• #3827
^ Doing it right - cheerily avoiding rage.
^^ Christ, welcome back indeed. In those situations I sometimes wonder what'd happen if you just stand calmly in front of the car, wait until the driver stops shouting and say "Apologise to me and I'll move". Unnecessary provocation, yes, but delightfully passively aggressive.
• #3828
Passive aggressive ftw.
• #3829
Whenever possible... Alternatively shit on their car.
• #3831
I wonder how this driver would take to being roadsafed..
pulled over by the police - YouTube
wac etc etc
• #3832
(not my vid, apologies if repost)
• #3833
Not life threatening but the bloke in this van was driving like an absolute prick this evening. Very tempted to email his work tomorrow - undertaking, swerving from far left lane to right lane, gunning it etc.
• #3834
Go email them, which is much more helpful than the police unfortunately.
Make sure you're very polite, talk more about his driving, try not to mentioned cycling, how it'll reflect upon their business etc.
• #3835
"Hampshire Constabulary has yet to comment."
Thanks for that Hampshire Police.
• #3837
Beat me to it! Mindblowing.
• #3838
On a frigging dual frigging carriage frigging way.
• #3839
email to PCO this evening
"The time was about 6pm 02/10/13 his cab was black, LS61 UTC the driver is white, thin and with short grey hair. I think his badge number maybe 3221. A number of other people witnessed the event and have said they will also report it.
I was driving down Holland Park this evening and had the misfortune to encounter this cab driver behind me. He kept on beeping his horn despite there being traffic in front. At the 3rd set of lights from the bottom he started shouting at me, calling me a "f*ing ct etc and that I had no right to take up the lane in front of him. We had a frank exchange of words. When the lights turned green I set off, I was in the outside lane. He proceeded to undertake me, came alongside and said "my cab weights 2 1/2 tonnes, it will kill you when i hit you" and then proceeded to swerve to his right, towards me, pushing me into the oncoming traffic.
I have no idea why he is allowed to drive professionally in London.
Kind regards"
• #3840
What the DJ's cabbie encounter and that Merc, there's a special sort of idiocy going around at the moment.
• #3841
email to PCO this evening
"The time was about 6pm 02/10/13 his cab was black, LS61 UTC the driver is white, thin and with short grey hair. I think his badge number maybe 3221. A number of other people witnessed the event and have said they will also report it.
I was driving down Holland Park this evening and had the misfortune to encounter this cab driver behind me. He kept on beeping his horn despite there being traffic in front. At the 3rd set of lights from the bottom he started shouting at me, calling me a "f*ing ct etc and that I had no right to take up the lane in front of him. We had a frank exchange of words. When the lights turned green I set off, I was in the outside lane. He proceeded to undertake me, came alongside and said "my cab weights 2 1/2 tonnes, it will kill you when i hit you" and then proceeded to swerve to his right, towards me, pushing me into the oncoming traffic.
I have no idea why he is allowed to drive professionally in London.
Kind regards"
• #3842
Dear Mr ,
Thank you for your submission to Road Safe London concerning the incident on Monday 23rd September at Warwick Road W14
You provided details of the vehicle concerned and all appropriate checks have now been undertaken.
On this occasion Road Safe London is the incorrect platform to report an incident of this nature.
As a result, from the information you have provided, but without further corroboration, there is insufficient evidence to take any action against the driver concerned.We appreciate this may not be the outcome you were hoping for however would ask that this does not deter you from making further reports to Road Safe London
We want to know about:
Driving under the influence of drink and drugs
Driving with no insurance
Driving without a licence or whilst disqualified from driving
Using an un-roadworthy vehicle
Locations where there is a problem with anti-social driving e.g. vehicles racing on public streetsRoad Safe London is not an alternative means of reporting road traffic offences including violations of Highway Code Rules with a view to prosecution. This must be done on official documentation which is available on the Road Safe London web site under the ‘Collision forms and reports’ section. On this occasion and for your convenience, Form 966 is attached. You will need to complete the form and take it to your nearest Police Station along with a copy of any original, unedited video footage you may have of the incident which should ideally be burned to a DVD-R. Please be advised, you must be prepared to make a statement and attend court to give evidence should a prosecution arise from your complaint.
Kind Regards
Mark Slater PS36TD
How much are budget helmet cams? -
• #3843
email to PCO this evening
"The time was about 6pm 02/10/13 his cab was black, LS61 UTC the driver is white, thin and with short grey hair. I think his badge number maybe 3221. A number of other people witnessed the event and have said they will also report it.
I was driving down Holland Park this evening and had the misfortune to encounter this cab driver behind me. He kept on beeping his horn despite there being traffic in front. At the 3rd set of lights from the bottom he started shouting at me, calling me a "f*ing ct etc and that I had no right to take up the lane in front of him. We had a frank exchange of words. When the lights turned green I set off, I was in the outside lane. He proceeded to undertake me, came alongside and said "my cab weights 2 1/2 tonnes, it will kill you when i hit you" and then proceeded to swerve to his right, towards me, pushing me into the oncoming traffic.
I have no idea why he is allowed to drive professionally in London.
Kind regards"
Bloody hell. Let us us know what the PCO response is. Hopefully it'll be more than "were you a passenger? No? Nuffink we can do then".
Where are the PCO based anyway? About time some kind of protest was arranged calling on them to take complaints against cabbies seriously. Hopefully it won't take a cabbie killing a cyclist and them letting him keep his job to bring it about.
• #3844
That reminded me - I once picked up a copy of a magazine for taxi drivers as they sat in a pile by a taxi rank outside a train station.
It had an advert in it for dash cams or some kind of related service for taxi drivers.
The advert was a photo of a cyclist on the ground in front of a taxi, with a guy dressed as a judge standing over him, with a guy in the black cab looking particularly smug. Wish I kept a copy.
• #3845
around 11pm on my way home from work i was followed by a car all the way home, around 3 miles. They weren't driving dangerously, but it was clearly an attempt of intimidation. I looked behind a couple of times, and the driver (male) and the passenger (female) of young ish age (20-30), were grinning/laughing. Anyway, i managed to loose them just before i got home, so they had no opportunity to say anything or find out where i live.
I can't think of any reason i gave them to do this, i was just riding along sensibly. I should also add that they didn't follow me from the start but around 1 mile into the journey, so they don't know my place of work either.
I feel really crap about it, and I am a bit worried about it happening again. I didn't get the registration, but i have a good ish description.
What do you guys think, should i be worried? Should i report this to the police? Or am i just making it out to be worse than it is? -
• #3846
Was this in London / in a built up environment or were they tracking you through rural roads? Are you male or female? (George or Georgina?) How old are you? Was there anything about your bike or attire which might make someone really juvenile want to have a laugh at your expense (probably making it a one off)..
As it stands you have nothing to actually report to the fuzz.
• #3847
Are you ridiculously attractive? I often have this problem, although it tends to be more people, but following me for less time.
• #3848
No otter that's just because you dropped a shoe and they thought it was a sign from god.
• #3849
They started following me in a trading estate before i got to the suburban areas. I'm male, 22 years, not particularly attractive. I was just wearing my waterproofs, nothing bright, black trousers and blue jacket; I was riding my cinelli mash, nothing that should draw much attention.
I think you are right though, it probably was a one off. I will know soon enough.
• #3850
This was in Exeter
'nuff said.
Yesterday after one of those shopping trips where you go by bike thinking you just get enough to fill you backpack, but leave with four shopping bags hanging of the handle bars, I'm wheeling my bike to the junction near my house, wait for the oncoming light to turn red, then start crossing and a silver ford escort screaches to a halt next to me.
Her screaming "you didn't f'ing look over your shoulder"
Me (not screaming) "the light was red"
More screaming from her and a bit more from the passenger, I stay where I am waiting for a pause in the vitriol.. When I can't find one for what seems like ages I just continue to cross... She must be a trumpet player to be able to shout without pause for so long (or what ever it is that would teach you to circular breath...).
I assume they've not learnt anything, but I laughed about them all the way home.