• #43627
The Condor in Nottingham is like Lovejoy to antique.
Lovejoy = awesome. Possibly the best TV programme ever.
Tinker would fit right in on the Tweed Run.
• #43628
Is that Charlie Sheen at the back?
• #43629
• #43630
Was I showing off about my bigger gear, or taking the piss out of myself for pedalling so slowly? It's TT talk, the only thing that counts is elapsed time. There are people who are slower than me who ride 120", and people faster than me who ride 90", and doubtless vice versa; we testers who are on the cog usually ask what each other has on, but the timekeeper always has the last word.
I was just amused that one person's idea of a big gear was actually so small that I can't fit it on my race bike because the tyre would hit the seat tube. If he gets it round fast enough, he can still ride faster than me, the medium gear record is 53:23 after all.
The time trial I am doing is in Cornwall and has a few hills, 53:17 is as big as I can go and still get up the hills without dropping my cadence significantly.
I drop to 46:17 for my next TT as the first 7.5 miles are all uphill. joys of living in the south west.
on a flat course I would push a big as like you (i think) I don't like to spin out too much and would rather push a bigger gear.
Good luck in your TT
• #43631
The car behind broomstick bike is a http://tinyurl.com/3voxtk7
• #43632
Would STIs with something like the Mavic bullhorns be a bad idea? I'm really tempted to make it fixed but would that look really bone? Not sure how simple the magic gear situation would be either.
Just want to get out while the weathers good
• #43633
It would look strange, but it would work.
• #43634
• #43635
getting there
• #43636
thats awesome, geared or fixed?
• #43637
that's brilliant. Very impressive.
• #43638
^that's what she said.
• #43639
gonna be single speed. shimano hubs with one of those velo solo thingies. not the prettiest solution but it's a bit of a budget build (not really, but i'm trying to convince myself, the brooks bartape kind of ruined the budget theme...)
• #43640
Very nice.
• #43641
thanks all!
• #43642
It would look strange, but it would work.
Thinking about it, mayaswell just sell them and buy some bar end shifters if I'm going down that route.
• #43643
What will you do for brakes? Run ones which clamp on instead of in the end?
• #43644
• #43645
• #43646
Is it just the photo angle that makes it look like the bars are pointing down?
• #43647
thats unrideable.
• #43648
raised eyebrow 'orly' look
• #43649
What will you do for brakes? Run ones which clamp on instead of in the end?
Sorry, being a little vague, I meant I mightaswell just get some proper TT bars. The thought is a little daunting though having never used them.
• #43650
@ germanmarc - that is a lovely bike, but what's with the bars? and have you tried looking around for tires w/o screaming brands on the sides? =)) my 2p...
You what son?
Industrial city.
Industrial bike.
Its taken a few years, but I'm back on route to fixed-gear heaven again...
(took it for a cheeky test ride with random parts laying around- they're such good frames!!!!)
A place I lost since selling the geekhouse 1.
le sigh