• #2102
setting off from the lights this morning on my roady, next thing I know I'm flying over my handlebars leaving me lying in the middle of the junction..
Turns out my rear wheel popped out of the dropouts! WTF!
I use a pitlock to secure it, but obviously it became loose, or more likely someone tried to steal it. Bruised elbow and thigh but luckily it didn't happen at full speed! Anyway, that'll teach me to do more maintainance.. -
• #2103
Tempted to email Conway but didn't catch the reg - these things might be GPS'd though
Conway have a massive 'committed to cycling safety' thing going on at HHV. Might be worth contacting them anyway?
• #2104
I'm about to accidentally kiss a young lad that I've just ran over.
I confess thread
• #2105
• #2106
I had a massive unclip fail this morning at the top of my road, caused mainly by my own stupidity.
I landed splat on my side in front of a sea of yummy mummies who all tried to offer help, but I was so embarrassed that I jumped back on my bike (still clipped in!) and rode off, only looking down to check I wasn't bleeding or anything when I'd got far enough away. No blood but definitely going to have a hefty bruise later on today.
Storming start to the day.
• #2107
Had a similarly windy oh shit moment to above two weeks ago , and only now am I in a position to type . Ridin' to work on my Langster when a huge gust of wind blew a thick " bag for life " style bag into my front wheel when I was out of saddle doing about 25mph . Stopped me instantly and threw me over bars , as I was clipped in bike came with me , dont remember impact but bloke riding behind me said it was like watching me ride into an invisible wall . Upshot was trip in ambulance , totalled my helmet and somehow I managed to dislocate my right shoulder , break my right elbow , break my right wrist and thumb dislocated fingers and broke my left hand and left elbow . Had surgery to pin both hands and am now in casts on both arms so cant do fuck all for myself except poke a keyboard with the one finger thats doesnt hurt . Really pissed off .
• #2108
That sounds harsh.
Heal up soon. -
• #2109
holy shit that's terrible, heal up soon
• #2110
Sounds nasty, heal up fast.
• #2111
Cheers , feeling very low at moment as suns out properly for first time and cant ride , or hold a pint glass or do much else for the next 5 weeks ...
• #2112
Was it your bag or just urban tumbleweed? This story is making me paranoid about riding in the wind.
• #2113
Not my bag , just purely by chance it blew from somewhere , and normally road I was riding on would have been choked with traffic and I would have been threading past cars really slowly .
• #2114
" bag for life " .
Dat irony
Hope you're up back on the bike soon fella, sounds like a horrible accident
• #2115
Christ, that sounds horrible. HealTFU!
Scary how something so innocuous could balls you up so badly. Recruit some people to feed you beers through a straw in the pub! Gotta enjoy that sunshine somehow...
• #2116
Yeah all my cycling buddies were " that could have been me " 'cos so random and just bad luck to fall so awkwardly and break so many bits of me . Need some of the Oxford forum crew to pick me up , bungee me to a tandem and take me to a pub or am gonna go out of my mind......already bought a new helmet even tho in plaster for next 5 weeks !
• #2117
Get a recumbant!?
And shitter man, heal up. -
• #2118
woah, sounds terrible. get well soon.
I had a tree branch fly into my front wheel last week. terrifying
Still, you can start work on that play now, and start watching your neighbours...
• #2119
Not good if your neighbours are hot though, with your hands all fucked up.
• #2120
^ Tone: Lowered.
Crap one, I fell due to a wet manhole cover but bar a chipped tooth (covered by insurance) and some upper lip stitching was back on bike 2 days later.
• #2121
It's the only tone I know.
• #2122
It's all helping raise my spirits ......just gonna look at some other posts on here for some noobs being abused over stupid questions , thats the next best thing to going cycling yourself .......
• #2123
This face shows it all really . Cant recommend not falling at speed highly enough ....
1 Attachment
• #2125
someone stuck that up a few days ago, bet that stung a bit.
heal up well ejay I know how bad it is with both arms spangled. playstation is your friend
Cycling through Clapton this morning when 4 school kids (about 14 yrs old) ran out into the road because they'd spotted their bus coming but had failed to spot me on my bright red bike yelling at the to "GET OUT OF THE WAY!!!".
I wasn't going particularly fast it was just that they were virtually on top of me the second the ran out.
Cue me whacking on the anchors while 3 of the kids speed up to get onto the pavement leaving one of them just stood still staring at me in a trance.
Thankfully I'd reduced enough speed to not just flatten him and we had a slow motion soft collision that saw me going over the bars like a circus performer all the while noticing that I was about to give him a very soft headbutt or a rather vigerous kiss as our faces got closer and closer.
"Oh shit, I thought, I'm about to accidentally kiss a young lad that I've just ran over".
Thankfully the little fucking prat was OK and so was I.
My lovely chrome bars now have an ugly gash in them mind you.