• #11027
i had the misfortune of listening to it, it was shit. you don't need to hear that, trust me, no one does.
• #11028
I've sailed in the San Fran Bay and it is incredibly windy and gusty, so in fairness it's not surprising that the Oracle catamaran pitch-poled.
To be fair I don't sail, so I was astounded that this can happen.
• #11029
imagine Little Donky with 'i'm full of swagger swagger boop de doop lryics
• #11030
I think this is a failure to be funny enough. Will probably be a failure to sell bike. Not sure if its epic, though
Probably needs somebody who hasn't had eleventy Harveys to attempt the meme
• #11032
To the security guard in that press report^
• #11033
Security Guard tries to remove a wart from his finger.. with a shotgun.
Ah ha ha, I don't think anyone could have made this up.
• #11034
In the story for "Ice Hockey Fans Riot in Vancover After Stanley Cup Loss" they had this photo to show the extent of the riot:
Epic win for the dude who manages to get his end away in the midst of a full on riot. Epic fail for the picture editor who chose this as an illustration of the riot, that is unless the Canadians have some kind of hither to unknown ultra friendly way of rioting
• #11035
^ more win than fail for sure :)
• #11036
Total win, great photo.
• #11038
Oh dear god........................ Just announce that they are going to make Susan "fucking hideously ugly tashed and unibrowed" Boyles life story into a fucking musical.
• #11040
^ "a woman has contacted the Australian website 9News to claim she is the sister of the man in the photograph, whom she names as 29-year-old Scott Jones, from Perth. Hannah Jones said Scott had been living and working in Vancouver for six months.
She told 9news that lots of his friends had left messages on his Facebook page and he had posted a reply saying: "Classic! This was shortly after the riot police run over the top of us and naturally Alex needed some comforting.""
• #11041
if ever there was any doubt that opera is the reserve of elitist snobs...
click the 'title' drop down.
just catching up but... that's f*cking halarious.
• #11042
Nice to see they still have to book online though
• #11043
epic fail. stuck without battery power on my macbook and have to submit 5 chapters of my phd for review today. dropbox, gmail etc blocked at the British Library.
anyone around with a charger? (some forum people study here too)
• #11044
just catching up but... that's f*cking halarious.
The Venerable errm_rich
• #11045
Love Catriona Shearer
YouTube - BBC Scotland have a few problems with Hitler and Rudolf Hess
• #11046
• #11047
Hahaha! Dozy sweaty's!
• #11048
you can see the grenade in flight. gold.
• #11050
rise in mortgage lending fuelled remortgagers.
It's like picnicking at an accident blackspot, just waiting for another hideous crash...
i wouldn't do it if i were you. its shit beyond comprehension!