• #2827
Good story. I always liked your style of writing, but I can't shake the feeling that it has improved still.
Keep it up! -
• #2828
nice one luci.
I was about to call you out on DVD's being available in 1995 but wikipedia agrees with you. Who'd of thought DVD's had been about for 20 years. madness. -
• #2829
Cheers buddy - I keep trying!
• #2830
Yeah, this guy was in at the start, if his story is to be believed. As I said, I reckon it was bullshit. Still creeps me out now...
• #2831
That sort of thing may well have made a local paper, a bit of digging in an appropriate archive (local libraries often keep them) may provide something if you care to look...
• #2832
I honestly don't want to dig through all that lot and find it was real - it makes HIM more real then, you know? I'd rather let sleeping dogs lie.
• #2833
I like the way you're writing now. The content, and turn of phrase are as piss funny as they've always been. But I just find the Reading experiance more enjoyable. Maybe it flows more. To be honest I have no idea what I'm talking about. But I like it.
• #2834
^ what he said. The tales themselves are consistantly ace but the flow and style has certainly improved. Not that I know fuck all about writing....
I still long for another Hugs n Flint story though.
• #2835
When I started writing the Repro Man stories I'd just finished a 148,000 word novel, full of flowing descriptions and intricate details.
It was pretty shit, if I'm honest.
I'll return to it one day, but afterwards, as an exercise, I started writing those Lucifer stories as minimally as possible, cutting out any fluff or window dressing. A fresh approach to writing as far removed from the novel as possible. Mucky story, brutal, 400 words, BANG! Finished.
Lately though, I've taken a different approach again. I want to tell stories. I think my writing with The Leeds Savage Club has opened me up, made dialogue more important and made me less reliant on shock factor or funnies. The feedback I get from here is the most important though. Someone once put, 'they all don't have to make us laugh'. It was quite liberating.
I suppose that Blog North Awards helped with the next push after that, bringing me to where the stories are now.
I really, really love writing them. They change how I look at the world.
The fact that other people seem to like them is a MASSIVE bonus ball.Cheers folks!
• #2836
I do have a Hugs and Flint story, but it's controversial and might have some dodgy repercussions for me if the people involved read it.
Lets put it this way, Hugs doesn't get out alive.
• #2837
Fair enough, can tell me next time we're drunk...
• #2838
Ha ha!! Definitely!
• #2839
I think my writing with The Leeds Savage Club has opened me up
• #2840
One day I'll write the notes down about Tony Rockstar for you if you still want them. I recently found out he's still alive and working...
• #2841
I as going to write that one the other week!! I didn't because I wanted to talk to you to get more info.
That was a cracking little ride and a great story to go with it - must do it again soon! -
• #2842
• #2844
I've got mates who do it, but I worry that a rushed novel might be worthless. A month knocking out 1000-1500 words a day of work that might be shit would blow my clackervalve.
Nanowrimo strikes me as 95% perspiration, 5% inspiration. Still, I know people who love it and find that it gives them incredible writing discipline. -
• #2845
spotted a typo:
another DVD their
Really enjoyed that one. It felt just like you were sat here telling the story over a pint, I kept catching myself on the verge of blurting "...what?... no way... never! ..." at my computer screen.
• #2846
Good spot sir! I'll wing my way over and correct it.
• #2847
Really liked that. I always like the way you recount or write dialogue. Not quite sure what it is as you'd expect it to be fairly straightforward, but it conveys the moment well.
It's funny how you can have coincidences like that. Years ago I went to Glastonbury and in the morning heading back to our tent we were fucking around on some sort of inflatable thing and someone took some photos.
One of the photos was of me and walking past behind me in the background was a doppelganger. SÃmilar height and build, same clothes (including a green bandana), same colour hair. None of us noticed him at the time.
• #2849
No-ones safe!
Here's my Friday offering, folks.
It's a story I get accused of making up, but it's all the truth.