• #1102
Have. It's pretty awesome.
• #1103
People with IPads>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
• #1104
I'm feeling a "Mac heads" merge but it's probably closer to iPhone.. hmm.. what to do what to do..
• #1105
Delete 'em all
• #1106
burn it!
• #1107
Surely carrying an IPad around and actually using it in public just screams "I am a complete helmet"?
• #1108
and I paid top dollar too....
• #1109
I am a complete helmet
• #1110
Surely carrying an IPad around and actually using it in public just screams "I am a complete helmet"?
I've never seen one "in the wild" just a workmate's. People don't actually do that do they?
• #1111
I am a complete helmet
Which, presumably is why you are unharmed.
[ducks for cover]
• #1112
<.<I've never seen one "in the wild" just a workmate's. People don't actually do that do they?
• #1113
<.<Sorry, I'm not up with the hip new street smileys of today's yoot..
• #1114
One day Apple
willcrumble.Ive can smoke my ring.
• #1115
Shifty side-to-side glancing. And thanks for the "youth" :-)
Sorry, I'm not up with the hip new street smileys of today's yoot..
• #1116
Consider yourself groomed "boy".
• #1117
and I paid top dollar too....
You actually paid for one?
drinks bleach
• #1118
No. That's because I rarely venture outdoors.
Which, presumably is why you are unharmed.
[ducks for cover]
• #1119
You actually paid for one?
drinks bleach
no it was an addendum to your post.....about people with them under their arms
• #1120
• #1121
• #1122
haha VB got to it first. :P
• #1123
you can run it as another screen in capture one
just a geek toy before i realised you could do this.
i use a 13in laptop because i like the portability adding an ipad would be better than using a 15in/17in more usable screen space and lighter and more versatile.rad thanks for giving me an excuse for getting one
• #1124
People will love you on the train.
• #1125
seriously, who gives a fuck?
ahhhm oot.
The ONLY reason I would want an IPad is that ^ pretty much - but then I do have the hardware version of the ESX...so it would be overkill really