• #13677
I think the point about the cases peak possibly having preceded the lockdown is an interesting one that warrants investigation (but that's working backwards from deaths - looking at new daily cases the peak is clearly after lockdown starts; in any case, there was probably some behaviour modification before lockdown - I know I started avoiding pubs etc. at least 10 days before the lockdown). In a blog post elsewhere ( https://hectordrummond.com/2020/05/09/alistair-haimes-the-virus-that-turned-up-late/ ), Haimes argues that the cases curve in the UK fits with a normal wave of infectious disease like seasonal flu, but if it fits so perfectly that seems to suggest that lockdown had no effect on transmission, which doesn't pass the smell test. As danstuff noted, the comparison of non-lockdown flu with lockdown Covid-19 is a sleight of hand; couple that with tells like the capitalisation of 'Free Sweden' and the editorial affiliations of the sites this has been published on (hi Spiked 'skeptics'! Hi Adam Smith Institute! Hi Toby Young!), I'm happy to conclude that this isn't an intellectually honest exercise. (There's also a fair amount of strawmanning of lockdown advocates; I don't think that there's anyone that doesn't recognise that there are very real downsides, just that at this point there are only least worst options.) To give credit where credit's due, the lessons learned points are sound...
Given population densities, the big outlier for me is not Sweden, but Japan - though from what I gather in my uninformed way they may not have had formal lockdowns, but have had a reasonable amount of social distancing anyhow?
• #13678
No problem...
1 Attachment
• #13679
Thanks for the reviews, saved me £69.
• #13680
I think to some extent they are implicated in this and journo's might wish to ask them about advice, testing, movements of Mr Cummings.
• #13681
Good point
• #13682
Especially liked the question that began all about future contract tracing and finished on Dom's behaviour.
• #13683
Marina Hyde is on the money again.
https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2020/may/26/dominic-cummings-boris-johnson-terrified-sack-him?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other -
• #13684
I honestly thought I'd have had plenty of volunteers to stab me by now.
• #13685
I really wouldn't recommend a kitchen knife as it won't be sterile. You could get ill but more likely it could contaminate the blood for the test.
Did you massage your finger?
• #13686
I used one lancet, then massaged my finger after washing my hands in warm water as recommended. No problems.
• #13687
Post your address, I’m sure forumers will send you some samples in the post.
• #13688
I used one lancet, then massaged my finger after washing my hands in warm water as recommended. No problems.
So you reckon I should do a ramp test, and at peak watts, as I collapse over the bars, stick the thing in my finger?
• #13689
Sky news reporting that 3 hours after promising to review fines given to families breaking lockdown for childcare reasons, actually they will not.
• #13690
That thing that we all heard him say, wasn't actually said.
• #13691
Sky news reporting that 3 hours after promising to review fines given to families breaking lockdown for childcare reasons, actually they will not.
Very canny move, this will totally disarm people who are currently angry with "one rule for" Dom.
• #13692
Can't believe they've mugged off a man of the cloth
• #13693
These cunts better not even think about clapping on Thursday.
• #13694
Did he really say they'd review them? Doesn't look like it to me.
We do understand the impact and the need for making sure that children get adequate childcare. That is one of the significant concerns that we've had all the way through this.So I think especially coming from a man of the cloth, that is perfectly reasonable to take away that question. I'll have to talk to my Treasury colleagues before I can answer it in full and we'll look at it and if we can get your details I'll make sure we can write to you with a full answer and make an announcement from this podium.
"I believe the "look at it" was looking at the question, not looking at all of the fines, so I don't think he promised anything other than to come back with a proper answer to the question (which will now be "no").
• #13695
To be fair to them this is exactly what people voted for, so the landslide majority has nothing
to complain about. -
• #13696
Look at - review ; tomato - tomato. Hancock said he would look at it and that 'looking' lasted about 15 seconds. I hope the same question gets asked tomorrow.
• #13697
look at the question, not the fines. The transcript seems quite clear on that.
And I'm sure the answer will be "no, we will not review the existing fines."
It seems to be classic politician speak for attempting to put a positive spin on answer the question but not really answering the question. Surprised the media have gone all in on it.
• #13698
Will you review fines?
Yes, I will go away and look at it and get back to you.
Think that's how most people interpreted it including all the correspondents seeing as it ran on all the news stations
• #13699
Ignoring the context for a second it's another stupid fuckup - can you imagine Hancocks next media appearance? Now he's got Cummings, highest death rater in Europe (highest death rate in the world per million of populace), and mugging off a vicar.
• #13700
Not having a great day with the clergy after Give wishing the bishop well on Kau Burley's Sky interview this morning.
What a shower.
Clive Myrie's piece on the 6 o'clock news tonight was superb from intensive care at the Royal London, sobering