• #10477
The stranger
• #10479
I seem to be running too much of a calorie deficit and seem to be in a shitty mood constantly and mildly raging and things that needn't be raged at. Might need to start eating more. Anyone else experienced this?
• #10480
yeah, the other night with my girlfriend (she's doing 5:2 as well)
• #10481
I'm guessing you want to lose weight in a controlled manner and make it stick. So you could try eating 200 or so more calories a day - you'll still be under your calorie limit (I'm guessing) and you won't need so much willpower as you won't be in a bad mood all the time. Which means you're more likely to stick to eating well.
• #10483
He's really not.
I imagine if he was hangry and I was just my usual chipper self, if the two of us got together, it would be moider.
• #10485
I'm trying to train myself to not be so hangry. It's usually better when I'm being careful what I eat, if I just eat whatever then my brain just makes unreasonable demands for food all the time.
• #10486
• #10487
I'm still 89kg - but my guns are looking excellent :P
• #10488
This is my approach - and has been for a few years now. Sustained fat loss throughout that period and generally a lot happier than when I have tried stupid diets in the past. The problem with diets is that they don't leave me with good habits after, whereas eating sensibly and training over a longer period of time leaves you with a pretty robust approach to food.
Also - you simply cannot train hard without eating properly. End of.
• #10489
Also - you simply cannot train hard without eating properly. End of.
Exactly this.
If you're planning on any kind of hard effort, and expect Your body to do its adaptation thing after. You gotta eat.I burnt 3500 to 4500 extra cals a day cycling last week, on my cycling trip, and still ended the week 400g heavier.
This week the weight is dropping off nicely though.
• #10490
Also - you simply cannot train hard without eating CHIPS. End of.
• #10491
Also I love chips.
• #10492
I miss chips
• #10494
I don't really get why people like chips that much. Pizza is what I miss most of the time.
• #10495
You should see EB when she gets hangry #sandstorm #operationdesertstorm
• #10496
thats because you are posh. I am from the third world.
• #10497
i've never liked chips, i don't dislike them as they're too bland to be dislikable but anything which requires some kind of flavouring to be added by default before you eat them is a wasted opportunity to eat something that already tastes nice.
• #10498
oddly i have none of the same reservations about pasta. which i fucking love.
• #10499
Pasta is ace. I still eat that though.... but only gluten free shit stuff because my better half can't eat anything fun any more.
• #10500
Those big 8 helping tear'n'share discs, With choc chips, custardy stuff, and icing.
'Sharing' never happened. But when I got to the stage where I stopped 'tearing', and just unpacked and munched Down the Whole thing. I figured I was being just a bit greedy.
er. Doing it wrong.
Use non-dominant hand, expend more calories, gain more sensations.