• Then you are a moron.

  • I'm very much anti-clockwise on this.

  • I repeat my request for a postcard, although I'm starting to think it may be an alternate universe rather than simply a different planet, given that the fundamental laws of logic appear to be so utterly different.

  • Looks like an acquital is the inevitable outcome.

  • One of the YT comments on that video: "Complete sociopath."

    I think the infrastructure makes sociopaths of cyclists. There's no justification for getting out of the motor and hitting. But I can't think of any other situation when can you just stroll up to the front of a queue just because...unless you know the dj. Given how congested Farringdon Road usually is, it must be frustrating to get there second or third and have someone just plunk themselves in your path*- especially when you can see it's a clear road ahead. The 3rd & 4th guys on bikes show a complete unwillingness to queue. I'd get it if the road was packed but it wasn't. It just feels potentially confrontational.

    According to someone there, the motor has been driven erratically/dangerously before getting to this point. Knowing this, surely let the corn on on the cob pass and just enjoy your ride. Certainly beats escalation, shouting and coming to blows.

    • Before anyone berates me about "share the road" just remember how it feels when using a shared path and peds walk 5+ abreast and forcibly slow you to a crawl or somewhere like Bow Street post theater kicking out time or Old Compton street with narrow pavements forcing folk out onto the road.
  • ... But I can't think of any other situation when can you just stroll up to the front of a queue just because...

    If you're on a scooter or a motorbike you can often filter to the front. I don't think most people in cars care that much about being filtered past like that, since it doesn't really effect them. I know that's true of me when I drive.

    What's annoying is being prevented from going fast, whether it's a tractor, a milkfloat, peds, cyclists or other slow-moving cars. Traffic means unhappy driver.

  • Does any one know about reporting drivers if you only have a partial number plate??

    Just almost got taken under a van.
    At lights in front of a van, lights go green van accelerated from behind over takes on the right and cuts left across me.
    The fucker almost took out of front wheel and I had to lean against the side of the van to stay up.
    Got four letters of the number plate, type of van and colour,
    If this enough?
    As its not urgent response case (999) who do you report this to?

  • Police non-emergency number is 101.

  • Poll :

    Best thing to do in that situation :

    1. The youtube hero method : Shout through the window and get hit.
    2. The Jeez method. Carefully explain the futility of accelerating hard away from the lights to Audi man, get ignored, perpetuate the view that cyclists are self important and condescending.
    3. The danstuff method. Shake your head, tut quietly, let the Audi go. Get to work quietly and calmly. Achieve inner peace. Live forever.
    1. Shit on their bonnet.
  • All questions about whether or not the cyclist should have stood up for himself or not aside, the elephant in the room here is that both the driver and the passenger in the audi are going to get away scott free, like every other appalling driver in the UK.

  • Saw a C10 bus almost take out 2 riders within the space of 10 seconds, just north of E&C roundabout, on CS7 route. Even when I caught up with him at his next stop to ask him about his hatred of wing mirrors, I got the total stare-ahead/don't acknowledge treatment. WAC.

  • ^ they're advised to do that by the bus companies. plausible deniability i presume.

  • It certainly confirmed his inability to turn his head sideways to check his mirrors. Normally I find buses drive pretty well, but his was one (two) of those moments when I had a video camera stuck to my helmet.

  • All questions about whether or not the cyclist should have stood up for himself or not aside, the elephant in the room here is that both the driver and the passenger in the audi are going to get away scott free, like every other appalling driver in the UK.


    If the ASL wasn't there cyclists 3 & 4 would not have been encouraged to push up to the front and hopefully would have assimilated with their fellow road users and situation would never have happened.

    I really hope 'they' don't pursue segregating cyclists from motorists and create more "them and us" issues.

  • Are we all missing the point that most of the cyclists from the first junction arrived well in time to witness the battering at the 2nd junction? Proving all that dick waving by the Audi driver was for naught. His stabbing of his foot on the accelerator pedal like a kid reaching out to the sun before they've quite mastered depth perception achieved fuck all. Zip. Nada. If he hadn't been a cunt to begin with, he still would have arrived at the 2nd junction in time to sit at the red light.

    The sooner the majority of zero brain power fuck nuggets understand that, the sooner we can have some resemblance of zen on the roads.

  • Just sent the following email to a local construction company after witnessing some atrocious road use by one of their drivers. Sadly suspect they don't have a selection of 'drivers' and this is going to be read by the driver themselves and I'm going to get a bunch of abuse in response.


    Not sure the best way to contact you about this, but I would like to say that may wish to inform your drivers that if they are going to drive particularly aggressively and dangerously, mounting pavement at speed to overtake on narrow roads, tailgating other motorists, cutting up cyclists and breaking the speed limit in a 20mph zone outside a school, they may wish to do that in a vehicle that doesn’t have your company’s branding all over it.

    Not sure if you have many drivers or if it might be the driver themselves reading this, but if it helps the license plate started with a fairly distinctive [withheld].

  • http://www.standard.co.uk/news/crime/video-cyclist-left-scared-and-dazed-after-motorist-attacks-him-in-road-rage-violence-9087079.html

    VIDEO: cyclist left 'scared and dazed' after motorist attacks him in road rage violence

    Passenger will probably turn himself in for a Caution.

  • I thought they changed the rule, dickheads who dole out domestic abuse can still be charged if the victim makes no complaint?

  • That is specific to domestic violence, though.

    However, I'm sure the attacker could be charged with some kind of public order offence without the victim needing to report it to the police.

    IANAL etc tho

  • ...I'm sure the attacker could be charged with some kind of public order offence if the police could be arsed.


  • This morning I was cut up by a van. I have had much closer near-misses, and there was a chance the driver either had not looked, or had looked and not seen me. Either way, since it wasn't too close I decided to leave it and go on my way. A guy on a white dolan passes me and I stay about 2-3 meters back.

    The van stops in traffic, predictably, and as he passes the cyclist in front bangs the van and makes a gesture at the driver. Predictably, the driver blows his horn in irritation.

    I said to the guy on the Dolan "that will make him worse next time", my point being that although one feels justified in retaliating in this situation, the only effect will be that the other road user becomes angrier and probably more dangerous, and also probably less sympathetic towards cyclists in future.

    The guy replied "and just accept that all driver are twats? I dont think so mate." which didnt make any sense. All drivers are not twats, and to assume this is to take on exactly the same narrow minded kind of view that some bad drivers have of cyclists.

    There are ways of responding to bad drivers that are more likely to have a positive effect- like making eye contact and telling them what they did. By being less violent / agressive, you are not nescessarily 'accepting' the behaviour.

    I have done worse things than the guy on the dolan, when I have been angry myself. I once kicked someones tail light in. But I try not to, I really think it adds to the problem rather than solving anything. What does anyone else think?

  • The guy with the camera?

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Please report dangerous drivers to the police - Roadsafe. Report to plod, not just whinge here.

Posted by Avatar for dancing james @dancing james
