• #85427
The lightweight wheels are still available
• #85428
I've been away for so long I don't even get this. Or is that the point...
• #85429
Post the files to me and I shall see what I can do.
• #85430
genuine lol.
the wheels lightweight still available are.
• #85431
https://www.tartybikes.co.uk/other_hub_spares/monty_serrated_axle_bolt_washer_single/c596p12550.html?pos=570&search_params=YTo3OntzOjEyOiJjYXRlZ29yeV9pZHMiO2E6MTp7aTowO3M6MzoiMTQ0Ijt9czoxNjoiY2F0ZWdvcnlfcmVjdXJzZSI7YjoxO3M6ODoia2V5d29yZHMiO3M6MDoiIjtzOjk6ImJyYW5kX2lkcyI7TjtzOjQ6Im1vZGUiO3M6MzoiYWxsIjtzOjQ6InNvcnQiO3M6OToicHJpY2VfYXNjIjtzOjEwOiJjb3VudHJ5X2lkIjtpOjE7fQ%3D%3D? -
• #85432
Why's the logo yellow?
• #85433
Use the File Combiner here: https://www.fitfiletools.com/
• #85434
Or retap it to Italian thread?
• #85435
Is that possible? Do you have any experience doing this or know of other people who did it? I briefly googled this option but I didn't really find any conclusive evidence. I guess it would be a job for a frame builder or do you reckon bigger bike shops have the neccessary tools? Thanks in advance!
p.s. the difference in shell width (fr 68mm/ita 70mm) might be a problem, too. -
• #85436
Compulsive upgrader
• #85437
I went to local bolt place (with original goldtec pieces in hand) and they suggested a standard button bolt and two washers each side. Held fine for me so far.
• #85438
Any decent shop with a bottom bracket chasing'n'facing set should be able to do it, although whether they'd trust themselves to do it properly is another matter. The 68mm/70mm thing isn't an issue - just fit a 1mm spacer on each side of the BB shell once it's retapped.
• #85439
That was the first thing I tried. The resulting file got spat out as corrupted by Strava, TrainingPeaks and RidewithGPS when I tried uploading it. I even tried using Garmin fucking Connect which also didn't like it. TL;DR dunt work
• #85440
Cheers. I'll try exporting as .gpx files and stitching them together by hand, and if that fails then prepare for incoming...
• #85441
Try emailing the bloke behind it. I did last year when I was trying to do similar for Skinny's TCR#4 and bumping up against arbitrary size limits imposed by the site. The bloke responded quickly and raised the limits to allow the files to be processed. From what I could tell he was interested in sets of files that didn't work as expected.
• #85442
Or retap it to Italian thread?
It's not a retap, the diameter is substantially different and so is the pitch. To convert French to Italian, you first have to bore out the shell to 35mm (and I mean bore, its more material than you'd want to remove with a reamer), then cut new 36mm Italian threads. I'd be surprised if a bike shop had the necessary equipment, but the first part shouldn't be too hard for any machine shop with a modestly sized manual vertical mill of the Bridgeport pattern. Success is contingent on having enough wall thickness in the shell to leave it in a safe condition after increasing the bore by 1mm. Once you're past that, it is as others have said a simple matter of adding a 1mm spacer each side and Robert is your father's brother.
• #85443
Thanks! I'll weigh my options :)
• #85444
These do look ideal, I had a play around with some spare QR skewers and found that the generic quando/formula type skewers had a suitable bit but just needed a bit of plastic popping out. Think I'll give them a go to start.
• #85445
Just snark. I've seen the yellow question quite a few times this week and the nonsensical wheels available came from a car crash classified- seemed appropriate.
Where you been, I thought I've been seeing your beard avatar around, though maybe I'm just looking at really old threads.
• #85446
Let's say I'd like to adjust the q-factor a bit on my Look Keos, do I need to use the Look specific washers?
• #85447
do I need to use the Look specific washers?
You might as well, it's not going to be easy finding anything else of the right thickness and diameter.
• #85448
I'm not sure how much space I need just yet. But wouldn't it be enough to use regular washers with the right hole diameter?
• #85449
wouldn't it be enough to use regular washers with the right hole diameter?
Depends what the face of you crank looks like. Many are rebated where the pedal axle shoulder abuts the crank, so the OD of the washer needs to fit in that rebate.
• #85450
Internet says that the crank (Sugino 75) is flat but I'll check again later. Thanks!
Going prommuter?