• #3202
this is disgraceful.
• #3203
Come to think of it, TVP have a Twitter feed..
• #3204
They do, and they'd posted stuff about cyclists being allowed to use the full lane just the other day IIRC.
Don't have access to twitter at the mo sadly.
• #3205
I just emailed the company
• #3206
Might be bollocks, I just called the company and they claimed the driver's been sacked.
• #3207
^ I feckin hope so.
The c u n t
• #3208
^^ Crowd source that... anyone else seen this guy still driving one of their trucks?
• #3209
I was really fucking angry on the way home tonight. Have calmed down a bit now.
Heading up Portland Place past the junction with Weymouth St, about here. There's no lanes marked but it's always treated as two which is fair enough, it works. I was pretty much equally between the parking boxes on the left and the arrow. Green lights at the junction, wouldn't be unreasonable to assume I was doing about 20mph. Heard an engine noise coming towards me behind my left shoulder and took a quick glance. Noticed one headlight and thought it was either a bike or a car about to turn left. Really didn't expect a cab to pass me on the inside before immediately pulling right to avoid the cars parked on the other side of the junction.
This was about 21:50, and there was absolutely nothing else on the road preventing him from using the lane (not that there are any) to the right of me. I honestly can't imagine why he did it other than for shits and giggles, and I'm wondering why his female passengers were looking through the back window after he passed (I have calves and an arse, but neither are that special).
The next lights up were green and then he took a left on Park Circus where I go right. I'm considering that fortunate cos if I'd have caught up I might have gone a bit mental. Small issue of me being four pints into the Easter weekend wouldn't have helped my cause if shit had got serious.
tldr: There are some cunts of taxi drivers around, but this one didn't get me
• #3210
Wanker bus driver just used his vehicle to force me off the road. He'd already misjudged overtaking me approaching a pinch point and forced me to brake heavily as he pulled in sharply and at speed. After a polite word at his next stop he used his bus as a weapon as far as I'm concerned to try to bully me off the road. Very angry.
• #3211
report him. They should have CCTV. I have done similar and found the bus company very cooperative.
• #3212
Will do. I had to report another bus driver a couple of months back and, as you say, the bus company were good. Just bored of these frustrated pricks in their massive metal boxes, pissed off at the world that they have to work on a Sunday, and taking it out on others.
• #3213
I dont know if this is bad driving as much as it just being a wanker but .....
I just had a lovely conversation with a gentleman in a car on this stretch of road (second time this has happened in two weeks). I was in the right hand lane as that is the lane you need to be in if you wish to turn right at the traffic lights. He was behind me and clearly in a hurry.
It went as follows:
car swerves around me and speeds off only to be greeted by the rear end of a bus stopped at a red light
I cycle up to the drivers window which he has kindly wound down for me.
ME: you realise what you just did was dangerous and completely pointless, you just missed my rear wheel by about an inch.
ANGRY DRIVER: Get in the fucking cycle lane!
ME: But Im turning right thats why im in this lane.
ANGRY DRIVER: You're not turning right, why arent you fucking indicating?
ME: because all traffic in this lane has to turn right and the lights are still ages away so why would I?
ANGRY DRIVER: If the lights are ages away why arent you in the fucking cycle lane?
ME: because the "fucking cycle lane" is on the wrong side of 3 lanes of busy traffic and I dont think you would like it if I swerved across it to turn right.
ANGRY DRIVER: You're in the fucking way
ME: Check your highway code and you'll see im allowed to ride in primary position and take the space of a car if I need to.
at this point I can only assume I won the argument because he called me a little cock and sped off through the lights (straight on so I wasnt even blocking the lane he wanted to use anyway) ..... some people eh?
also I know it only looks like 2 lanes of traffic and I said 3 but if you go a bit closer to the lights it becomes 3 lanes. http://i46.tinypic.com/ke8zzn.png
• #3214
Had to run an errand in the car today, and was amazed at the number of cars running red lights.
This chap was parked in the ASL, then decided to drive out of it whilst still on red to sit in the entrance to the junction.
Well done LV06 UUS, I salute you for refusing to do what "the man" says, you fierce individualist you.
• #3215
I had something similar. He then went on to jump red light after telling me I don't know the rules of the road
• #3216
I mocked him in the security of my head for buying and then driving one of the worst cars currently available. Badly.
• #3218
^ "If, for example, they hit and injured a cyclist, a judge would show no mercy."
Odd wording. Wonder if they'd have used the same phrase if they were saying "if they hit and injured a toddler" instead of "cyclist"?
• #3219
Just watched that. Very scary. What an angry man. Has anything come of it, do you know?
• #3220
jesus i almost had a heart attack just watching the pass
• #3221
Thames Valley police declined to take any action apparently
• #3222
Thames Valley police declined to take any action apparently
Ridiculous. Where did you hear that?
• #3223
Hopefully the driver no longer has a job.
http://www.bpmitchell.co.uk/ to lodge a complaint maybe.
• #3225
Had to run an errand in the car today, and was amazed at the number of cars running red lights.
This chap was parked in the ASL, then decided to drive out of it whilst still on red to sit in the entrance to the junction.
Well done LV06 UUS, I salute you for refusing to do what "the man" says, you fierce individualist you.
I turn left at these lights every day and there is rarely an occasion where this DOESN'T happen. The traffic going left/right (up and down Blackfriars) stops which makes people in this chap's position think that is then their turn to carry on with their journey only for the Green Man to appear. This infuriates them enough to make them creep forward, for some reason.
Or a company Twitter feed, Twitter can explode stuff like this.