Avatar for Black_Rainbow_Project


Member since Apr 2011 • Last active Dec 2024

Most recent activity

  • in Mechanics & Fixin'
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    I 'might' have found someone. 🤞
    But thank you!

  • in Mechanics & Fixin'
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    I've got an absolute fucking emergency here. I need to get a Rohloff to 50mm carbon rim built up tomorrow. Is there ANYONE on here who has various spoke lengths and can do it. I'm in East London, Hackney.
    SBC, BLB, and Paradise all appear to be closed tomorrow. I have loads of shifts I can't afford to miss and my current wheel split open today. 🙁

  • in The End is Nigh or The Future of LFGSS
    Avatar for Black_Rainbow_Project

    I literally have no fucking clue what I'm meant to do on there 🤷

  • in Miscellaneous and Meaningless
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    Feel free, for I know not what I do. 😁

  • in Miscellaneous and Meaningless
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    I'll look into it tonight. X

  • in Miscellaneous and Meaningless
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    Can we at least have a Bright Times Whatsapp group so I don't feel entirely cutoff from everything I'm into?

  • in Forums
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    Having been a member of LFGSS under some guise or another since there were less than 150 members, I can honestly say this place changed my life.
    The forum and its members, especially in those early days got me through one of the worst periods of my life and helped to give me purpose when I felt I had none.
    Over the years it also helped me to see and understand through the way I interacted on here parts of myself that I really didn't like. Unfortunately this resulted in me ruining friendships, and at times taking my self hatred to very dark places, but this was through no fault of the forum or its members.
    Having taken a step back from the 'front line' of the forum, and a step back from the social side, I still often remember so fondly the good memories and good people this place helped to bring into my life. The rides, the drinks, and the parties, are some of my happiest memories.
    Knowing that LFGSS is always there if and when I need to take a break from myself has been a safety net that is much needed.
    I feel genuinely sad to read that it might have to end, but will hold onto the memories even tighter.
    Velocio...you did something incredible here. You changed lives.
    Love always, Scottnotscot/Archiesgrobags/Black_Rainbow_Project

  • in General
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    For anyone who hasn't seen it yet, I strongly urge you to watch this.
    Like the film Klunkerz before it it documents one of the most important points in cycling history and is a great reminder of a time when fun was all that mattered. ❤️

  • in Current Projects
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    I would have had a set ages ago, but they wouldn't do a spider that fit my Gates ring. 🙄

  • in Current Projects
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    So is it a 30mm specific shell that won't work? You can't use a standard BB shell and then external cups to take the 30mm spindle?

    I guess a pair of raw cybercranks would be a nice alternative? 🤔
