• #927
Yippee, guess what I'll be doing all weekend!
• #928
On a side note is Fahrenheit any good?
Yeah do it
• #929
Didn't enjoy Fahrenheit very much probably because I'm a hardcore gamer and if I want an emotional story i'll read a book. (even the fucking scene wasn't as fun(ny) as god of war's shagging scene with the red green and blue orbgasm.) I'd rather spend my gaming time shooting like in HL, or slashing like devil may cry or the sublime bayonetta or punching stuff life SF4 or ninja gaiden.
• #930
on another note, guess what? the Half Life 2 series is out on Steam for the Macintosh, downloading them all.
Ed, Does HL2 series include all the orange box games so you can now play the wonderful team fortress 2 in mac?
• #931
Sadly I doubt it, it just the Half Life 2 series.
And you sound more like an old school videogamer than an 'hardcore' one, in the past, videogames exist simply to have fun, no story, no plot, just shooting some duck out of the sky to gain point. but now videogames end up being more and more complex, allowing author to create a world that he could not express in book, television, theatre, film, etc. in another word - videogames is another medium.
Bioshock is a good example, they managed to merge the storyline beautifully without hindrance the fun of the first person shoot em up genres.
• #932
It's all about the gore.
COD - World at war - how much fun was it blowing people apart with shotguns. Leaving mines on the floor and watching people get torn apart. I like games to be realistic in that sense, don't know about you lot but it annoys the hell out of me when I've got to put a clip into someone/thing to kill them.
World at war had this really set up well. Playing BC2 on hardcode is also the same, minus the gore.
• #933
Sadly I doubt it, it just the Half Life 2 series.
And you sound more like an old school videogamer than an 'hardcore' one, in the past, videogames exist simply to have fun, no story, no plot, just shooting some duck out of the sky to gain point. but now videogames end up being more and more complex, allowing author to create a world that he could not express in book, television, theatre, film, etc. in another word - videogames is another medium.
Bioshock is a good example, they managed to merge the storyline beautifully without hindrance the fun of the first person shoot em up genres.
Portal 2 is out this xmas :)
I would love it if you could download CS:S and games like Ricochet in the xbox.
• #934
Sadly I doubt it, it just the Half Life 2 series.
And you sound more like an old school videogamer than an 'hardcore' one, in the past, videogames exist simply to have fun, no story, no plot, just shooting some duck out of the sky to gain point. but now videogames end up being more and more complex, allowing author to create a world that he could not express in book, television, theatre, film, etc. in another word - videogames is another medium.
Bioshock is a good example, they managed to merge the storyline beautifully without hindrance the fun of the first person shoot em up genres.
I think that is the point Ed and that video games ARE another media.
Thing is they try and emulate cinema in many cases with narrative, visuals and set pieces (and cinema tries to emulate books with similar narrative structure -a thing that annoys such cinematic creatives such a peter greenaway or dario argento who believe that film 'lost it' early last century with cecil b deMill's early narrative films),
even bioshock created an atmosphere and told a story in-game like half-life did a decade earlier. but still tried to tell a story which could be summarised in 2 sentences so wasn't really engaging nor did it force us to imagine as much a book would have to do.
Portal and braid are 2 recent examples of games for which narrative isn't important yet the game play is fun imaginitive original and true to the medium. I think we are in such early days in game development (like pre-talkies in the film medium) and we have so much more to come that we can't yet imagine.
• #935
Sadly I doubt it, it just the Half Life 2 series.
And you sound more like an old school videogamer than an 'hardcore' one, in the past, videogames exist simply to have fun, no story, no plot, just shooting some duck out of the sky to gain point. but now videogames end up being more and more complex, allowing author to create a world that he could not express in book, television, theatre, film, etc. in another word - videogames is another medium.
Bioshock is a good example, they managed to merge the storyline beautifully without hindrance the fun of the first person shoot em up genres.
What about Zelda?
• #936
Zelda is great... ocarina and majora's mask bought innovation, fun and inventive game-play and suprise, light narrative and the graphics were good enough to stimulate imagination.
(haven't played the recent wii additions not having a wii-anyone played them?)
• #937
Didn't enjoy Fahrenheit very much probably because I'm a hardcore gamer and if I want an emotional story i'll read a book. (even the fucking scene wasn't as fun(ny) as god of war's shagging scene with the red green and blue orbgasm.) I'd rather spend my gaming time shooting like in HL, or slashing like devil may cry or the sublime bayonetta or punching stuff life SF4 or ninja gaiden.
It was touted as an interactive film, rather than a game. I think it's a genius idea, not done nearly enough. Yeah the game is flawed, and the plot gets well bent towards the end, but it's a great idea that's been a long time coming.
• #938
Who plays MW2 online with PS3? i know loads of you are xbox boys...
• #939
Me. I sent you a friend request a while ago I think, but no reply. Add me: hellomiles.
• #941
• #942
Me. I sent you a friend request a while ago I think, but no reply. Add me: hellomiles.
no, i've added you for sure! but you're the only one...
• #943
Weird, says its still waiting for a response from you at my end. Add Aleksi as well, his PSN is asurgie.
• #944
Man, the ipod touch/iphone has some amazing games.
Looking for a 1st person 3D dungeon crawler with hours and hours of game play ? You got it.
Looking for a hand-drawn 3D rpg akin to daggerfall but FAR more reliable and fun? Yup, you can have that too.
Looking for a way to turn your ipod into a wireless midi controller? To my pleasant surprise you can, and there are a million different apps to do it. and I can't be bothered to find a link to any of them :)
• #945
What i want to know is:
How come no one has come up with a shooter that uses the iphone camera? point/aim, and click/shoot. It would be awesome! you could pretend to snipe passers by... ok now I type it out it sounds a little psychotic. Oh well. Someone was telling me there's an app that uses the inbuilt GPS/google earth to calculate trajectories for actual snipers. Might have been a lie though.
You could even use the same idea to make the world's most nerdy multiplayer deathmatch - loads of geeks running round taking pictures of each other! haha.
And then you could release periphery accessories so you 'dock' your iphone into an imitation rifle... it'd be like laser quest all over again!
Anyone? No? Ok I'll go to bed.
• #946
anyone up for a swop in this time of recession ... a pool of games that we can pass between us... (rather than sell them for a pittance to gamestation)
I have finished with bioshock 2 , alan wake, GTA episodes from liberty city...
would like to play mass effect 2 and red dead redemption
any takers?
• #947
I strongly recommend everyone to play Assassin's Creed 2, it is, IMO the best game I've ever played and I'm sure most, if not all will either adore it or at the very least love it.
• #948
anyone up for a swop in this time of recession ... a pool of games that we can pass between us... (rather than sell them for a pittance to gamestation)
I have finished with bioshock 2 , alan wake, GTA episodes from liberty city...
would like to play mass effect 2 and red dead redemption
any takers?
I have a copy of mass effect 2. Would be willing to swap for alan wake.
It's an amazing game (ME2).
PM me for deets.
• #949
Wouldn't mind borrowing Alan Wake when it's available. Willing to lend in return.
• #950
So new maps for MW2 are out, I for one won't be bloody buying them.
Thinking of buying new splinter cell or RDR.
It's definitely worth playing, graphic wise, it's primitive by now, but it's still very enjoyable.
on another note, guess what? the Half Life 2 series is out on Steam for the Macintosh, downloading them all.