• #4877
He's an emotional jigsaw, his face has less scars than my shins but it really gets him in the feels.
• #4878
It was a repeat wasn’t it?
• #4879
that was the OA no?
And now we're sucked in to watching the second series.
Which, in fairness, is quite good so far.
Less obtusely esoteric than the first, and the acting (particularly from the lead) is improved considerably.
• #4880
you haven't quite got to 'it' yet then I take it.
fucking nonsense.
• #4881
Happy is back, what an opening! Also Santa Clarita diet and Brockmire.
• #4882
Ooh, and a fun cyclist scene.
• #4883
Is the "it" the bit that happens towards the end of episode 4 (which is as far as I've got some far)?
In which case, I did think it was about to take a very odd turn.
• #4884
They all managed teleport to ibiza in the end
• #4885
yeah OA season 2 0 for me had some good promise - but some aspects utterly frustrated me (how did he build those dancing robots so quickly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
• #4886
You really do have a pathological problem with spoilers, don't you.
For fuck sake.
Have a word with yourself, you facile, suppurating dickhole.
Thankfully, there's an ignore function.
• #4887
Thankfully, there's a spoiler function.
<details><summary><u>Click to show spoiler</u></summary> Spoiler</details>
Results in:
Click to show spoiler
Spoiler -
• #4888
I think the issue here is people posting spoilers without realising they are doing so. It’s simpler to not reference any plot development. As for building things, training for things or doing anything in an accelerated timeframe, I thought this was fairly straightforward. Just use a montage.
• #4889
I’ve been lolling at the latest Santa Clarita Diet series. It turned up just as we needed a new comedy to plough through.
Strong cast and tight writing.
• #4890
Not got round to it yet, complete lack of sleep from a combination of damaged ribs and new dog mean things aren't getting watched very much.
• #4891
Nearly watched it all, so good.
• #4892
finished it last night, really enjoyed it. think they've hit their stride properly now with the characters and the plot. looking forward to the next one.
• #4893
Happy isn’t on UK Netflix yet, you had my hopes up!
I enjoyed this series of the OA, seems like an exec said ‘turn up the sci-fi, turn down the interpretive dance’.
• #4894
Happy isn’t on UK Netflix yet
Available to purchase at all good purchase sites.
• #4895
Did anyone catch the Sean Scully documentary the other night? Excellent viewing, highly recommended
• #4896
Killing Eve
S02 just started by the way..
• #4897
Just started filming? Excellent! Thanks.
• #4898
Just started on telly
Just not in the UK -
• #4899
I’ve seen stories estimating the UK Netflix release range from Easter weekend to the end of June. US at year end.
• #4900
jesus fucking christ
why is the bbc turning every factual documentary into an episode of eastenders, overblown dramas personal issues, were here to learn about the subject not watch some presenters having crisises" oh no the computers aren't working will this ruin the whole experiment "
no, we know the experiment worked fine its well documented that it worked fine
on last nights black hole at one point the editor just gave up, there was a 20 second slot along the lines of " oh no the reflector telescope isn't working what can we do, oh lets fix it, oh its fixed, we can get on with the experiment "
seemed they just lost the will to overdramatise
Getting in to punisher s2.
Jigsaw isn’t very jigsawey is he?