• #11477
Earlier this evening there were 3.19M ballots (estimated) left to count in PA, with Trump with a majority of 491,337. That meant Biden needed 57.7% of the remaining ballots.
Before this that percentage had been going down nicely.
Now I'm back from a last-day-of-freedom curry the numbers look less good for Biden.
Trump winning by 393,197 with only an estimated ~1.12M ballots left to count, meaning that Biden needs 67.6% of those to overturn the majority.
Numbers are Caveat Grauniad (sourced from the AP) though.
• #11478
NV looks shaky but I don't know whether the remaining districts are predominantly Democrat, I'd expect they are but who knows for sure.
Personally I think PA will be immaterial in the end as I think GA might go blue anyway.
• #11479
That is what I thought as well. But the well dressed cnn people told me that most of those votes are in Philly, where approx. 76% right now has voted blue. It's quite a show this time.
Edit: 78.4% in Philly -
• #11480
Anyone watching Fox rn?
• #11481
Videos of 'stop the count' protestors in Detroit trying to force themselves into an electoral office (or whatever you call those places.)
https://twitter.com/PattersonNBC/status/1324086177885003778 -
• #11482
Anyone watching Fox rn?
• #11483
This. Is. Wild.
• #11484
Michigan estimated 54,000 votes left to declare with Biden 61,235 ahead. That's got to be called now...
• #11485
It's just I'm watching cnn (for the first time in 4 odd years) and although they are all quite decent and eloquent, it's also clear to me they're out on a Biden win. I'm curious if Fox is showing the same figures and numbers, or that they are perhaps making the same allogations that trump is making in terms of fraud, stop the count etc.
• #11486
The Guardian have Biden:Trump at 248:214. The BBC have it as 227:214. Why the difference?
• #11487
• #11488
Cause a lot of states have not counted enough ballots to be claimed. I notice that different networks claim states earlier than others.
• #11489
Everything still a prediction using diff sources.
• #11490
• #11491
Maybe bbc as a state network has to be more careful (chosing colour)?
• #11492
Been a fairly spicy day so far and it's only getting spicier. My partner is american so have some skin in the game
Florida going red was quite sad. Ohio iirc always seemed to close to flip.
Then Arizona getting called very early was a bit wierd, but in a good way
I'd read a lot that the postal votes in PA would swing it back but it really seemed gone. Wi coming back and now the guardian have Michigan with a Biden lead greater than the votes left to count have me believingI see north carolina and georgia creeping towards blue, but if nevada holds (big if) its all over... bar the lawsuits
• #11493
Trump protesters at this point:
• #11494
hopefully it's more
• #11495
Corey Feldman just tweeted this:
• #11496
I do think that Biden will get to 270 but that will only be the start of it not the end. There's some weird unbelievable stuff cummin down the tracks.
• #11497
Definitely. There are some legal teams about to make many millions over the next few weeks...
• #11498
The Trump campaign and the blonde lady White house spokesperson have announced PA as a Trump win based on absolutely nothing
• #11499
Bush Jr. vs. Gore...
• #11500
Michigan been called by CNN for Biden
PA can still go blue. Analysis on cnn, be it biased but well explained, show that a large part of the remaining ballots are likely to vote Biden. This may be a long week, because the last ballots will be counted on Friday. God I hope we can close this thread by then...