• #477
And I ask for the same, like I said ...if gravity was as we say it is...that funny giroscopic thing when you wave a drill around woulnd't happen...
Oh yes it would. Gyroscopes and other rapidly spinning things only seem weird because our intuition isn't well set up for rapidly rotating things. We make the mistake of seeing the rotating thing as just another object, and expect to be able to rotate it as if it wasn't already rotating. If you break apart your perception of the object and follow the paths of all the particles it is made up of, the 'funny' forces make total, conventional, sense. No need to overturn the conventional theory of gravity. It doesn't even play a part in the explanation. Newton's law's of motion is enough.
How? It's like this: consider a rapidly rotating wheel. All the parts of it are going round in circles. Newton says that to deviate from straight uniform motion you have to be accelerated by some net force. In this case all the bits of the wheel need to be being pulled towards the middle of the wheel to make them go round in circles. If the wheel is symmetrical, these forces all balance out so when you hold the wheel by its axle, all you feel is its weight. But if you try to rotate the axis of the wheel in a different way from the way it's already spinning you feel a load of extra forces. Say you are holding the axle horizontal in front of you, the wheel is spinning so that the top is moving away from you, and you try to turn the axle to your left: the parts of the wheel are already going round in circles, they can't go round different circles at the same time, so they actually follow more complicated paths. As the axle turns, the bits of the wheel going along the top and bottom have to change direction sideways to remain part of the wheel. The bits going away from you along the top have to be accelerated to the left, and the bits coming towards you on the bottom have to follow curves that bend to the right. The forces to achieve these accelerations might be equal, but they don't line up, so they don't cancel out and you have to supply them (as a twist, bottom right, top left -> left hand down, right hand up) in order to make the wheel's axle rotate to the left.
• #478
moth is like, well brainy, innit
Skips look like wormholes but taste of prawns, somethings going on here that I don't know about
• #479
I see.
When asked to support your own claims with evidence you refuse to do so.
You then ask others to find evidence that disproves your claim.
And then when people ask you what you would accept as evidence against the claim you refuse to say.
Even without picking up on mashton's (very valid) point about why the onus is on the proponent of a claim to prove it rather than on your audience to disprove it - we seemed to have moved into an entirely new area of enquiry here.
The problem here is...you are asking for proof...rather than making a counter argument...there is still a huge amount of proof missing from the darwinian notion of evolution...there huge gaping holes in most of it..with many many missing links..still missing in 200 years...however, It is held up as the model of evolution.
If you actually sat down and though about what I said...and then told me that it couldn't happen because of this this and this...I would actually bother to argue with you...as it is...
You are just shouting proof, evidence and fraud at every opportunity.
You are supposed to be the thinker...why not think?
I'm not asking you for anything other than a counter point...as it is...you haven't one...other than questioning my character?
• #480
what bit of evolution?
• #481
wayne's got me a-hankerin' for some skips. damn you wayne.
• #482
Epiphany time:
Winged angel you are an idiotic, ill tempered, pious and arrogant cunt, I am wasting my time here, good luck with your shit conspiracy theories.
I don't doubt this post will add to your inerrancy, further proof at how brave outside-the-box thinkers like you fill us corporate brainwashed drones with fear.
You are the only person on this forum I have ever called a cunt (and meant it).
No more questions, you only deserve mockery.
Ace...coming from you...the great thinker...More name calling...whoa ...big man...don't stretch your self...sit down...take a nap!!
Also...Wtf? ill tempered...? coming from you thats really rich...I haven't raised my voice once thoughout this whole argument....Oh I told you to boil your head...
whilst you have constantly harped on about what a cunt I am...and now you are doing at again...
Good luck with my shit conspiray theories? Like? what George bush rigging the vote? thats a fact you moron...not a conspiracy?
fuck off...really...I'd rather be a cunt than a fool...Fool.
Whatever little man...when your thinking power is as good as your ability to mock and belittle...then we can talk...
Cunt? you barely know the meaning of the word.
• #484
The standard account of gravity, which is that...??!!!? no. it. isn't. The standard Newtonian account of gravity is that things with mass create gravitational fields around themselves that attract other things with mass according to the inverse square law. No spinning. No magnetism. The General Relativity version is that mass distorts the geometry of spacetime so that masses accelerate towards one another (thus explaining the coincidence between mass as a measure of inertia, and mass as gravitational 'charge'). No spinning. No magnetism. Quantum mechanics doesn't cope well with gravity which is partly why people are so interested in observing the Higgs boson as that might give some clues as to how to fit gravity and QM together.
Faraday had the idea that maybe there was some connection between gravity and magnetism. So he did some experiments. And concluded that there isn't.
Schauberger...read it.
• #485
Enjoying all this. 5 stars
• #486
Oh yes it would. Gyroscopes and other rapidly spinning things only seem weird because our intuition isn't well set up for rapidly rotating things. We make the mistake of seeing the rotating thing as just another object, and expect to be able to rotate it as if it wasn't already rotating. If you break apart your perception of the object and follow the paths of all the particles it is made up of, the 'funny' forces make total, conventional, sense. No need to overturn the conventional theory of gravity. It doesn't even play a part in the explanation. Newton's law's of motion is enough.
How? It's like this: consider a rapidly rotating wheel. All the parts of it are going round in circles. Newton says that to deviate from straight uniform motion you have to be accelerated by some net force. In this case all the bits of the wheel need to be being pulled towards the middle of the wheel to make them go round in circles. If the wheel is symmetrical, these forces all balance out so when you hold the wheel by its axle, all you feel is its weight. But if you try to rotate the axis of the wheel in a different way from the way it's already spinning you feel a load of extra forces. Say you are holding the axle horizontal in front of you, the wheel is spinning so that the top is moving away from you, and you try to turn the axle to your left: the parts of the wheel are already going round in circles, they can't go round different circles at the same time, so they actually follow more complicated paths. As the axle turns, the bits of the wheel going along the top and bottom have to change direction sideways to remain part of the wheel. The bits going away from you along the top have to be accelerated to the left, and the bits coming towards you on the bottom have to follow curves that bend to the right. The forces to achieve these accelerations might be equal, but they don't line up, so they don't cancel out and you have to supply them (as a twist, bottom right, top left -> left hand down, right hand up) in order to make the wheel's axle rotate to the left.
I was actually referring to the point where the gyroscopic action of the motor counter acts the 'weight' of the drill.
oh...and if that is enough for me to be called a cunt...can some one tears some strips of whoever suggested it was because the drill bit wasn't a complete tube? ffs.
• #487
Moth, you are an idiot, the Wingedangel has already risen above the benighted views of such scientific riff-raff as Newton and Faraday.
Unlike you Wingedangel dares to think the impossible, Yes..Dare...thats what those that think do. to think outside the box, a hero, a radical, unlike brainwashed idiots like you.
Oh yeah and 9/11 was an inside job. PROVE ME WRONG !!
And chemitrails are used by the NWO to DULL THE MINDS OF THE SHEEPLE LIKE YOU !!!
WAKE UP !!!! you arrogant fool.
Ha Ha. I'm mostly just using this as an excuse to spout ideas and explanations that i enjoy explaining (because i get a kick from putting together an explanation that makes sense, and an even bigger kick when an explanation doesn't work and so i can improve my understanding by fixing it).
I have a lot of time for cranks and their weird ideas as you can learn a lot working out where they are going wrong (if they are wrong) or gain an interesting new perspective on things if they've found a consistent alternative view of things, or often a mix of both. I think Wingedangel has probably picked up a lot of ideas in that class, but from my perspective doesn't seem very good a bringing out what's cool about them. What i have little time for is people claiming that phenomena well explained by conventional theories can't be so explained, but instead we need their pet theory which fails to adequately explain the phenomena.
I'd met ion wind craft before, and agree they are cool and interesting, but even most of the people who play around with them don't claim they have anything to do with cancelling out gravity.
• #488
I was actually referring to the point where the gyroscopic action of the motor counter acts the 'weight' of the drill.
oh...and if that is enough for me to be called a cunt...can some one tears some strips of whoever suggested it was because the drill bit wasn't a complete tube? ffs.
You mean like the situation where you hold a rapidly spinning bike wheel by one end of it's horizontal axle, and instead of the axle rotating down so it's vertical, the axle precesses slowly around yet remains horizontal?
• #489
I think that it counteracts the force of your arm, holding it up. You experience this as an upward force on your hand, making it feel lighter. Precisely as when you get the left or right forces that moth has described so well in the bicycle wheel situation. Note that in the two examples, drill and wheel, the axes of rotation are not the same.
To quote a mass media figure of persuasive power: "simplez".
I was actually referring to the point where the gyroscopic action of the motor counter acts the 'weight' of the drill.
oh...and if that is enough for me to be called a cunt...can some one tears some strips of whoever suggested it was because the drill bit wasn't a complete tube? ffs.
• #490
Damn you moth. Damn you to bits.
And thank you.
• #491
Hey guys! Just teleported in to see how this thread was going? Oh......um.....errrr.........Think I'll be teleporting back to start an Alternate Universe thread where Wingedangel isn't so unrelentingly annoying.
YouTube- Star Trek Original series
Ah shit how do you reverse this thing? Beam me up Goddamnit!
• #492
Question: on what basis could I decide on which of two books on a topic, with opposing ideas, to give credence to.
For example, let's take; I dunno; Newton's Principia Mathematica and Schauberger's Nature as Teacher.
What criteria would I use to determine which was more likely to be a useful description of what goes on in the world around us?
• #493
You mean like the situation where you hold a rapidly spinning bike wheel by one end of it's horizontal axle, and instead of the axle rotating down so it's vertical, the axle precesses slowly around yet remains horizontal?
no...not really, what your talking about is like precessional drift, in relation to the earths spin at it's poles...the horizone we look at 'goes backwards' thus giving the references in astronomy and astrology...thats what happens with the 'creep'...
what I mean is that when you hold a power drill and boost the switch ie turn it on...at some points the momentum of the accelerating commutator within the drill seems to counter the weigh of the drill...ie the drill feels lighter...I don't think it feels lighter because it's tricking your brain into 'thinking' it is...I think it's because (as you say...the inertial effect in one direction...ie clockwise...actually helps to lift the drill in a counter clockwise direction, which would be perfectly feasible...)
I'm not saying thats magic...what I am saying is...that in a 'commercial' application...harldy anything has been done to research that...Just like research into anything that is considered a 'conspiracy' is very very small..
there is a typical knee jerk reaction to anyone screaming conspiracy, when there is nothing of the sort.
the work of Schauberger was deemed 'dangerous' enough to have had a 100 years restraining order put on it...if it was such guff...along with the works of Tesla, why not let all us idiots continue to play...~?
If there is no harm in playing .,..and we wouldn't find the answer to perpetual motion..
what is to fear but fear itself?
• #494
Seriously, does anyone on here have a fucking clue what those words, in that order might mean?
Increawingly, the only things that make sense are the ellipses that are so abundantly littered in your posts,
God I hope this isn't a deliberate troll. If it is, hats off to you. If it's not, please seek help. You are exhibiting some mildy worring delusional behaviour.
• #495
The problem here is...you are asking for proof...rather than making a counter argument...there is still a huge amount of proof missing from the darwinian notion of evolution...there huge gaping holes in most of it..with many many missing links..still missing in 200 years...however, It is held up as the model of evolution.
See ***
A: Claim made
B: Further information asked for
A: Request ignored.
B: Request for further information repeated
***A: Request ignored / (introduce unrelated subject) . . . . . .
I'm not asking you for anything other than a counter point...as it is...you haven't one...other than questioning my character?
Stupid cunt.
• #496
please keep your arguments short and sucsinct (sp)
otherwise i just won't bother reading them -
• #497
fuck off...really...I'd rather be a cunt than a fool...
Be happy in that you are both.
Cunt? you barely know the meaning of the word.
• #498
Matt - no skips in the shop so I had some pickled onion Monster Munch instead…
They look a bit like UFO's
• #499
I was actually referring to the point where the gyroscopic action of the motor counter acts the 'weight' of the drill.
oh...and if that is enough for me to be called a cunt...can some one tears some strips of whoever suggested it was because the drill bit wasn't a complete tube? ffs.
Yeah !
That's told you moth you idiot.
• #500
I just had some roast beef monster munch.They were disappointing. Why I didn't stick to pickled onion I'll never know.
OoooooooooH! You made Tynan angry, you don't want to make Tynan angry. You should see the last guy that made Tynan mad.
YouTube- Vader Chokes Officer - "I find your lack of faith disturbing"