• #2902
If I was spending that much money on a bike I would expect them to chuck the innertubes, grips and other odds and sods for free. £11 for a pair of tubes(unless they're superlight latex) can fuck off.
• #2903
I particularly admired the way they overcharged by about £10 on the Veloce BB to make it seem like it belonged with the Record cranks.
• #2904
£10 for the seat clamp bolt is actually fair if somebody were buying one separately
but to add it on when you're already screwing them over on a frame which would have had one included in the original spec is despicable. -
• #2905
besides a fairly easy to fake receipt, has this been verified
• #2906
I agree, they are evidently fucking cunts. There is no hint of a discount for buying a whole bike's worth of parts; they're out for every last penny, and then some.
• #2907
Playing devils advocate they would probably respond that they could sell every one of those components individually, hence no overall reduction in price.
Most of us would, at that point tell them to fuck off, but their point remains valid.
• #2908
they would probably respond that they could sell every one of those components individually
And I could buy every one of those components for at least 20% less without getting out of my comfy chair at home.
A little goodwill would have gone along way, although with that frame at the top of the bill it would have taken a lot to recover. Classic frames always came with the seat bolt and headset already fitted, so there is definitely £68 on the bill which has absolutely no place being there; that's 4% of the total bill which is a complete rip off even if you accept their valuation of the frame. Then there is the stuff which should he should never have been sold; skeleton callipers which are three times the price of the non-skeleton ones, which are actually better for day to day use; the inexcusable Veloce BB, which must have been dropped in there simply because they had one in stock and couldn't be arsed to wait for a Record just in case Kukusi used the delay to realise how badly he was getting shafted and pulled out of the deal; and really, Wellgo pedals on that build? Again, that looks like dumping stock rather than putting together a properly considered package.
• #2909
Oh of course- don't get me wrong, Kukusi has been well and truly ripped off.
Caveat Emptor when it comes to BLB, clearly
• #2910
Although I don't agree with the business that BLB seem to have provided here I'm also of the opinion that it's down to the consumer to do their homework. All BLB have done is sell the guy everything at their list price (over the odds or not this is the price on the tag). Although the nice thing to do would be to offer a discount it is again is down to the consumer to ask for one.
Tough yes but just as anyone who buy's things at RRP from a store without checking it is possible to obtain it cheaper elsewhere it is down to them. Don't expect people who run businesses to not try to make as much as possible from their customers. Business is business.
• #2911
Don't expect people who run businesses to not try to make as much as possible from their customers. Business is business.
But it might not even have been the best way to make as much as possible from this individual customer, and it certainly looks like an inept and short-termist strategy for the wider potential customer base. At this stage, the sale looks like Foffa at his worst.
• #2912
It's been BLB's strategy from the start and still people part with their bundles of cash there.
• #2913
Na, fuck them, they're scumbags. Charging £11 for tubes when they've already fleeced the poor guy beyond belief. It's like being buggered and then asked for a kiss!!
• #2914
All the above debate still boils down to the fact that, they sold him the frame under the false understanding that it was in fact a track frame... whether or not he should've known better is irrelevant, it's sneaky as fuck, and they've taken the piss with the cost of parts.
Bike shops should be honest and responsible when conducting business, otherwise they are only damaging the industry they rely on as people become wary of trusting them and turn to online retailers and diy instead.
Sorry if this is stating the obvious.
• #2915
It's like being buggered and then asked for a kiss!!
Now I don't know what to think of it all. On the one hand, and then on the other.....
• #2916
If someone mentions the fact that they have to rent the premesis and pay for electricity for the kettle and bog roll, I'll lose it
• #2917
If someone mentions the fact that they have to rent the premesis and pay for electricity for the kettle and bog roll, I'll lose it
Will you come back to blighty and show us all the losing it?
• #2918
cold there.... maybe when it warms up.
• #2919
So after global warming has really hit.
• #2920
Dude, its warming up fast.
• #2921
England only started warming up after Balki left.
Australia only got all windy and rainy after Balki arrived.
Balki = shit weather.
• #2922
Don't say that!
• #2923
Don't forget that that they have to rent the premesis and pay for electricity for the kettle and bog roll though.
Have you gone for good old chap? See you in 6 months and counting.
• #2924
£10 for the seat clamp bolt is actually fair if somebody were buying one separately
but to add it on when you're already screwing them over on a frame which would have had one included in the original spec is despicable.Except they list it as a 'seatpin' so I thought how cheap that was until I realised it was only the clamp bolt . A seat post is listed further down.
Wellgo pedals @£23 I think they missed a trick by not charging separately for the bearings and axles.
• #2925
looks like i missed out on all the fun. Yet more proof that blb are a bunch of c*nts
Sexist. You wouldn't say that to me, would you?
Ok, you would.