest
- FridayMarch26th
- SlackTrainer
- braker
- KRZ (!)
6.pt - PhotoJim
- nelaii (worth a try, sorry if I end up riding like a girl...)
- woodie
-----limit of 6pt's responsibility cap----- - jkbutt
HoP - Slack edition
- Laner
- Cupcakes
I'm out, sick innit.
- modest
• #832
HoP 7/4/11
Spin CycleThursdays,1830hrs for 1845 departure at the Gloucester Gate traffic lights. Heading anti-clockwise.
20mph+ average, but if you can't hold on, worry not! Form your own little train for light relief. Lap times are between 7:00 and 8:00, with a possible slow lap/rolling rest after the first 4. Stop after 8 laps/22 miles. Or earlier, if you're a slacker (you know who you are). A little bit of a rest, then off to the Edinboro Castle for some refreshments (calorie recovery through chips and beer). Or the Flask, if you can face the hill. The chips are better and cheaper.- modest
- FridayMarch26th
- SlackTrainer
- braker
- KRZ (!)
6.pt - nelaii (worth a try, sorry if I end up riding like a girl...)
- woodie
-----limit of 6pt's responsibility cap------ jkbutt
HoP - Slack edition
- Laner
- Cupcakes
Out - Mechanical... fml
- modest
• #833
HoP 7/4/11
Spin CycleThursdays,1830hrs for 1845 departure at the Gloucester Gate traffic lights. Heading anti-clockwise.
20mph+ average, but if you can't hold on, worry not! Form your own little train for light relief. Lap times are between 7:00 and 8:00, with a possible slow lap/rolling rest after the first 4. Stop after 8 laps/22 miles. Or earlier, if you're a slacker (you know who you are). A little bit of a rest, then off to the Edinboro Castle for some refreshments (calorie recovery through chips and beer). Or the Flask, if you can face the hill. The chips are better and cheaper.- modest
- FridayMarch26th
- SlackTrainer
- braker
- KRZ (!)
6.pt - nelaii (worth a try, sorry if I end up riding like a girl...)
- woodie
- jkbutt
-----limit of 6pt's responsibility cap-----
HoP - Slack edition
- Laner
- Cupcakes
What can go wrong with a fixie!
- modest
• #834
soft cocks i decare! All of you Soft cocks!
• #835
No power hour for me this evening, but might be heading through that way later on. I'll shout encouragement if the opportunity presents itself, although I'm guessing 'do a skid' would not be considered appropriate.
• #836
I did a horrible ride to Great Missenden today so I'm not sure if I'll be able to keep up for more than two laps. Prepared to join the slackers.
• #837
I'll be in the Victoria near the castle tonight...might pop my head round the door of the Edinboro to see if you chaps and ladies are sweating there afterwards.
• #838
Where we meeting again? i cant find the google map linky...
• #839
Failing that, go clockwise.
• #840
just this second got in from my grind back from cambridge. definitely not a touring gear, that one. need to rehydrate (1 bottle is not enough in this heat), get some lunch in me then head out. so I may be a tiny bit late, but I'll do my best. am I allowed to use gears? my legs are killing me.
• #841
Ill be there just after 6 so ill just keep going...
• #842
^^I'll let you off (my bike will be geared).
• #843
I also absolutely stink, but there's no point showering before heading out for this. debating whether it's even worth putting a fresh jersey on, or just heading out with a pungent 2 day stench...
(fresh jersey, I guess. but meh effort.)
(nutella) -
• #844
I'm confused. Do we meet Inner Circle or Gloucester Gate?
• #845
Inner circle. Out of the way, less chance of holding up traffic while we sort ourselves out, etc. leaving the flat now, I'll be opposite york bridge on the inner circle for half 6ish :)
• #846
All good fun. 22miles at 22mph on the front. 6 laps(?) for the slacker club.
Same again next week.
[highlight]HoP 14/4/11[/highlight]
Whirlwind TourThursdays,1830hrs for 1845 departure at the large gate opposite York Bridge, Inner Circle. Then up and out for some anti-clockwise Outer Circle fun.
20mph+ average, but if you can't hold on, worry not! Form your own little train for light relief. Lap times are between 7:00 and 8:00, with a possible slow lap/rolling rest after the first 4. Stop after 8 laps/22 miles. Or earlier, if you're a slacker (no shame in that). A little bit of a rest, then off to LMNF for recovery.- upstart
-----limit of 6pt's responsibility cap-----
- upstart
• #847
Popped my head round the castle door to take on some serious carb loading but didn't recognise anybody so headed. Hope you had a good spin. I'm in next week...
• #848
All good fun. 22miles at 22mph on the front. 6 laps(?) for the slacker club.
Same again next week.
[highlight]HoP 14/4/11[/highlight]
Whirlwind TourThursdays,1830hrs for 1845 departure at the large gate opposite York Bridge, Inner Circle. Then up and out for some anti-clockwise Outer Circle fun.
20mph+ average, but if you can't hold on, worry not! Form your own little train for light relief. Lap times are between 7:00 and 8:00, with a possible slow lap/rolling rest after the first 4. Stop after 8 laps/22 miles. Or earlier, if you're a slacker (no shame in that). A little bit of a rest, then off to LMNF for recovery.- upstart
- Chainbreaker
-----limit of 6pt's responsibility cap-----
- upstart
• #849
^good man
^^good man also -
• #850
im knackered...
Good to see some familiar faces.
Thank you very much to the kind sir who let me ride on your back wheel. You sir are a true gentleman. I was shattered and you kept a decent pace. Not sure if youre on here, but thanks
So I have what 11 hours to get shot of this hangover...