• #802
French Max has spoken, 1mm thick is strong. Seriously i've been trying to put holes through those god damn covers all year.
• #803
+1 for fmax's unpenetrable discs
• #804
+1 for fmax's unpenetrable discs
Got through it once, but that was only because the cable ties broke! Disc was fine....
• #805
I'm getting new light 700x32 tyres and thinking about some lightweight tubes, because my actual tubes are about 160g (which is exactly half weight of new tyres) and it seems like a lot. Main problem is, that max size I can find is 25c. Any advices or experiences? thx
• #806
Not sure if it's the same, but I used to run 1' tubes bmxing with 2'+ tyres to save weight, never had any issues. I'm also running an 18c tube on 23s on my polo bike, Again no problems.
• #807
Smaller tubes generally work fine in larger tyres within a couple of sizes. I've run 25 in 32s fine before.
• #808
Ok, I'll try 25c tubes. thanks
• #809
Just carry a spare (or two) and a pump just in case.
• #810
The detonators have soo much grip in the corners, highly recommended. The ride home does seem slower, I could be unlucky with the wind but it feels more like the tyres are slower rolling. The extra grip is a lot more noticeable than the slower speed on court, the way home is the other way around but who gives a shit about getting where you're going if you can turn dead tight really quickly.
• #811
Less pies Rob, less pies, failing that, take that massive dump, you have plenty of shit in you ;) #trollpost
• #812
Making the switch from 32c wired gator hardshells to 28c folding gatorskins I think it's around half the weight.
• #813
Less pies Rob, less pies, failing that, take that massive dump, you have plenty of shit in you ;) #trollpost
FFS, discrete variables...
Less pie
Fewer pies.
• #814
What's the recommended/on trend lacing for a 48h front wheel - 3, 4 or 5 cross?
• #815
5 would be a struggle, I'd guess the spokes would be at too much of an angle. 3 is always a good choice.
• #816
Last I heard, 3 cross gives more consistent coverage than 4 cross, but 48 spokes is overkill.
• #817
5 would be a struggle, I'd guess the spokes would be at too much of an angle. 3 is always a good choice.
5 came from Sheldon's wheel building info
48-spoke wheels are usually built cross 5, 40 spokes, cross 4; 36 spokes, cross 3 or 4; 32 spokes, cross 3; 28 or 24 spokes, cross 2...
• #818
Last I heard, 3 cross gives more consistent coverage than 4 cross, but 48 spokes is overkill.
Thanks and yes, it probably is overkill.
• #819
I'd guess the extra spokes would mean they'd cross more without being at such an angle, I've never laced a 48h so was just going on 32/36 wisdom.
• #820
Go for 5.
• #821
IIRC you get smaller gaps between spokes if you lace 3x... Pretty sure I had a ball sized gap in my last 4x 48h 700c wheel...
• #822
I've been trying to find one of those little programs that plots out different patterns but can only find ones that go up to 36h.
• #823
Yeah, having the same problem. Maybe Emyr can make on.
• #825
Found one, need to install rather than run in browser though.
laser cut.. scissors... knife... I will just make quick research , what possibilities I have...
How PC works when it's really cold... does it become more fragile? Sometimes we play even if it is really freezing ( -15 celsius degrees for example )