• #10427
Is the DUP known for backing down, publicly changing their position and accepting that they have to give in to the will of another?
• #10428
It is as plain as the nose on my face that this proposal would be unacceptable to the DUP. How the Government and civil service overlooked this is anybody’s guess.
• #10429
I suspect the civil service were and are very aware, but their political masters are almost all total fuckwits.
• #10430
"Apart from access to abortion and same sex marriage."
• #10431
If May goes to EU membership but without any say, she meets the DUP's requirements. Which I'm enjoying.
• #10432
It's good that Labour have good female seniors it'll be better when they are in serious contention for the leadership.
Perhaps I've misunderstood but it seems a strange argument to me that Tory women are only successfully because they are Tories. To me proving it can be done in a sexist system is pretty admirable. Thatcher to my mind had one of the most destructive periods of government although think docklands development was under her? But her work ethic alone seems pretty impressive.
Would it be better if both had developed more policies for women, of course but that's also not exactly their politics. -
• #10433
And to add insult to injury, the DUP and UUP were a little more moderate over a year ago, until somebody got their "no borders around Ireland (the island)" out and next thing the hard brexits were on the table.
What Arlene says is bollix of course, the UK states can already make their own laws in some aspects!!! But if they agree with this, the wee Scottish battleaxe (and I mean that lovingly) will come knocking and then suddenly all the UK satire pisstakes about the SNP and independence aren't so funny anymore either :)
Maybe they are just playing the bad guy for May? (where's my alufoil) :)
• #10434
The DUP position is mystifying.
Take health for example. As a maniland-based Brit if I need healthcare in another EU country, I better have my E111, (or whatever it is now termed), on me.
One of the examples of cross-border cooperation recently detailed was the absence of any form of border for any patient either side of the 'on-the-map' border.
Indeed, were we not recently told that there are 142 examples of integration between NI & Eire,
including, very economically importantly, the movement of livestock and dairy produce, with benefits denied to the mainland because of lingering concerns about BSE and the Foot&Mouth outbreak.
The DUP seem very happy with this level of 'separation'. -
• #10435
There has been work to make medical personnel responsible for checking that the person they are treating is eligible for said treatment - if you are a sociopathic cunt that looks like a pretty easy way to resolve the issue, simply insist that the Dr/Nurse stops all treatment if the patient can't provide a blue passport.
• #10437
Hi Ireland and EU, fancy re-negotiating a hard won legal agreement and risk rocking the boat?
Ehm why?
Oh we want a hard brexit
What does the population of NI think?
Oh well who cares...Would not have flown then either :)
• #10438
I wasn’t paying attention earlier today, have I got this right? The ROI won’t allow progress on a Brexit deal that doesn’t keep NI aligned with the EU, no border controls. If the UK government tries to agree a deal that treats NI differently from the rest of the UK, the DUP will bring down the government. The obvious solution (if you absolutely must keep up the pretence that you’ve left the EU) is a Norwegian-style EEA deal, but the Tory Brexit headbangers will bring down the government. It’s almost as if no one thought all this through before the referendum. Maybe we should just just admit it can’t be done and call it off?
• #10439
But you fail to understand that Theresa May and David Davis are strong, stable, competent negotiators who will have gateaux and gorge on it, with no concessions.
• #10440
who will have gateaux
Not with all the diabetes
• #10441
Pretty much, but we can't continue regulatory alignment due to the hard Brexiters- aka a group of millionaires with their money off-shore, hidden from HMRC, who are shitting themselves about the upcoming EU regs on -you guessed it- hiding your cash from the tax authorities.
• #10442
Why don't any of them give a shit about uncontrolled (Free!) movement of people over the Irish border? Because they never cared about that at all- the xenophobic campaigning was 100% cynical, appealing to Daily Mailers sense of white-victimhood, and only ever a means to a -tax haven- end.
Voted Leave? You are Rees-Moggs useful idiot.
• #10443
Couple of comments:
1) Theresa May is, and has been as long as I've been aware of her political career, a horrible person. That is a fact regardless of her sex/gender. Let's not forget this one example:
Here's a longer list Owen Jones compiled: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/jun/14/theresa-may-must-go-election-campaign
2) With Rees-Mogg and friends coming out as in 'alignment' with the DUP, there is a risk of escalation. If parliament falls (a distinct possibility), and/or May gets the boot (a certainty if parliament falls, a strong possibility regardless), and is replaced by one of the hard-Brexiteers (they're certainly making moves for the position), we risk a situation where England ends up putting up a border in Ireland despite the wishes of the local population and their neighbors. I can't see that ending well.
This would also mean May could be out before Trump, and Britain may "build the wall" before the US.
• #10444
This has aged well;
• #10445
A slap in the face for the hard Brexiteers, Ireland is now more powerful than the U.K.;
• #10446
Amazing how many underlying assumptions there are in that article.
The two key ones are;
- TM could not be so incompetent as to throw away a 28 point lead
- Trump's administration will be bad but there are enough adults in DC to make it function.
- TM could not be so incompetent as to throw away a 28 point lead
• #10447
Now Ruth Davidson has waded in saying the whole U.K. should stay in the single market.
• #10448
May should call Foster’s bluff. Just tell her that’s the deal, take it or leave it, if the latter can we have our £1 billion back, how do you get on with Mr Corbyn btw?
• #10449
Either that or, at least as likely, 'How about £2bn?'
• #10450
And some flags.
Surely the only way forward is to sufficiently scare Arlene with the spectre of Corbyn that she U-turns, or for May to buckle on CU, SM, FoM and ECJ?