• #302
Hey @pedrito, why not start a 'is gofundme ethical' thread and leave this one to go it's own way?
• #303
If I give you a gift can I then instruct you on what you can do with it, and ask for updates to ensure compliance?
Doesn’t sound like a gift to me, that sounds like I’ve purchased some power over you in the act of giving you the money/item.
If you asked me for money for a train fare then spent the cash on a haircut I might feel taken advantage of. If you asked me for money to help with getting a new job then spent the cash on things associated with that goal, not so much.
Which of those two scenarios is most like what is happening here?
• #304
It's like the tubeless tyres thread, except instead of a page 1 to refer to every page has pedrito saying the same things over and over again
• #305
Maybe I was suggesting that flagrant abuse of social capital undermines the model.
• #306
Ignore function deployed.
Great work BRP, love your bags and your transparency.
• #307
Jeez has a new username I see
• #308
What model? What abuse? What suggestions?
• #309
Ok, I'm afraid I'm going to post another tldr post.
Maybe you consider yourself morally superior to me Pedrito... Because you would never do this, and never do that?
You want me to 'grow up and run a proper business'.
You think I 'shouldn't have asked for money'.
You think nothing 'qualifies' me for it.
You think it's 'cheeky' of me to ask.
You think I showed an 'outright refusal' to consider kickstarter.
You think I'm taking the 'lazy/easy' way.
You think I haven't 'costed anything'.
You think I have 'no idea' how far the amount I was hoping to reach will get me.
You think I don't have a 'plan', and if I knew all that I could just go straight to kickstarter with that number.
You think I am 'frivolously spunking peoples money up the wall'.
You imply that my gofundme is a failure because this thread has 10k plus views, and only 49 donations...and has only got me to '25% of my target in 6 months'...and 'the totals don't lie'.
You've used words like 'soliciting', 'exploiting', 'taken advantage of'.A big part of 'growing up' for me over the last year has meant admitting not only to others, but to myself that sometimes I need help.
Part of my fucked up self came from the fact that I would never ask for help, and never accept it when offered. I would tell myself I can handle things on my own.
Part of this 'handling things on my own' involved cutting myself, repeatedly. Out of self hatred and frustration, to derail my brain from whatever was causing me to feel those things.
Just recently things came very close to reaching a breaking point, where I nearly lost everything that matters to me, and it was only thanks to the belief, support, and willingness to give me another chance, of someone close to me, that finally made me realise that I needed help, because I couldn't sort myself out on my own.
And that is just what I will be doing. Seeking professional help for something I can't fix alone.
The same goes for BRP... I realised that I couldn't make it work on my own either. I needed to ask for help. And that is just what I did here. No matter what you may think, I don't find it 'easy' to do so. I didn't do it because I was too 'lazy' to try conventional methods. Believe me, I tried.
Loans, no. Government grants, no. EtcBelieve it or not, I have a plan, I did my costing, I knew how far the 6 grand would get me.
But what you don't seem to realise is that it was never intended to get me from nothing, to a finished company. It was the first stage in taking BRP in the right direction.
How do you think I can launch a successful kickstarter with no finished bags to show? How do you think I can make finished bags without first completing and testing the prototypes? How do you think I can make the prototypes without the machines to sew them on? How do you think I can install the machines without the tables and workshop to fit them into?You see my gofundme as a failure, because only a tiny fraction of the people who read this thread donated anything.
Well to you, my bottle may still be three quarters empty... But to me, its one quarter full...and I haven't spilled a drop!
I am eternally grateful to every single person who donated. Whether it was £5, or £100.
Many of these people I don't know any more than I know you. Some were completely anonymous donations. But every single one is just as appreciated as the next.
You think I spunked their money up the wall. In a way you're right. I spunked it up the wall, and across the floor. Because it is thanks to the generosity of these people that I was able to build my workbenches.
It is thanks to people buying my tee shirts and hoodies that I was able to pay for the first pieces of custom hardware.
I haven't stopped working towards my goal since before I even started the gofundme, and I won't stop working towards it even if it never gets another donation. I will keep working, saving, selling, designing, and doing everything I can to get BRP back in business.I'm not trying to exploit anyone, take advantage of anyone, or use my 'standing' on here. Most of the people on this forum have no idea who I am anymore or what I have done.
I asked for help because I need it... It really is that simple.
If that irritates you, makes you uncomfortable or offends you, then I'm sorry, but that is your problem. I'm not here to convince you that BRP is a 'worthy cause'.. Only you can decide that. I'm not claiming that I 'qualify' for it any more than anyone else. I'm not demanding anything, or telling people to donate to me instead of anyone else... I'm simply asking for help from a community I have tried my best to support whenever I could.I really don't want to devote any more time to this discussion than I already have.
At the end of the day, if anyone would like to donate, it is truly appreciated, and If you don't, for whatever reason, then don't. No hard feelings. Obviously I would prefer you not to use the thread to justify your reasons... But it is a forum after all, so if you feel it's necessary, go ahead.All the best.
Scott -
• #310
Here's a little picture (again) of what I 'spunked' all your donations on. Xxx
1 Attachment
• #311
No money at the moment, but you'll get a little once my compensation from an accident comes through. The only thing I want in return is to find out that @pedrito is actually a @Black_Rainbow_Project alias designed to exploit money from me in an elaborte scam, because that would be genius.
• #312
I'd spunk on that too.
• #313
Sorry to hijack this thread, but would anyone consider sending me a small gift of cash, to fund my new venture of following @peditro around this forum, 24 hours a day, and replying to every one of his posts with a badly drawn picture of a willy?
To be clear, you will get absolutely nothing in return.
• #314
What’s your usual day-rate and would I be able to claim the donation back against my taxes?
• #315
Wow. Donated. Good luck.
• #316
£37 per day and I'll help with your taxes by providing hand relief as you fill in the forms.
Final offer.
• #317
I know this isn't really the point, but the thread had 10 pages last night, at 25 posts a page. Each of the 49 people who had donated would only have had to check in to look at new posts like 5 times in total to get the thread views to 10k ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Plus I'm pretty sure that with this solid gold popcorn we're all looking for updates every 15 minutes anyway, right?
• #318
Completely off topic, but you might wanna change your avatar, seems DA are a bit racist.
• #319
Fuck's sake, ta 😬
• #320
the one-way transaction of money muddies the waters.
It doesn’t and it’s not even a transaction, from the Cambridge dictionary (you have to pay to access the OED);
noun [ C or U ] UK /trænˈzæk.ʃən/ US /trænˈzæk.ʃən/
C1 an occasion when someone buys or sells something, or when money is exchanged for the activity of buying or selling somethingNothing was bought, nothing was sold. Donations were made. It’s different.
“I would feel deeply uncomfortable asking for cash to fulfil an ambition that stood to only benefit me financially.”
This just further proves how disconnected and clueless you are.
Scott is well known for his generosity in support of courier and community events.
Additionally, the benefit of having a creative outlet will, I imagine, have an impact on Scott’s life that arguably dwarves the financial side of the business.
• #321
@pedrito is Lawrence "Larry the Liquidator" Garfield AICMFP
• #322
It is thanks to people buying my tee shirts and hoodies that I was able to pay for the first pieces of custom hardware.
key clips (please!)!!
• #323
1 Attachment
• #324
Here's some context for why people on here like Scott
https://www.flickr.com/groups/1183778@N23/pool/ -
• #325
Apart from following peditro around this forum, 24 hours a day, and replying to every one of his posts with a badly drawn picture of a willy?
Would you consider the occasional picture of well laid turd as well as picture of a willy?
Yes. Whether he will or not depends on a bunch of things that don't matter to the question.
It was discussed, you were told you were wrong, you continued trying to argue what is essentially an opinion about not being altruistic or things only being valid based on exchange, whether monetary or in kind. I find people who act like the world is only a money driven market quite irksome, and as a group, at fault for a lot of the worlds problems, maybe that's not you but it's the only thing you seem focused on, and makes you seem like a cunt, others may feel similarly. A post in another thread about cats or an opinion on that guy from mamnick being a racist and you may have been given more cunt leeway, but you've generally just hung around in this thread gradually irritating more and more people, with none seemingly agreeing with you.
Indeed, but you could've said that and fucked off about 3 pages ago and it'll be the one guy's opinion that no one else agrees with and left at that, but you seem insistent that if you keep saying you find it unconvincing for no actual reasons people will agree with you, when mainly it makes them call you a cunt.