• #477
I'm thinking these:
STX Tropos Women's Lacrosse Gloves
Don't suppose anyone's bought from Prolax shop?
EDIT: Anyone want in on shipping? They have some sweet protection.
http://www.prolaxshop.com/product_info.php?products_id=301&osCsid=4c53abacbafb0baa06b5ca2b01fd19f6 -
• #478
If I wasn't so broke right now (and needing loads of other junk) ...
• #479
tbh, I can't afford them either. I really must get to Oz at some point.
If these were full finger I'd be happy.
http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/NEW-Womens-SHAMROCK-Lacrosse-Field-Hockey-Gloves-Med-/190448155775?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2c57983c7f#ht_1197wt_907If anyone see's anything similar give me a shout?
• #480
Anyone got any recommendations to stop drunken poloistas biting you?
• #481
Impale their faces on a table hockey game.
• #482
Face cage ... for her.
(would help prevent face impalation as well)
• #483
• #484
face cage or shut up
• #485
Impale their faces on a table hockey game.
Real life lol. Well, with my cough it was more like wheezy hyperventilation. Awesome.
• #486
we NEED to find that table hockey for the orwell
• #487
we NEED to find that table hockey for the orwell
check ebay!
There are even better ones I've played with as a kid.
• #490
Habs vs Leafs. Sweet.
I'm in.
• #491
clearly the 'nucks
• #492
nobody has a pair of these or something similiar that they want to sell do they?
• #493
I got my 661 shin/knees for about £15 off chain reaction
Edit: 17 quid http://www.chainreactioncycles.com/Mobile/MobileModels.aspx?ModelID=2734
• #494
Bargain. Just looking at 2nd hand ones on pink bike. Are they always around that price?
• #495
i just found this, it is expensive but looks brilliant. You can clearly wear it with or without any helmet.
• #496
Brendan... Ali has a spare pair of knee/shins he was gonna sell me (I've bought some though), super cheap and perfect for polo, he's not back till April mind.
That face cage looks the most convincing yet, it's still gonna affect your vision though.
• #497
Same page as above, but cheaper. I might order one to test.
• #498
This one does it for me
http://www.hockeyfactoryshop.co.uk/acatalog/Players_Face_Mask.htmlI might be interested in Ali's pads if B doesn't want them?
• #499
Seriously though, this one looks pretty good and is one of the cheapest? £29 inc VAT.
http://www.hockeyfactoryshop.co.uk/acatalog/Players_Face_Mask.html -
• #500
The plastic areas of some of the above will cloud up as you breathe (even "no cloud" plastic as the Clowns found out), the less plastic the better I'd have thought, not such a big deal in Winter, but bad for the Euros in Barca I reckon...
Joni's last one looks good?
Ooooh red:
Brine Mogul
Like the ones above but in black, not blue.