• #52402
You forgot Opus Dei and the original cast of Hair...
• #52403
You forgot Opus Dei and the original cast of Hair...
I knew about them, but I didn't want them to know that I know.
But now you've blown my cover, you dumb bridge-monkey.
• #52404
Yes. Chelsea fans know all about THE conspiracy.
Wake me up when the reposts are over, kthxbai
• #52405
So Bill is French. Little wonder then that he is doomed to be an Arse supporter.
I had thought that it was a matter of personal choice but now I understand that it is destiny, you have my sympathies.
• #52406
Yes. Chelsea fans know all about THE conspiracy.
Wake me up when the reposts are over, kthxbai
Rip van Winkle >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
• #52407
AVB leaves his notes for tonight's game in hotel room.
• #52408
It's a conspiracy. UEFA, the FA, David Cameron & the BBC are out to get us.
Clive, is that you?
• #52409
No Andy. Bill is a young chap but he is learning. He is on my mentoring programme.
• #52410
Rip van Winkle >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Actually. Upon further review, the originator of conspiracy talk was none other than a certain manager of a certain club that many of us are fond of (taking the piss out of).
• #52411
So Bill is French.
Get to fuck. I am a British subject, and a citizen of London. My mum was born in the sunny south of France, but both her parents were Yugoslav (although my grandmother was actually born in the Austro-Hungarian Empire).
• #52412
That's whinging not conspiracy theorising.
• #52413
AVB leaves his notes for tonight's game in hotel room.
I imagine that is a very feeble and desperate attempt of gamesmanship.
• #52414
Actually. Upon further review, the originator of conspiracy talk was none other than a certain manager of a certain club that many of us are fond of (taking the piss out of).
With respect, people have been talking about consipiracies within English football since at least before Arsenal's election to the First Divisions in THFC's place.
Chelsea = late to the party, and dressed in a cheap imitation of the real thing.
• #52415
Believe me, conspiracy theories have existed in football since well before 2009. You should read the Tottenham stories about Arsenal's "promotion"
• #52416
Believe me, conspiracy theories have existed in football since well before 2009. You should read the Tottenham stories about Arsenal's "promotion"
What did I just say? QED.
• #52417
AVB leaves his notes for tonight's game in hotel room.
His handwriting is certainly better than Harry's.
• #52418
^ ha!
Interestingly, all 3 top tier west london clubs are playing in west london this weekend + the rugby at twickenham...
• #52419
I'm relieved to see that Studge will be starting for us up front... Drogba on in the second half...
• #52420
Get to fuck. I am a British subject, and a citizen of London. My mum was born in the sunny south of France, but both her parents were Yugoslav (although my grandmother was actually born in the Austro-Hungarian Empire).
Pardonez moi, mon brave.
• #52421
AVB leaves his notes for tonight's game in hotel room.
Even I know Terry is out injured ?
• #52422
isn't he ?
• #52423
Do you think it might be fake, dicki? Do you?
• #52424
avb doesn't have that good a grasp of football
so yes -
• #52425
Believe me, conspiracy theories have existed in football since well before 2009. You should read the Tottenham stories about Arsenal's "promotion"
I still love the Spurs team collectively shitting themselves, sorry having their food doctored at the team hotel a couple of seasons back.
<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Retard.