• #5977
Geared bikes allowed? I don't fancy swapping over to cyclocross tyres!
• #5978
I think there have been some geared tags. Expect some ribbing though ...
• #5979
Cyclocross tyres it is then
• #5980
New tag and clue are very easy and googlable
How about drip feeding hints for added challengeSo was the old tag. I could have been much more cryptic, but I think we could be hitting a good rhythm now.
• #5981
Old tag: foxes and cherries community sponsored scuplture in brixton
New tag: built in 1776, it reflects the "calm spirit of those rational and enlightened times", something about which Timothy Sutton of Lambeth could learn a thing or two...
http://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/cost_of_foxes_and_cherries_sculp(sorry, pictures should be switched)
Timothy Sutton happens to be a fucking terrible painter.
• #5982
If I had better cycling shoes, I would go and get this one...
• #5983
Too. Cold. To. Format...
• #5984
Too. Cold. To. Format...
I think he means:
old tag:
new tag:
• #5985
Thanks, MD, feeling coming back to hands now... Clue for new tag is: "bend me, shape me...".
Tag also comes with complimentary cup of coffee if you call me when near.
• #5986
What was the old tag?
• #5987
This old tag appears to be Holy Trinity Church in Clapham, but the old photo is a path between some railings which could be anywhere. i.e. it doesn't look remotely like the same place.
• #5988
Hmm, the Outsiders are an American band so not any help. Feeling foolhardy this am, I want to go nab it but pesky problem of having no bloody idea where this is getting in the way
• #5989
I got the clue immediately although being of a certain age gave me a distinct advantage. If the weather was a bit better and the tag a bit closer, I'd be 'aiming' to get this one....
• #5990
This is driving me nuts. I'm getting close reckon but being American is putting me at a disadvantage I reckon.
• #5991
This old tag appears to be Holy Trinity Church in Clapham, but the old photo is a path between some railings which could be anywhere. i.e. it doesn't look remotely like the same place.
I recognise the flats in the background but I think there are a few blocks like these dotted around Lambeth although I don't recall any near Clapham.
• #5992
Old tag: amen corner
New tag:
Clue: Splish splash they were having a bath...
• #5993
[strike]PIctures no worky[/strike]
• #5994
I fixed them for him.
Yet another victim of linking to the page the picture is on rather than the picture itself.
• #5995
Sorry velocio, am posting from my phone, was going to fix when I got home. Sparky doesn't seem to be awake yet, so I'm off home for coffee.
• #5996
This old tag appears to be Holy Trinity Church in Clapham, but the old photo is a path between some railings which could be anywhere. i.e. it doesn't look remotely like the same place.
It was taken from the other side of the church, just over this hedge: http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?q=Clapham,+Clapham+Common+South+Side,+London&hl=en&ll=51.462982,-0.141414&spn=0.001932,0.004678&sll=52.044957,-0.725285&sspn=0.4882,1.19751&oq=clapham&hq=Clapham,+Clapham+Common+South+Side,+London&t=h&z=18&layer=c&cbll=51.462982,-0.141414&panoid=Uhlu5DmMo4oE2huaHuytXg&cbp=12,223.01,,1,-4.36
Sorry about the coffee, MrDrem, didn't think anyone would be up this early to tag. Would snatch it back again but clueless about the photo.
Amen Corner - Bend Me, Shape Me - Top Of The Pops (1968) - YouTube
• #5997
Found new tag via google. Nice one but too far too snowy for today
• #5998
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I just came back wet cold and sleepy from getting this tag. I don't want to play anymore :( (although I'm sure I will)
• #5999
And you didn't even claim a coffee! Let's see your photography anyway...
• #6000
I was so close to getting it!
Untitled by danieljsoul, on Flickr
A packet of Kettle Chips to anyone who does a tag now!