• #52
Eyes. Brain. Brakes.
• #53
Doesn't this tell you you should start offsiding cabs???
Didn't neccesarilly mean exactly like this, I meant knobby's opening doors in general FULL STOP
• #54
If you were nearsiding the left hand lane of traffic then you deserved what you got.
You need to stop listening to JoAnne Good.
• #55
Ouch! I am quite slow when I filter along stationary traffic, as much as cars decide to turn to leave the traffic, passengers also decide that they have had enough. Obviously people should look when they open a car door but they don't think so really really bad luck.
Heal fast.
• #56
Eyes. Brain. Brakes.
A bit simplistic I fear.
This one has happened to me by both taxi and by a private vehicle, both times I just picked myself up and while totally embarrassed about hitting the floor,checked hat I had all my limbs and let them drive off. The passengers have always been panicked and that takes your mind off getting their details... totally natural.
Tons of people don't look what they get out of cars/vans, a post office van nearly got me this morning, had he opened the door two seconds later I would have had no chance what so ever.
So respectfully, "Eyes. Brain. Brakes" Bollox!
• #57
1 Avoid by riding outside door distance. Ride WIDE!
2 If you're going to hit no matter what, aim for the inside of the car, don't try a last minute swerve. The fucker getting out is a lot softer than the car that might run you over from behind if you try the swerve.
• #58
And hope you're alright, Bristly. Clearly not your fault. The cabbie should have put his hazards on or indicated. I'm not sure if this is the law but it's certainly road courtesy. Almost every other cab driver does so why he didn't is beyond me. I generally don't have many problems when it comes to cabbies asi I give them a wide berth. Just give them enough space/be extra vigilant in future. They is unpredictable!
• #59
If you were nearsiding the left hand lane of traffic then you deserved what you got.
sometimes I think some of the people in here are undercover cabbies........
• #60
true, but that kind of defies the point of the cycle lane for the entire road. We can't spend our entire commute coming up the offside of every car otherwise the motorbikes will go apeshit
Motorcyclists won't go apeshit, i ride a motorbike too and if im filtering in traffic and theres a cyclist behind me il let them pas coz i know that they are generally gonna be faster/in my way less than il be in theirs and i'v seen a lot of motorcyclists let me pass them when iv been cycling.
As for defying the point of the cycle lane for the whole road, its about 10miles from my house to town. Theres probably a mile of that which has no cycle lane, a mile with a shared bus taxi and cycle lane which i use, a mile with the 3ft wide painted at the side cycle lane which i use and the rest is painted cycle lane between the main carriageway and on street parking and the cycle lane is right in the doorzone. Where there is no on street parking near junctions the cyclelane usually takes you down the nearside of a left turn only lane leaving you to fight your way through traffic if you want to go straight ahaead or leading you to getting driven into by the drivers that just turn left and don't bother to look. I have noticed that im not alone in refusing to ride in this 7-8 mile stretch of cyclelane.
Had the passenger gotten out of the right hand side of the taxi i would have been full of sympathy but if you want to stay alive you don't nearside taxis or buses, simple as. -
• #61
2 If you're going to hit no matter what, aim for the inside of the car, don't try a last minute swerve. The fucker getting out is a lot softer than the car that might run you over from behind if you try the swerve.
A mate of mine did this not long ago and ended up on a fat woman's lap. Scared the crap out of her and cushioned the impact, so definately a wise move!
• #62
but if you want to stay alive you don't nearside taxis or buses, simple as.
100% agreement.
Getting JoAnne Goode on people doesn't help.
• #63
A mate of mine did this not long ago and ended up on a fat woman's lap. Scared the crap out of her and cushioned the impact, so definately a wise move!
I'm a wiseguy.
Are you talking to me? Did I tell you to talk to me? Do you think I want you talkin' to me? Do I look like I is in the mood for listening to you? So, are you talkin' to me?
• #64
A mate of mine did this not long ago and ended up on a fat woman's lap. Scared the crap out of her and cushioned the impact, so definately a wise move!
+1 a good mate of mine is only here because the fat bitch that nearly killed him, and tried to sue him for the pleasure, stopped him from going through the window.
• #65
I'm amazed at how many people open car doors without looking over their shoulder, I got that drummed into me from a very early age.
• #66
Bristly, if you made a nice dent in his taxi, nip up to the taxi repair shops off Three Colts lane and see if you can spot it.
Then I absolutely do not recommend you give it a proper going over, especially not with any kind of crowbar or baseball bat.
• #67
Definitely an element of bad luck as passengers should look, and the taxi should be indicating. I saw a rider get doored on Shaftesbury Ave recently by a dopey passenger opening his door. He flew several yards down the road landing half on the kerb half on the road. The passenger was apologetic, but the rider just picked himself and bike up and carried on.
• #68
'after noting the registration of the offending carenger for later address lookup and gruesome death purposes'
• #69
Ive only had one encounter with a taxi door and it was while i was travelling on the wrong side of the road through Bishopsgate. Taxi stopped at lights and let someone out whilst i was travelling past. I just put full force into the door and slammed it shut on the person getting out. Clearly i was completely in the wrong here but...
• #70
the law is that if you're in a bike lane you pretty much have right of way. If you're merely undertaking on the road, you do not.
my first ever post on the forum.
• #71
sounds to me that it his fucking fault and he should be beaten and hanged. if u got his plate/details i would follow it up if only to get monies for the bars!
hope the hand heals quick mate. -
• #72
cabbies will always try to blame you. a few years ago i got doored on clerkenwell road by that fish and chips shop (mmm... chips...) by a fat cabbie getting out to buy his lunch. sent me flying across the road. mangled my front wheel and fork, and my knee is still a bit fucked from it. rather than asking if i was alright, he instantly started in on me for riding too close to his cab! then he got back in his cab and drove off, leaving me lying on the road. i was in too much shock to get his plates.
• #73
This is why cycle lanes are so very very shite - they serve only to obfuscate the laws regarding rights-of-way, and to generally piss off all road users, to the degree that you even get bloody cyclists slagging each other for using/not using them - surely a bad thing all round?
• #74
What a c*%t, this is the reason why i take great pleasure in riding in the middle of the road whilst the cabbys beeping away behind me not able to get past.
"Whats that mate? sorry couldn't hear you there"
• #75
A bit simplistic I fear.
This one has happened to me by both taxi and by a private vehicle, both times I just picked myself up and while totally embarrassed about hitting the floor,checked hat I had all my limbs and let them drive off. The passengers have always been panicked and that takes your mind off getting their details... totally natural.
Tons of people don't look what they get out of cars/vans, a post office van nearly got me this morning, had he opened the door two seconds later I would have had no chance what so ever.
So respectfully, "Eyes. Brain. Brakes" Bollox!
Well it works for me, and I've never been doored, despite the fact that plenty of people have opened their doors on me such that I would have gone right into them had I been riding too fast and/or in the 'door zone'. I'm not saying that it's the OP's fault, because it clearly isn't, but I'm sure he will learn to anticipate and avoid these things in future.
to be honest, thankfully it was really really cold, so I had massive gloves on. Hand is all black and blue with a cut across one of my knuckles but nothing broken. It should heal fine in a few days, it was more the shock and impressive acrobatics that I pulled off that made it worth writing home about.
should have taken the details, I even had a print out of Roxy's "what to do in case of an accident" in my bag.
One nice thing was that a number of suits came up to me after the incident to check I was alright and to say they were on my side. so perhaps they're not all cunts after all.