• #27
Do hearing people tend to lazily listen if there's a car coming instead of looking? I mean like simply if there's no engine and such they just walk across the road instead of looking properly?
• #28
Rhetorical question, no? Course they fucking hardly ever look. That is, until I shout something very loudly at them, just as I swerve round them, and they jump out of their fucking skins.
• #29
had a near miss with a ped at waterloo the other night. he crossed in front of me walking with the direction of traffic. He had earphones in so shouting OI!! at him did nothing, so I shouted to the people he was obviously walking towards "tell yer mate to look where he's going". Was close enough to clip him round the ear but thought better of it.
• #30
sorry to hear it simon, heal fast dude.
• #31
also, if u say there is very little damage, why try to claim money? fair enough if u or ur bike are totally fucked, but i don't get it if there is no big fuss.
Because with my right arm in a sling I can't ride or drive for a week (tube and train fares) cook properly, write or type normally, I'm in pain when I sleep and hence don't sleep well and I keep having to hoover up painkillers, all because of someone else's carelessness....
I'm with you on this one. I cacked up my ankle in a completely someone else fault accident. This meant I couldn't cycle or do a number of other things I enjoyed at the time for about 3 months. I used the relatively small cheque I got from her insurers to buys frivolous things that would pay back some of that lost enjoyment.
• #33
Ouch, my fucking hand.
Cycling into work yesterday along the cycle lane from St Pauls to Holborn Viaduct, happy as pie.
BANG, fuck, somersault!
fucking taxi let someone out whilst sat stationary in a traffic jam, car door straight into me, hand all mangled, handlebars bent, Bristly Pioneer upside down on the fucking pavement.
The taxi driver claims it's my fault, as the bit where they hit me was a bus stop rather than the cycle lane, and I shouldn't have undertaken. I claim if that's the case he shouldn't have stopped in the bus stop.
I claim it's his fault as if he's going to let someone out he should
a) look
b) indicate
c) pull in not just open the door 3ft from the kerbperhaps it's a bit of both, but my hand fucking hurts, and is black and blue.
Am I totally in the wrong? or am I justified in calling him a cunt?
• #34
ouch! sounds like a 84/16 % split between the cabby and you. mostly bad luck i'd say. hope you're alright.
• #35
If you were nearsiding the left hand lane of traffic then you deserved what you got.
• #36
That's rough mate, nearly happened to me SOOOOOOOOOO many times. I'd just leave the situation and deal with it, cabbies are always gonna get the run of the mill in these situations. Atleast calling him a cunt would've made up for the pain, heal soon
• #37
fair enough, but the entire road has a 3ft wide cycle lane painted on the floor, except for a 20m stretch for a bus stop. I figured it was best to carry on along the side of the kerb rather than cross lanes for 20m of road.
• #38
He's talking bollocks. Bet he didn't have his hazard lights on, which he needs to have it he's going to let someone out in the middle of the road. Mind you his fare should have looked before opening the door!
• #39
Cycle lanes are death traps and should generally be avoided.
• #40
Which side of the taxi did the door open from? Left hand side?
What's THE LAW state in this case I wonder?
Did you get his details? Did you have his wife?
• #41
door opened kerb side, but a good 3ft from the kerb.
• #42
nasty bristly, nasty!
But cabbie was right. thats a no go area. they are known for not indicating but you are safe in the knowledge the door can't open untill its stationary. gives you have a chance. -
• #43
nearly happened to me SOOOOOOOOOO many times.
Doesn't this tell you you should start offsiding cabs???
• #44
Doesn't this tell you you should start offsiding cabs???
true, but that kind of defies the point of the cycle lane for the entire road. We can't spend our entire commute coming up the offside of every car otherwise the motorbikes will go apeshit
• #45
true, but that kind of defies the point of the cycle lane for the entire road. We can't spend our entire commute coming up the offside of every car otherwise the motorbikes will go apeshit
i do. fuck them, they block up gaps all over the road, i'm not going to risk my life for them. when the road opens up enough i will let them past, if they where nice.
p.s. hope you are ok. I'm not sure but i think the accident is legally the cabbies fault, and the fault of the fair, i hope you got both their details. Can't hurt to give a lawyer a bell, a call cost naught.
• #46
If you were nearsiding the left hand lane of traffic then you deserved what you got.
Why are you being a dick?
• #47
Why are you being a dick?
fair point.
• #48
Didn't get any details, did unleash a mountain of abuse on the pair of them though. I guess whatever happens cabbie and passenger will think twice before trying that move again.
• #49
The exact same thing happened to me a few years ago, except it wasn't a taxi and it wasn't a bus stop. It also wasn't a cycle lane either. But I know that a) it fcuking hurt and b) I still have a 3" scar running from my shoulder to my armpit.
I was worried that it was all my fault, but the Police were totally on my side. In heavy traffic it's the complete responsibility of the vehicles' driver if the passenger decides to get out.
I take it you've got his details. Speak to the Police and go from there.
Oh, you didn't get his details. Whoops.
• #50
Mate, this is the cabbies fault, they will always blame rather than own up, even when blatantly their fault. Hope you got his details. If so, make enquiries.
Ah bad luck man.
This happened to me when nearly completing a 10 mile bike ride to uni. Literally just round the corner from uni and a Iceland driver decided to just open his van door. I hit it at around 15-20 mph and i managed to jump off the bars and superman into a rolley polley and escape without injury! My friend riding behind me unluckily just squeezed his front brake and went over his bars.
Glad you're okay!