• #52
tghe Rustbucket has officially turned into the Mudbucket.
i really need to get some clearcoat on the frame before it dissintigrates. -
• #53
I wish my woman was as dirty as my bike.
Which bike?
Oh yeah, I meant my really really dirty bike.
Reminds me of a joke scrawled into the filth on the back of a Marks & Spencer lorry...
''this isn't just dirt, this is really very dirty filthy dirt'
• #54
I am too scared to start cleaning it, it will end in the whole thing being stripped down, cleaned, lubed and put back together
• #55
Oh yeah, I meant my really really dirty bike.
Reminds me of a joke scrawled into the filth on the back of a Marks & Spencer lorry...
''this isn't just dirt, this is really very dirty filthy dirt'
The one that tickled me was on an Asda lorry many many years ago and it read
"Free Arthur Fowler"
• #56
People used to call my gf the 'bike' for a while, never understood why LOL
does she squeek up hills and handle loose in the wet?
• #57
hahaha LOL yeah,
• #58
don't they all? ;)
• #59
Haven't been on here or riding for ages from not being well, but finally better and pulled the bike out. Wish I'd cleaned it before it went away!
• #60
59 posts on a "dirty" related thread and not one mention of anyone's mum. Well done gentlemen, I feel a new level of maturity has been reached.
• #61
59 posts on a "dirty" related thread and not one mention of anyone's mum. Well done gentlemen, I feel a new level of maturity has been reached.
more than we can say about your Mum
• #62
I've got two cans of Guinness, a bottle of Orval and a bottle of Anchor Porter sat in my fridge at home, ice cold, and only a WHOLE DAY AT WORK standing between us.
Porter at anything other than room temperature is a fucking abomination. Dead to me.
• #63
My bike is so dirty ....
It runs a 27.2 mm seat post in a 27.0 mm hole.
My bike is so dirty ....
It asks to be cold set to 110 mm.
My bike is so dirty ....
I took it to see a snuff film and it left dirty oil stain on the floor.
• #64
Spent 2 hours stripping mine right down and giving it all a good clean, de-grease - re-grease, scrubbed tires, picked out glass slithers, everything. This was Sunday, then rode throught the wind and rain on Monday - Typical?
• #65
mines so dirty think it needs a clean but i cant be asked as i know as soon as i go back out it will go back to the same state again
• #66
Cleaned the Steamroller on Saturday (was suppposed to be a half hour job but ended up a 2 hour job cos once you start ....) but previous bike only really got a proper clean if I was going to take it into the bike shop (Brixton Cycles 'told me off' once over the state of the bike)
• #67
my cogs so dirty it squeals when i really slam it.
my lubricant is too thick, and grime sticks to it. -
• #68
I wish my woman was as dirty as my bike.
Well put, Bird might be more appropriate.
• #69
mines filthy but will be better jus as soon as i can get my flip flop wheel and get to single speed status again. and easier to clean and not so fooking heavy.lol
• #70
You guys clean your bikes?
• #71
my SS/beater is vile. im also suffering from rust, which is pissing me off. i keep considdering building somthing better, but its still mechanically viable so i might as well run it into the ground.
• #72
All this chat about dirt, and only a couple photos.
You bastardos are all lying.
Your bikes are as clean as John Gotti during the 80s.
• #73
I'm hoping grid and mud has magical rust-proofing qualities...
• #74
new idea !
lubricate your chain with rain water and grit :D
not too bad at the mo.
• #75
ha, no matter how many times i cleaned that chain (HKK blue) it gets covered in shite, all the salt grit from the roads makes it rust. quiet as anything though....have since changed it to an old silver one.
put mine thru the jetwash before christmas and it worked really well. was careful round the bearings so hopefully it'll be okay. it's fun to do as well.
as of this morning it was fucking filthy again. couldn't actually bring myself to get on it without giving it a pretty comprehensive wipe down. the patch of filth i missed on the drive side of the bottom bracket taunted me all the way here.