• #17202
En'it. Nevermind. Could be worse at least I've got a family network to help us. Ive been given the green light to cycle from physio do at least I can get out.
• #17203
Yup, now I’m convinced that Boris et al. didn’t really understand what was going on. Maybe the scientists stopped displaying the data on a logarithmic scale to hammer home the seriousness?
• #17204
Who’s doing the rounds this morning? Gove is there go to when performing a U turn but he will definitely make the country more angry. I’m going with Schapps, he’s always willing to lube up and take one for the team.
• #17205
Bastard autocorrect.
• #17206
It’s bloody Gove after all!
• #17207
Always Gove for this level, he's unflappable and seemingly incapable of feeling shame.
• #17208
A shameless person is useful to have around, especially in government delivering and defending bad news...
• #17209
Precisely my point
• #17210
Pretty sure you're still allowed to move house, the housing market isn't being shut down.
You're not supposed to stay away from home for anything other than business, but if you don't have a home then that's a moot point. I think you're OK as that will be your home for two weeks, then you can form a new 'permanent' household with your mother in law (good luck).
• #17211
This was the Tories a week ago..
• #17212
I’m afraid this is what happens when you put journalists pretending to be politicians in charge of a government.
• #17213
the tories don't need to be consistent. cameron's tories supported labour's spending plans right up until the GFC, and then banged on for ten years about "labour's reckless management of the economy" as justification for austerity
this is what is so comical about kieth's supine 'I support the government' approach. he thinks he'll be able to do the same thing as cameron, when the chips eventually fall, making political hay out of the tories' mismanagement of the crisis. but the other parties are held to a different standard by our nation's esteemed press - he'll have his 'I support the government' soundbites rammed down his throat continually
• #17214
He's just now said that the lockdown could be extended.
I'd have thought that it's inevitable tbh, if the NHS is under pressure in a few weeks (or at least if the death rate is increasing, which it will be because those deaths have been caused by today's conditions) it will be impossible to make a case to relax conditions.
• #17215
I can’t see how the new norm from Thursday will significantly differ people’s daily actions to impact infection rates.
I’m very torn over schools closing but I can’t see that keeping them open will be viable or desirable. -
• #17216
This shouldn’t have even been a debate, they missed the opportunity when schools were closed, it’s mind blowingly incompetent and this feels like it could be the end of Boris Johnson as PM.
• #17217
He’s absolutely shafting his MPs through incompetence, they must be raging.
Anyone got a Tory MP? Surely time to start bombarding them with emails about how pissed off you are with Boris.
• #17218
World leading track and trace strikes again:
https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/software-bungle-meant-nhs-covid-app-failed-to-warn-users-to-self-isolate-6tzstqnr9 -
• #17219
Think I'll try and go booze free for this lockdown. Pubs/restaurants are closed and what few social events we have got booked (online) there's no reason they can't be done sober.
• #17220
I feel your pain, I’m doing the same.
• #17221
i duuno man, you won't like what you see, stay drunk / hungover
• #17222
I’d agree a bolt on to the holiday would have been a fairly easy sell.
• #17223
Keeping schools open is a tough one. The harm to kids not going after being allowed back in is real.
The risk to staff is real.
The increased mental straining parents is real. -
• #17224
• #17225
I preferred country house.
Welcome home 2020 style