• #8252
Unfortunately she has to drink water using a sponge on a stick at the moment so lasagne is off the cards for some time
And edited for the spelling :)
• #8253
• #8254
Yes, hope she recovers well. Still, it makes the blood boil to hear about non-fixable injuries such as losing teeth. I nearly did when I fell off my bike when I was ten (no driver involved), and though I got lucky and narrowly kept them, it was awful to be unable to eat solid food for weeks afterwards. Hope she manages to eat lasagne again soon!
• #8255
One for the helmet thread perhaps but just to add, she was wearing one and according to medical staff, would certainly not still be here had she not have been.
• #8256
Hospital staff always say that, but it's impossible to determine either way.
• #8257
Of course. Either way, I'm glad she had it on.
• #8258
Ice cream! Can she have ice cream? Lasagne flavoured? :/
• #8259
The van driver will be traumatised by this - assuming they are a normal non psychopathic human being - so you’d hope in the future they might modify their behaviour and help influence the behaviour of others should they talk about what has happened.
• #8260
Did the driver stop? Oh and how's the bike!? Would gladly chuck some money towards an awesome new crowdfunded bike for her.
• #8261
Yes, but don't feel the need to justify her or her parents' actions.
• #8262
I'm not pro helmet. And that wasn't my point really
• #8263
Yes and is helping police. The bike I don't know about. It is at someone's house where the incident happened. I think there is a crowdfund thing to help with ongoing costs but not a nice new bike.
Do you think she's likely to want to get back on a bike afterwards? I would hate for people's donated money to be wasted -
• #8264
Awful, just awful...
First thing she asked for when she got to hospital was a lasagne.
Can't help but crack a smile at this though.
Hope she heals up well.
• #8265
That sounds horrible.
Raised speeding on our road recently with the police. They replied that they were aware but had to take into account the danger to themselves and drivers of setting up a speed trap. Still trying to get my head round that.
Hope she heals up quickly. Sounds like a trooper.
• #8266
had to take into account the danger to themselves and drivers of
setting up a speed trap.Subtle trolling by the police there.
• #8267
I'd chip in to get her the best lasagne money can buy if she's not up for any more cycling
• #8268
Thanks, I appreciate the thought
• #8270
Wow, just wow that list of injuries is horrific, here's to full recovery and lasagne.
• #8272
Really really horrible.
Hoping for a proper recovery. -
• #8273
Sorry to hear this mate, hope she heals up quickly and completely.
It’s fucking mental that people still speed in 20/30 zones. Mrs Hammer’s idiot teaching assistant got nicked outside her kids school for doing 43 in a 30 and was apparently complaining bitterly about it... -
• #8274
Appalling to read this
Hope she makes a full recovery and is back cycling and eating lasagne soon.
• #8275
Thank you all
Conflicting and confusing news from doctors at the minute so hopefully some more clarity today.
She’s going in for surgery this morning to sort some of the problems with her mouth and jaw. They can’t operate on her nose or cheekbones due to the swelling and closeness to her eyes which still are not showing improvement
Did she get a lasagne? It really fucking sucks, but the lasagne line made me LOL.