• #12227
forgot about that
• #12229
John Darnielle is very unlikely to be anti-Morrissey. Anti-Music Song is I believe, like many of his songs, a character's perspective. If anything the fact that he pronounces it wrongly in the song just goes to show the character's ignorance rather than to 'make it sound like prissy'.
Basically, he knows what's up.
• #12230
I agree. I also think the opening and closing tunes are chosen perfectly. Any mix that starts with Ween, ends with Sparks, and has some Mountain Goats in the middle (and some Pansy Division for good measure!) is pretty cool.
• #12231
Swap O Pioneers!!! for (young) Pioneers.
• #12232
you guys are losers
• #12233
I haz Morrisey love, but must concur that that is an extremely awesome playlist.
• #12234
Does anyone have any decent pictures of Mitch (colour preferred) that I can use for the LHBPA site please? They're few and far between!
• #12235
Didn't Gabes post some when he found the court?
I'm sure they're in one of the threads
• #12236
With players if possible? Although I suppose it doesn't matter...
• #12237
it has players...
(http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3193/3028537640_1b68dc8683_b.jpg) -
• #12238
Nice, I like this one:
Gabes, can I use it?
• #12239
• #12240
• #12241
Who's playing tonight ?
I know there's a meeting but it's the only night I can do this week.
Mitch or Broadway?
• #12242
I'll play. Is it worth trying the one by Clerkenwell with curved walls? Everyone says the kids are bad, but who knows. Maybe they'll like us.
• #12243
• #12244
I'm at the cycle show Thrusday. This is my day of polo. Meeting shouldn't be help on throw-in days anyway. I'm protesting.
• #12245
I'm at the cycle show Thrusday. This is my day of polo. Meeting shouldn't be help on throw-in days anyway. I'm protesting.
It was meant to be yesterday but booked up meeting rooms prevented this. All efforts will be made so the next one is on a none polo day.
• #12246
Mark it's my day of polo too, I get where you're coming from.
I can however tempt you with pizza and beer, PIZZA AND BEER!
No pressure...
• #12247
List for tonight -
- Andy
- Kieran
- Horatio
I'd prefer to stay North's instead of trying a new court. I think Broadway again if there's only a few of us.
- Andy
• #12248
List for tonight -
- Andy
- Kieran
- Horatio
- Aidan
Up for where ever. Finish work at 4 so will be around early. Will be hitting the courts meeting too.
- Andy
• #12249
• #12250
Nick and Ryan were talking of playing early today too Aidan.
Mrak - sweet, thought it was a goner. I'll trade you for a beer next time you're at polo (enjoy the dry arse int he mean time
People playing on Tuesday - cough courts meeting cough unless you are talking about slackers, in that case ignore me.