• #15902
Enjoyed the read
• #15903
Great read! Thanks for taking the time to type up and congrats again!
• #15904
Nice read, thanks!
• #15905
Lovely stuff. Impressive ride.
• #15906
Has anyone got a skinsuit with a NoPinz pocket ? Generally very happy with mine, knocked 15s off my 10 PB (previously wore bib shorts and jersey) while wearing it for the first time this week.
However, it's a bit of a faff to get the number in the pocket. The number goes in from the inside, so you have to strip off to get the number in. Fine for somewhere with a HQ with toilets/changing rooms, but how do you manage when sign on is at the start of the race in a lay by ?
• #15907
It's doable whilst you're wearing it
• #15908
Yeah, I find it's easier to get the number in when its on. Takes a bit of practice but perfectly doable, unless you have very short arms.
• #15909
I've heard that the design of the pocket was changed at some point... I think some have a wider mouth than others. I just change into my skinsuit in the lay-by.
• #15910
I got one added recently when I got a new skin suit. I ride to events, but have always put the number in while not wearing it. I much prefer it to pins, worth the hassle imo and the suit will last.
• #15911
I have a NoPinz suit with the normal speedpocket and my club's suit with an EasyPocket.
Easy pocket might not be as aero, but it's soo convenient. Literally takes 3seconds, I love it.
• #15913
Has the restraining order expired yet?
• #15914
Which one? The car park was quite busy.
• #15915
I just change into my skinsuit in the lay-by
Correct approach
• #15916
I use a Robie to get changed
Weirdo :)
• #15917
One of the regular spots for getting changed on club TTs is the car park for one of the local schools. I don't want an entry on the sex offenders register to go with the multiple restraining orders.
• #15918
One of the regular spots for getting changed on club TTs is the car park for one of the local schools
The kids will be home before a club TT starts, the teachers probably use the car park for dogging when there are no TTs on :)
• #15919
I know there are a few Javelin users on here. Do any of you find the noise deafening when TT'ing, which I think is a combination of deep crabon and wind @ 30mph(lol)?
I use a Small and it's a nice snug fit with the covers tight over the ears and the tail is usually on my back as pictured , so I'm not sure how much noise is as a result of wind entering in the open tail.
Any modifications I should try? I'm almost tempted to use some earplugs.
1 Attachment
• #15920
I should note that this is the only TT lid I've ever used, and have no idea if they are all like this...
• #15921
Yup the javelin is especially noisy.
• #15922
Yep. Had ringing ears after a 50 on concrete road surface
• #15923
I made a little plastic & velcro cover which 'seals' the tail a bit, onto which I attach an iPod shuffle (outside) and excess earphone cable (inside), for use when 'training'.
It's just as loud with the cover as it is without, when not listening to anything. -
• #15924
I left mine in the car on Tuesday and couldn't use it for a 10. It was deafeningly quiet without it, I missed the accompaniment.
• #15925
I have found my brother's Giro Advantage pretty much silent compared to my c-originals style helmet. I also have sore ears because it's so tight, so that may explain it as well.
Strong work, nice write-up: chapeau!