• #28627
Yep fair enough, I only know because I’ve lived elsewhere. I’d reckon there are tables somewhere, but off the top of my head I can tell you some of what you can take duty free into Mexico as part of your personal allowance, new or used (this list is not advice; also not declaring items intended for sale will get one time in a Mexican jail, where beds and personal safety aren’t guaranteed)-
Reasonable amount of clothes for the trip in or abroad (say, 2.5 costume changes a day?), 2 cameras, 3 mobile phones, 1 GPS, 4 fishing rods, 30 CDs, 10 DVDs, 1 gaming console, 5 video games, 1 blood pressure monitor, 3L booze, 6L wine, 1 set of hand tools, 1 pair binoculars, 1 telescope, 2 musical instruments. Plus $300 USD worth of other merchandise most of the year.
• #28628
Oh dear! I bet most of them voted out:
• #28629
I don’t understand, isn’t this what they wanted? I’m so confused.
• #28630
We reap what we sow, it would appear. I get the sense they didn’t really think their ‘leave’ vote through. C’est la vie.
• #28631
Next thing, you’ll be telling me the people of Sunderland actually want to keep their Nissan plant!
• #28632
To be fair, none of us knew this exactly what will happen in Kent.
• #28633
Nissan is leaving Europe altogether to focus on China I think.
• #28634
So, it would’ve been alright if a massive lorry park was built on someone else’s doorstep as a result of their vote?
• #28635
So they all voted leave? Including the 17 year old...
• #28636
I think the point is that Leave didn’t have to mean lorry park. It just did in this dimension.
• #28637
Unless they are a particularly unrepresentative sample of the local population, then I think it’s safe to assume a large majority of them did.
• #28638
Im disappointed that gaurdian didn’t get a quote from a leave voter for the Lolz.
• #28639
No, that can’t be right. Surely people who voted to make such a large change to their country would have carefully considered that various things might not turn out well for them personally? They won, they should really get over it.
• #28640
Only about 50% of the electorate voted leave so probably not.
• #28641
They knew exactly what they were voting for after all.
I hope the guy that's 'considering putting his house on the market' was a leave voter - I'm sure that a house next door to a massive lorry park / pissoir will be snapped up. Mug.
(If not, my sympathies obviously)
• #28642
Somewhat higher in Kent I believe.
• #28643
Millions in London voted leave, far more than the hundreds of thousands that voted leave in Kent, maybe they should stick it in Regents park.
• #28644
To be fair, they might have all been voting for that Daniel hannan version of Brexit, where nobody was talking about leaving the customs union and single market.
• #28645
62% in Dover with 76% turn out, work out to about 50% voting leave. Still as it was a national vote London has a lot more to answer for than Kent.
• #28646
You’d think, if your local economy was so intricately entwined in the business of cross-border trading, you’d be extra careful about voting to give a bunch of swivel-eyed hot-dog salesmen carte blanche to make big changes.
• #28647
I think that's an unreasonable interpretation of the results. Using the same logic the - 40 % of the London leave, given a 70 % turnout gives a c.30% leave vote...
• #28648
They can build the car park on top of their houses for all I care.
1 Attachment
• #28649
49k in Newham voted leave, should we stick one there as well?
• #28650
might improve the area.
when i lived in thionville, the main attraction of luxembourg for the french lads i knew was red bull – then not available in france (but weirdly, something called 'burn' was, which was coke with added coffee flavour and caffeine)