• #8502
Most, unless it's mandatory route.
• #8503
Some orgs used to run a calendar event but no longer and will help you DIYxGPS their old event.
I wouldn't DIY a Perm unless I had good reason to (I can't think of one now but I'm sure I've asked for a permission before off a few organisers and they were always cool about it).
• #8504
The old school idea was probably that you'd spend some time planning the route between controls yourself. I never do this though because I want to ride, not stare at RWGPS for days.
• #8505
This is a great new tool created by Phil Whitehurst for Perms which helps give a clue where you are going.
• #8506
Cheers both, makes sense now.
I've had a few weeks off, what's a sensible starting point for weekly distance and how much should I be looking to increase by week on week? Just looking for a rule of thumb like -
• #8507
How much riding have you done in the past? The weekly 10% rule kinda goes out of the window if you've already got some decent miles in your past. I could go a ride a 600k tomorrow with little ill effects even though I've been doing 1hr commute/day. If you're coming back from injury or quite a while off the bike then erring on the side of caution isn't going to do you any harm but mostly you will need to pay attention to any problems and decide if they're showstoppers or just niggles from time off.
• #8508
Nothing huge but a few 100 milers and a 200km, and some stupid hilly peak district rides. I've had a shonky knee before though, so will try and stick to 10%, ta
• #8509
Not looking to ruffle any feathers, I'm just terrible at planning rides more than a few days in advance.
• #8510
Contact the org and ask how much notice they need for a trad perm. You might find they'll be happy with an email the night before, so you could buy the cards and keep hold of them until you get a spare day.
• #8511
Yeah, if it's a Perm you generally want to contact them a week or two in advance. People go on holidays, have other stuff on, so if you really want to do a ride on Date X you could be disappointed if you leave it too late. Depends if you, like me, want to 'do it properly' of course.
• #8512
Anyone done an Easter Arrow?
• #8513
It's on my todo list.
I was thinking of something like this Victoria station to Cambridge, then Flatlands/Fenland Friends route to Goole, 22hr control at Market Weighton, ready for beer at York o'clock. I've not looked into the profile too much, but I reckon it'll be flat for most of it. (The street names in the towns are just where the pin landed when I dragged the route.)
Then DIYxGPS home because £55 advance train fare is too much.
@hippy tows us along for 400km, you are the captain, I'll draft all they way. We could use another two people for me to draft too.
Seems too easy? 😜
1 Attachment
• #8514
You organise it, I'll ride it, in front if you insist, @jakemcree carries the beers? :)
When does it have to be done?
• #8515
Cheap tickets only become available 12 weeks before travel generally, set a calender reminder and you will get bargains.
• #8516
4more points though.........
• #8517
I'll plan the route.
I'll spend all your entry fees on drugs and my own beers and squander the rest, so someone else has to captain and organise.
Two more beer carriers needed please. -
• #8518
Same route back?
• #8519
What's the entry? £20 or something? That'd barely get me buzzed.
So many rulez...
http://www.aukweb.net/events/arrows/ -
• #8520
The only reason to ride the Arrow is to sink a load of pints with your team mates the next morning in the pub.
• #8521
That route won't be long enough will it? Assuming 20kph, you need to be riding for most of the 24hr.
• #8522
and it's a requirement of some of the Brevet 25000 type award things.
• #8523
Of course - no need for complications.
Let's make this happen.
• #8524
And then ride back? I'm not sure I can do both! 😜
• #8525
I wouldn't recommend haha
For Perms it's normally control points but what I do is only ride Perms I can find someone's GPX track of (owner or someone who's already ridden it). So, I still follow gpx track but do the receipt thing at the specified controls (rather than validate it by sending a complete gpx file).