• #52
Uniforms. That kinda thing.
• #53
Communist uniforms
• #54
• #55
One thing I do think is important is his stance on the far left and the horrors of (particularly) Soviet communism.
The current polarisation of politics (read: the Internet) is pushing people toward the extremes. There seems to be a general feeling that the far left and communism isn't 'as bad' as the far right - see Ash Sarkar proudly proclaiming that she is a communist as an example.
It just seems like these younger generation aren't aware of the true horrors committed in the name of communism, and if they are, it was just that it just wasn't 'done right' then.As if that experiment hasn't been run enough times with tragic consequences.
• #56
All I heard miro say was; "centrist dad. Chinos. Chinos".
• #57
Apologies for the terrible video quality.
We're talking this type of collection right?
• #58
It just seems like these younger generation aren't aware of the true horrors committed in the name of communism, and if they are, it was just that it just wasn't 'done right' then.
That last part of your last sentence was thrown away in a very cavalier way.
• #59
People like Ash saying they're a communist is a reaction against the current neo-liberal system and government imposed austerity that has really affected our generation. It's an attempt to push society to a more even stance so people don't get left behind in poverty. I don't understand how anyone can think they want to go full Red October or that it's morally the equivalent of a right wing, nationalist stance.
• #60
Exactly as intended.
• #61
I’d go the other way...totally without principle, just chasing the money.
Will blow kisses to angry white men for money
• #62
I think promoting any extreme politics is a fundamentally a bad idea - if she is doing what you say she is doing then I guess I strongly disagree with her methods.
“I’m literally a communist, you idiot.”
That is absolutely 100% allying yourself with the communist ideology and all that entails.
I think that's a bad idea as it normalises an extremely damaging ideology. You wouldn't have anyone on daytime TV proclaiming that they are a Nazi (well I'm sure they could find someone but wouldn't let them on).
• #63
I don't understand how anyone can think they want to go full Red October or that it's morally the equivalent of a right wing, nationalist stance.
That is a product of how you see the debate though.
As an extreme e.g. if I wear a Swastika T-shirt and justify it by saying; "I support the Nazi policy aim of public work programmes, and public exercise incentives, not all the bad shit", everyone would have a fit and argue the point. But if I rock a t-shirt with a hammer and sickle no one would even ask the question as it's such a mainstream image it probably came from Topshop.
Also in relation to the moral equivalence - both require an extreme level of coercion by the state. That you personally think the destruction of property rights and redistribution of wealth based on a inevitably small cabal of peoples view is morally superior, is open to debate.
• #64
WAC +1
• #65
So if someone says "I'm a libertarian" then murders someone, that means all people that identify as libertarians also want to murder people?
• #66
Not looking to argue on the internet at all, but I think using that particular photo to suggest the man is racist is just wrong. Since when is Islam a race?
No mate, you were trying to imply he cant be racist by asking the rhetorical question 'when is Islam a race'.
Do one.
• #67
That's not the point
• #68
Factual and concise - yes, I think that will do.
• #69
OK take a read of this
110 million killed in Soviet Union from 1900 onward. And that's just one regime.
Those killings were made possible due to an ideology, just as the millions of killings under the Nazis were.
If the ideology allows these heinous things to take place (whether because it's a flawed system or flawed people exploit a system) then I don't think anyone should be proud to associate themselves to it.
If you are drawing an equivalence with your lone libertarian murderer then I find that a poor argument.
• #70
So if someone says "I'm a libertarian" then murders someone, that means all people that identify as libertarians also want to murder people?
No. But surely you must realise that is a silly comparison.
Having an strong authoritarian and coercive state is necessary to implement communism.
• #71
• #72
what if i say i'm a libertarian communist?
• #73
Exactly as intended.
I'll bite, even tho Sumo has already made half of my point.
It's not just that it wasn't 'done right' then. That it wasn't don't right is the whole point of why they are able to maintain their position as communists.
They are saying they support the economic ideology as a point of principle. They are not extending that support to say, the Khmer Rouge - probably because it goes without saying that you don't need to turn society into some fucked up middle age farming community to implement a communist economic policy in C21 Europe.
• #74
It's a fair point that people used the ideology as an excuse, but communism as an idea didn't cause those killings. At it's heart communism is about equality, all people being equal, the fact that there has been genocides in it's name doesn't change this. Whereas a nationalist ideology like Nazism is very much about one group of people being more important than others. That's why they can never be equivalents.
• #75
what if i say i'm a libertarian communist?
your a eejit
No one has even called him a Nazi yet.
I for one am ashamed of this place.