• #6702
• #6703
What do you call a man with two hams on his head?
• #6704
in reference to the previous post - not the t-shirt one!
• #6705
Johnny Porkdome.
• #6706
It was a joke based on wordplay, nothing more.
• #6707
depicting Muhammed and making reference to a depiction of Muhammed are two different things
also this
• #6708
Bravo @snottyotter, what a succinct and insightful summary of the situation.
Boo-hiss @NotSafeForSalad for totally missing the point. Yes, to you, it's a word play. You aren't the one that might be extremely offended by a certain religious figure appearing as a bit-part in a funny funny wordplay joke.
• #6709
Three conspiracy theorists walk into a bar.
You can't tell me that's a coincidence -
• #6711
but if it is just ignorant insensitivity it doesn't hurt to point it out in case it makes someone less ignorant and insensitive.
I thought the joke was funny, but I don't do religion. However I understand why some people believe in something and was completely unaware of the whole prophet depiction thing, whether it's Muhammad or another religious prophet.
So Nostradamus figures 😄
• #6712
The joke itself is fine but works just as well with another prophet I guess. The not showing depictions of Mohammed is the root of all the lovely geometric Islamic art you see and also the reason Charlie Hebdo were targeted by extremists. It's quite a seriously held belief all round I think, not like don't drink booze, which most Muslims I've know don't do but don't care if you do if you're hanging out together, it's also really easy to not do. I realise actual depictions and referencing depictions is different but I'd say having little Mohammed toys as part of a joke is at least insensitive, so probably unnecessary. Anyway back to the lulz.
• #6713
I'm on the fence on this one, but when I first read it winced - expecting the Mohammed figurine to form part of the punchline - which in itself is telling I suppose.
• #6714
I'm on the fence on this one
Better than taking off-fence I guess.
• #6715
A mere coincidence? I think not.
Secret signalling! -
• #6717
Ha. That's funny.
• #6718
All fair points, and I’ve taken them on board. I came up with the gag on a bit of wordplay, and I simply used Muhammad as he/she/it is right now the best known of the commonly associated prophets. I did genuinely tell it to a Muslim friend, and he didn’t take offence, perhaps he was being polite, I dunno.
• #6719
Ok in other news .....
There have been a series of break ins at the Kellogg's factory
The police are apparently looking for a cereal offender -
• #6720
When they catch them they'll do some porridge.
• #6721
A friend of mine has been convicted of drug dealing at the Kellogg's factory
.He was selling some rather Special K
• #6722
Mate, yous got any crack?
Nah, but I've got some snaple and pop.
• #6723
Has Coronavirus forced you to wear a mask and goggles at work? You may be due condensation.
• #6724
On the other side I’d argue depicting Muhammed and making reference to a depiction of Muhammed are two different things. Where do you draw the line?
Around the face, then two dots for eyes
• #6725
Ha, ha. :-)
It just put me in mind of gammons with pig Mohammad t-shirts on, which isn't really a good look.