• #5627
That's what I think, so scaling it up wouldn't be a problem, but reading online it seems to part the waters. Gonna head down to the apple store and see for myself I think
• #5628
I might be missing something but I really can't see how? If something is 900px wide it's 900px wide, I think people get confused by DPI, it really doesn't make a difference when you are actually making the files. I was at an agency that debated what DPI to make retina assets for ages, it doesn't matter, PX matters, file.jpg for normal, file@2x.jpg for retina. Job done.
What ya buying? 13 or 15? I have a couple of invoices outstanding and I think they are going on a new rMBP... -
• #5629
13 for sure, pending I get the job tomorrow!
That's how we do it as well, just double up when we create, than output everything twice, incl @2x
• #5630
Hmmm. I can't claim back tax so it's pretty spendy.
Anyone get a cool discount?
Can ask my younger brother for you? He's down at Goldsmiths.
• #5631
GF is off to New York on Wednesday.
Do I get the iPad 2 or iPad air?
• #5632
iPad 2 is 4 years old.
I'd maybe get retina mini? -
• #5633
13 for sure, pending I get the job tomorrow!
That's how we do it as well, just double up when we create, than output everything twice, incl @2x
pixels... yep, sounds like you are doing it right.
Good luck with the job!
I really feel the need for a rMBP too... -
• #5634
GF is off to New York on Wednesday.
Do I get the iPad 2 or iPad air?
For what it's worth, I love my retina mini. I had an iPad 3 and it's miles better than that.
• #5635
Cool - I'll go for the Air then.
Im not replacing my laptop, so this will take over it's browsing functionality.
The only annoying thing is that I can stream football on the iPad, so will need the laptop for that still but thats pretty much all its good for!
Soul, let me know about the above
• #5636
I'd get the mini, the normal sized one seems huge now and as long as your eye sight is good I see (fnar fnar) no reason to get a big one
• #5637
If I were buying an iPad now, I would go for the mini, my mum is in her early 50s and eyesight is not as good as expected for people her age, she doesn't complain about the mini since I bought it for her Aug last year.
• #5638
Soul, let me know about the above
I need to get approval from the other half which means waiting a week or two. I'll drop you a PM if I get the okay...
• #5639
ipad mini size feels spot on, bought my mum one and she loves it... takes it everywhere!
+1 Mini Retina. -
• #5640
Yup - this is what a lot of people have said to me. Mini is also more convenient for meetings etc but I like the full size version.
Thanks for the help all
• #5641
`I just check the specification, Mini got a higher pixel-per-inches than the Air.
• #5642
So I carefully dropped my iphone into a glass of water this morning. Should I take it to an Apple store for repair (i dont have apple care, bought it secondhand). I went to my local sketchy phone shop today to buy a shit backup phone and they said they could fix it for £40-£60 but I dont really want to trust them with all the info on my phone.
Or does anyone else have any suggestions for an alternative?
cheersSo after the phone turning on and being weid then turning off, then me turning it on a day later only for it to fizzle out and taking it to a shop and them telling me it was fucked... 2 days in rice, works fine.
Rice FTW. -
• #5644
burns MBP with fire
• #5645
Testing BetterTouchTool's Leap Motion Gestures 2 - YouTube
It's all gone a bit minority report.
leap controller thingymawatsit is 39% off today on amazon (£43) in the deal of the day email
• #5646
having tried to use gesture controls with the xbone kinect, my curiosity has waned a litte.
• #5647
Does anyone have Lion on USB or disk I can borrow? Lost my boot up disk, and now on Maverick so can't redownload it. I'm about to sell my parents iMac (one of the 17" white ones if anyone is interested).
Or if anyone know where I can download it. My google fu is weak today.
• #5648
You will have to pay again though...
• #5649
Upgrade it to Mavericks? I have Mavericks on USB if it's of any use?
• #5650
17" white iMac might only be 32 bits? If that's the case that it won't work with Mavericks, no?
Surely it's no problem? Pixels are pixels and isn't retina just x2?